Businessman was forced to live in a pigsty after he accused his partner of affair, court hears – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 20th, 2019 in compensation, divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, housing, news, rent by tracey

‘A businessman was forced to live in a pigsty after he accused his ex partner of having an affair, a court has heard.

The pigsty was in the grounds of the £1m home in Upminster, Essex, and he told Central London County Court that his ex partner of 37 years excluded him from the house.
The couple, who have two children, ended up in court after he launched a claim to claim money from her for the time he spent living out of the home.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 19th June 2019


Financial Remedy & Divorce Update, May 2019 – Family Law Week

Posted May 20th, 2019 in divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, news, pensions, reasons by tracey

‘Rose-Marie Drury, Senior Associate, Mills & Reeve LLP analyses the news and case law relating to financial remedies and divorce during April 2019.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 14th May 2019


Speech by The Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Hamblen: Litigating financial disputes in London and the Financial List – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘Speech by The Rt Hon Sir Nicholas Hamblen: Litigating financial disputes in London and the Financial List.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 7th May 2019


Private Lives and Public Sorrows – Family Law Week

‘Hazel Wright, Partner with Hunters Solicitors, highlights three cases which have emphasised the usefulness to family lawyers of the Human Rights Act.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 30th April 2019


Paying for privacy? – Family Law

‘Stuart Clark, partner at The International Family Law Group LLP examines a recent Court of Appeal decision on privacy in family law cases and asks whether in practice anonymity is the preserve of only the very wealthy.’

Full Story

Family Law, 16th April 2019


Giving hope to all concierges who date cosmetics heiresses – Transparency Project

‘Giving hope to all concierges who date cosmetics heiresses,* The Times tells us that ‘Concierge who wed Avon heiress wins £1.3 million despite pre-nup deal’.’

Full Story

Transparency Project, 11th April 2019


Divorce to be wholly online “within months” – Legal Futures

‘Every family law practitioner will have felt the effects of court modernisation in their daily practice within a year, with the remaining parts of the divorce process moving online within months, the president of the Family Division has declared.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th April 2019


The Inheritance Act and Adult Child Claimants – recent guidance from the Chancery Division – Family Law Week

‘Gwyn Evans, barrister of Tanfield Chambers, explains the court’s judgment in a recent Inheritance Act case involving an estranged adult claimant, reliant on state benefits, and defendants for whom inheritance was a windfall.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 29th March 2019


Midwife wins legal battle with CEO ex over £1m home after he promised her half of property in pub – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 15th, 2019 in cohabitation, families, financial dispute resolution, midwives, news by sally

‘A midwife has beaten her CEO ex-partner in a legal battle over their £1 million home, after a High Court judge agreed he promised her half the property during a conversation in the pub 13 years ago.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 14th March 2019


Selling matrimonial property – Family Law

Posted March 1st, 2019 in divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, housing, news by tracey

‘Following a separation with a spouse or partner, it is common for a property to be sold. Jason Weeks, CEO & Co-Founder of, a global platform for real estate services, looks at this issue.’

Full Story

Family Law, 1st March 2019


BC v BG – Cementing the future of arbitration – Family Law Week

Posted February 11th, 2019 in arbitration, divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, news by tracey

‘Julie Stather, barrister, Crown Office Row, Brighton considers the role of arbitration and what the future holds for the scheme.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 8th February 2019


Potential use of share options in divorce settlements – Family Law

Posted January 17th, 2019 in divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, news, shareholders by tracey

‘In this article, Trevor Slack, a partner at Griffins and former principal at Charles River Associates, discusses an approach that may be taken in valuing a family business in divorce proceedings.’

Full Story

Family Law, 16th January 2019


Relationships as seen in the eyes of the law – Family Law

‘Relationships have been in the news in 2018. Not only did we see two Royal weddings, but at the opposite end of the romance spectrum, in June the UK Supreme Court ruled that it was discriminatory not to allow opposite-sex couples to form civil partnerships. Dianne Millen, an associate at Morton Fraser in Edinburgh, looks at relationships as seen in the eyes of the law.’

Full Story

Family Law, 13th November 2018


The Financial Remedies Court: Latest Developments – Family Law Week

Posted October 15th, 2018 in courts, families, financial dispute resolution, news, pilot schemes by tracey

‘Matthew Richardson, family barrister at Coram Chambers, provides an update on the progress of the Financial Remedies Court and highlights that rollout dates are soon to be announced.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 14th October 2018


City firms launch review into dispute resolution for companies wronged by banks after RBS scandal – Daily Telegraph

‘City firms have launched a review into dispute resolution for companies wronged by banks, in the wake of the scandal over RBS’s mistreatment of small businesses. UK Finance, the lobby group for 300 British finance companies, has commissioned an independent study to analyse how complaints and disputes can be resolved in a more time and cost effective manner.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 29th April 2018


Speech by Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court: Integrity and independence in the judiciary and the financial services industry – a comparative study – Courts & Tribunals Judiciary

‘Speech by Sir Geoffrey Vos, Chancellor of the High Court: Integrity and independence in the judiciary and the financial services industry – a comparative study.’

Full speech

Courts & Tribunals Judiciary, 21st March 2018


A new financial court for the super wealthy? – Transparency Project

Posted December 11th, 2017 in courts, divorce, financial dispute resolution, judges, news by sally

‘The Times and The Telegraph are reporting that new courts are being established to deal with the financial side of divorces for the wealthy.’

Full Story

Transparency Project, 8th December 2017


New courts planned to hear super-wealthy battle over finances – Daily Telegraph

‘Divorce battles among the super wealthy will be heard in separate courts under a plan to make the system more efficient, the head of the family court has announced.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 4th December 2017


Financial Remedies Courts should lead to ‘greater predictability’ – Family Law

Posted December 6th, 2017 in courts, divorce, families, financial dispute resolution, news, pilot schemes by sally

‘Legal experts believe new Financial Remedies Courts (FRCs) should provide claimants and respondents with greater predictability, when resolving financial claims on relationship breakdown. Three FRCs will be piloted in London, the West Midlands and South East Wales from February 2018. Judges in FRCs will have a greater level of expertise in financial cases. Partners at Mishcon de Reya and Alexiou Fisher Philipps say this will lead to greater predictability of outcome, which the Law Commission has found is not always the case at present, and that it will free up more time in the overburdened family courts.’

Full Story

Family Law, 6th December 2017


Divorced helicopter pilot who refuses to leave the marital home could be jailed – Daily Telegraph

‘A helicopter pilot who barricaded himself in the home he lost in his £6m divorce will be jailed if he does not get out of the property by next week.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th July 2016
