UK banks defend ‘rip-off’ overdraft charges – The Times

Posted January 18th, 2008 in banking, fees, news by sally

“A High Court test case that could shape the future of the UK retail banking industry finally got under way today when lawyers for eight of Britain’s leading banks began defending allegations of charging ‘rip-off’ fees.”

Full story

The Times, 17th January 2008


Crane v Canons Leisure Centre – Times Law Reports

Posted January 10th, 2008 in costs, fees, law reports, solicitors by sally

Crane v Canons Leisure Centre

Court of Appeal

“When costs consultants were instructed by solicitors to conduct a detailed costs assessment under a collective conditional fee agreement, where the solicitors remained responsible for the proper conduct of the work, the satellite fees were base costs, not disbursements and a success fee was payable on them.”

The Times, 10th January 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Public law family fees – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 20th, 2007 in adoption, children, consultations, family courts, fees by sally

“A consultation on the government’s strategy for developing the fees system in the civil and family courts of England and Wales. The consultation sets out proposals to:

  • make changes to court fees in relation to Public Law Children Act process
  • make changes to fees charged for Adoption proceedings.”

Public Law Family Fees Consultation Paper (PDF)

Questionnaire (Word)

Ministry of Justice, 19th December 2007


Consultation on claims management regulation – responses to consultation on fee levels – Ministry of Justice

Posted December 14th, 2007 in claims management, compensation, consultations, fees by sally

“This consultation seeks views on proposals for claims management regulation fee levels for 2008/09. The consultation is aimed at those authorised to provide regulated claims management services under the Compensation Act 2006.”

Full responses to consultation

Ministry of Justice, 14th December 2007


Access to Justice – Speech by Mr Justice Lightman

Posted December 13th, 2007 in dispute resolution, fees, legal aid, speeches by sally

Access to Justice (PDF)

Speech by Mr Justice Lightman

The Law Society, 5th December 2007


Plan to reduce legal fees ‘jeopardises terror trials’ – The Times

Posted December 10th, 2007 in barristers, fees, news, terrorism by sally

“Moves to reduce drastically the fees that barristers earn in long, complex cases will put at risk 14 terrorism trials due to start next year, the new head of the Bar will say today.”

Full story

The Times, 10th December 2007


Dementia widow wins fight to recover nursing home costs – The Times

Posted November 22nd, 2007 in care homes, elderly, fees, news by sally

“A dementia sufferer has won a landmark High Court battle to force the NHS to pay her nursing home fees.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd November 2007


Civil court fees – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 2nd, 2007 in consultations, fees by sally

“Responses to consultation on civil court fees published today.”

Full report

Ministry of Justice, 2nd November 2007


Divorce lawyers ‘put fees before clients’ – The Independent

Posted October 16th, 2007 in divorce, fees, legal profession, news by sally

“Sir Paul McCartney and Heather Mills are the latest celebrity couple to find out the hard way that divorce often ends in a long, acrimonious and expensive court battle. But many costly annulments could be avoided if alternative and less hostile means of separation were explored first, new research suggests.”

Full story

The Independent, 16th October 2007


Cashflow crisis – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 12th, 2007 in fees, legal aid, special report by sally

“This month marks the beginning of a new era in civil legal aid. but many who work in the field believe the arrival of fixed fees is a disaster for the profession. Jon Robins reports.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 11th October 2007


Delivering value – but at what cost? – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 12th, 2007 in fees, law firms, news by sally

“This is an edited version of Stop the Clock?, a research report on value and fees in legal services produced by the Commerce & Industry Group and accountants and business advisers BDO Stoy Hayward.”

Full story 

Law Society’s Gazette, 11th October 2007 


Related link: Stop the clock? (PDF) – Commerce & Industry Group

New graduated fees guidance – Bar Council

Posted October 8th, 2007 in barristers, fees, press releases by sally

“The Bar Council has issued a new guidance on criminal graduated fees.”

Press release

Bar Council, 5th October 2007


LSC faces judicial review – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted October 5th, 2007 in fees, judicial review, mental health, news by sally

“The Mental Health Lawyers Association (MHLA) has launched judicial review proceedings against the Legal Services Commission (LSC) over its decision to introduce a fixed-fee scheme for mental health work.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 4th October 2007


Vos calls for end to barristers’ hourly billing – Legal Week

Posted October 4th, 2007 in barristers, fees, legal aid, news by sally

“Legal aid barristers should stop billing by the hour and move towards fixed fees, Bar Council chairman Geoffrey Vos stated in his speech at the Conservative Party Conference yesterday (2 October).”

Full story

Legal Week, 3rd October 2007


Vos lays out Vision for Future of Justice – Bar Council

Posted October 2nd, 2007 in barristers, fees, legal services, press releases by sally

“Chairman of the Bar Council, Geoffrey Vos QC will today outline his vision for the future of justice, calling for the Bar to work alongside Government as part of the public service system.”

Press release

Bar Council, 2nd October 2007


Top judge issues warning as radical cost budgeting looms – Legal Week

Posted September 27th, 2007 in costs, fees, law firms, news by sally

“A senior costs judge has warned law firms that they may soon have to set out their costs at the outset of cases as part of a radical clampdown on escalating fees.”

Full story

Legal Week, 27th September 2007


In-house lawyers call for flexible billing arrangements – The Times

Posted September 27th, 2007 in fees, news by sally

“In-house lawyers are willing to pay higher legal fees for top-value advice but only if they can save costs on routine work, a new survey shows.”

Full story

The Times, 26th September 2007


No-win, no-fee lawyers say rising claims are just start of the deluge

Posted September 21st, 2007 in equal pay, fees, news, tribunals by sally

“Stefan Cross, the solicitor behind the rise of no-win no-fee equal-pay claims clogging the tribunal system, said yesterday that the cases against local authorities were the beginning of a deluge. The former care home worker estimates that there are 50,000 claims currently waiting to be heard at tribunal with just 25 independent experts working on them.”

Full story

The Times, 21st September 2007


Chairman’s end of summer report to all members of the Bar – The Bar Council

Posted September 14th, 2007 in barristers, fees, legal services by sally

“The Chairman of the Bar Council, Geoffrey Vos QC, is today sending out a letter to all members of the Bar providing a report on developments over the summer. This includes progress on matters such as Graduated Fees, VHCCs and the Legal Services Bill.”

Full text of letter

The Bar Council, 13th September 2007


Bar Council delays new fee contract scheme – The Lawyer

Posted September 4th, 2007 in barristers, contracts, fees, news, solicitors by sally

“The new fee contract between barristers and solicitors, which was due to be introduced on 1 October, is being delayed by a year.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 3rd September 2007
