High Court backs former Claims Direct boss over £21m claim – Legal Futures

Posted September 4th, 2019 in breach of trust, claims management, fiduciary duty, fraud, news by sally

‘Colin Poole, the former chief executive of Claims Direct and a struck-off solicitor, has won a High Court battle with shareholders over an alleged £21m debt.’

Full Story

Legal Futrues, 4th September 2019

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Court strikes out “incomprehensible” claim against law firm – Legal Futures

‘The High Court has struck out a claim for professional negligence, breach of contract and fiduciary duty made against a central London law firm which was based on “incomprehensible pleadings”.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 1st August 2019

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Diversion of a Business Opportunity: Recovery Partners & anor v Mr Rukhadze & ors [2018] EWHC 2918 (Comm) – Blackstone Chambers

‘The High Court recently had reason to consider liability where individuals, who owe fiduciary duties to a company, divert for themselves a business opportunity.’

Full Story

Blackstone Chambers, 25th February 2019

Source: www.employeecompetition.com

Howard Grossman: Northampton Town ‘missing millions’ developer banned – BBC News

Posted February 5th, 2019 in accounts, company directors, fiduciary duty, insolvency, loans, news, sport by tracey

‘A property developer has been banned from running companies for 10 years after failing to provide accounting records to explain more than £5m missing from a football club loan.’

Full Story

BBC News, 5th February 2019

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Letters to art experts not covered by litigation privilege – Litigation Futures

‘Letters between Sotheby’s and two art experts concerning the authenticity of an Old Master painting sold for over $11m are not covered by litigation privilege, the High Court has ruled.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 27th November 2018

Source: www.litigationfutures.com

Lord Briggs at the Denning Society Annual Lecture, Lincoln’s Inn – Supreme Court

Posted November 16th, 2018 in equity, estoppel, fiduciary duty, forfeiture, lectures, rectification, solicitors by tracey

‘Lord Briggs at the Denning Society Annual Lecture, Lincoln’s Inn.’

Full speech

Supreme Court, 8th November 2018

Source: www.supremecourt.uk

Help! Somebody has stolen my client list – Henderson Chambers

Posted August 9th, 2018 in confidentiality, copyright, database right, fiduciary duty, news, pleadings by sally

‘Companies can invest significant sums in the creation and maintenance of their client lists. Unsurprising, their client lists are often closely guarded. But what if protections fail? Under the Copyright and Rights in Databases Regulations 1997, firms can bring actions against those that access and download their client list (for instance, a former employee). The wronged party can demand the return or destruction of the confidential information, an injunction to prevent its use and damages for any losses.’

Full Story

Henderson Chambers, July 2018

Source: 3yf6pp3bqg8c3rycgf1gbn9w-wpengine.netdna-ssl.com

Judgment of the Court of Appeal in Lehtimäki v The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (UK) and others [2018] EWCA Civ 1605 – Radcliffe Chambers

Posted August 6th, 2018 in charities, company law, fiduciary duty, news by sally

‘Mark Mullen appeared for HM Attorney General before the Court of Appeal in Lehtimäki v The Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (UK) and others [2018] EWCA Civ 1605.

In the claim, the claimant (‘CIFF’), a company limited by guarantee and a registered charity, sought approval of the making of a grant of $360 million to a new charity established by one of its directors.’

Full Story

Radcliffe Chambers, 6th July 2018

Source: www.radcliffechambers.com

Pair were shadow directors but didn’t breach duties, says court – OUT-LAW.com

Posted May 9th, 2018 in company directors, fiduciary duty, news by tracey

‘Two men were found to be shadow directors of an insolvent property development company and so did owe the company fiduciary duties but their behaviour did not breach those duties, the High Court has ruled.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 8th May 2018

Source: www.out-law.com

Supreme Court: use of corporate vehicles did not avoid limitation exception – OUT-LAW.com

‘Company directors were said to be responsible for assets despite their use of corporate vehicles, the Supreme Court has ruled (12-page / 157KB PDF). The ruling means that a six year limitation period stopping liquidators taking legal action against the directors does not apply. This case will impact future misfeasance actions. Director and officer indemnity insurers should take note of this decision as it confirms that the English courts are unwilling to accept the six-year limitation defence for actions against directors following the disposal of company assets in breach of fiduciary duty for economic gain.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 23rd March 2018

Source: www.out-law.com

Collection of fees in receivables finance agreement must not be “arbitrary, capricious or irrational” says High Court – OUT-LAW.com

Posted August 2nd, 2017 in banking, Cayman Islands, fees, fiduciary duty, indemnities, news, receivers by tracey

‘The High Court has found that a lender must be rational when exercising its contractual discretion to charge collection fees under a receivables finance agreement. The agreement allowed for fees of up to 15%, however, the maximum chargeable for the lender to remain compliant with its duty was found, in this case, to be 4%.’

Full Story

OUT-LAW.com, 1st august 2017

Source: www.out-law.com

Liability of trustees in bankruptcy: important new Court of Appeal case – 4 New Square

Posted June 9th, 2017 in bankruptcy, fiduciary duty, judgments, news, trustees in bankruptcy by sally

‘The liability of trustees in bankruptcy to bankrupts is a curiously under – developed area of law. There has been a lack of clarity the circumstances in which a trustee can be liable to a bankrupt personally (rather than liable for losses to the bankrupt’s estate). However, this issue came before the Court of Appeal last month (judgment handed down 25 May 2017).’

Full Story

4 New Square, 8th June 2017

Source: www.4newsquare.com

Ukip threatened with legal action if Woolfe stood for leader – The Guardian

Posted August 15th, 2016 in elections, electronic mail, fiduciary duty, news, political parties, time limits by sally

‘UKIP’s leadership contest has been thrown into fresh controversy as a leaked email reveals that the party was threatened with legal action by two of the candidates if frontrunner Steven Woolfe were allowed to stand.’

Full story

The Guardian, 13th August 2016

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Fiduciary Duties, Football, and the Fundamental Importance of the Contractual Relationship – Sports Law Bulletin

‘Can a senior employee be ordered to pay back his past contractual remuneration to his employer as a remedy for breach of fiduciary duty, in particular a duty to confess his own wrongdoing? There has been an increasing trend over the past few years for employers, outraged at the belatedly discovered wrongdoing of a trusted senior employee, to not only seek to justify summary dismissal on the basis of after-discovered gross misconduct but also to go a step further and try to recover the salaries or bonuses already paid to the employee prior to discovery of the misconduct.’

Full story

Sports Law Bulletin, 7th June 2016

Source: www.sportslawbulletin.org

Pursuing damages for bribery in the civil courts – OUT-LAW.com

‘Under the 2010 Bribery Act, bribery is a criminal offence and companies are required to have in place adequate procedures in order to prevent those associated with them from undertaking bribery. Adequate procedures provide the company with a defence to the criminal offences set out in the Act. However, what is often overlooked is the ability of the company to pursue both the recipient of the bribe as well as the briber for its financial losses and, in some cases, damages for fraud.’

Full story

OUT-LAW.com, 16 February 2016

Source: www.out-law.com

Compensation Fund could pay the price after High Court buy-to-let ruling – Legal Futures

‘The Solicitors Compensation Fund could be hit by a new wave of property claims after a High Court ruling on two test cases relating to a buy-to-let scheme.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 7th November 2014

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Court lifts £1.6m freezing order against City solicitor – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 10th, 2014 in fiduciary duty, fraud, freezing injunctions, news, solicitors by sally

‘The High Court has lifted a £1.6m freezing order against a solicitor after declaring that it was based ‘on the flimsiest foundations’.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 9th October 2014

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Proprietary remedies, fiduciary bribes, and dishonest assistants: FHR and Novoship – Employment Law Blog

Posted October 2nd, 2014 in appeals, bribery, constructive trusts, fiduciary duty, news, Supreme Court by tracey

‘Directors and senior employees will often have wide-ranging managerial power over their companies: the ability to commit or disburse company assets, with significant autonomy and limited detailed oversight. Those in such positions will not always act responsibly, and will be attractive targets to others seeking a share of the potential spoils. In two important judgments from July, the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court significantly increased the remedies available against both bribed fiduciaries and those who bribe them.’

Full story

Employment Law Blog, 2nd Ocotber 2014

Source: www.employment11kbw.com

Bribes and secret commissions: Cedar in the Supreme Court – New Square Chambers

Posted September 3rd, 2014 in agency, bribery, equity, fiduciary duty, news, trusts by sally

‘What claim does a principal have where an agent or other fiduciary receives a bribe or secret commission in breach of the duty owed to him? Is the principal confined to a personal claim for equitable compensation from the fiduciary or canhe show that the bribe or commission was held on trust for him? After two centuries of debate in and out of the courts, the Supreme Court in FHR European Ventures LLP v Cedar Capital Partners [2014] UKSC 45 determined that the bribe or commission is held on trust such that the principal does enjoy a proprietary claim.’

Full story

New Square Chambers, 14th August 2014

Source: www.newsquarechambers.co.uk

Richmond Pharmacology Ltd v Chester Overseas Ltd and others – WLR Daily

Richmond Pharmacology Ltd v Chester Overseas Ltd and others [2014] EWHC 2692 (Ch); [2014] WLR (D) 365

‘The test of whether there was a breach of the duty under section 175 of the Companies Act 2006 was objective, and did not depend on whether the director was aware that what he was doing was a breach of his duty. It was no defence to a claim for breach of this duty that the director had acted in good faith. Nor was it a defence that the director had acted reasonably, but wrongly, had thought that he had been entitled to do what he had done.’

WLR Daily, 1st August 2014

Source: www.iclr.co.uk