MP bids to lift secrecy in family courts – The Daily Telegraph

Posted July 9th, 2007 in adoption, family courts, news by sally

“A legal bid to lift the secrecy surrounding children taken from parents and put up for adoption has been launched by an MP.”

Full story

The Daily Telegraph, 7th July 2007


The Ears of the Child in Family Proceedings – Speech by Lord Justice Wilson

Posted June 29th, 2007 in children, family courts by sally

The Ears of the Child in Family Proceedings (PDF)

Speech by Lord Justice Wilson, 28th June 2007


Don’t ignore children, urges judge – The Times

Posted June 29th, 2007 in children, family courts, news by sally

“A senior family judge has urged his fellow judges to stop children from being sidelined in court proceedings so that they failed to understand what was going on.”

Full story

The Times, 29th June 2007


More family cases go behind closed doors – The Times

Posted June 21st, 2007 in family courts, news, private hearings by sally

“Thousands of children’s care cases will be heard behind closed doors under proposals from the Lord Chancellor yesterday that extend courts’ powers to exclude the media.”

Full story

The Times, 21st June 2007


U-turn over plan for media in family courts – The Guardian

Posted June 20th, 2007 in family courts, news by sally

“The government is expected to do a U-turn today on its proposal to open up the family courts to the media, in the face of opposition from lawyers, social workers, young people and children’s organisations.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th June 2007


The judge with children at heart – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 31st, 2007 in family courts, judges, special report by sally

“Nick Crichton takes children into care. Sitting as a full-time judge at the specialist family proceedings court in central London, he knows there is little chance that mothers will get their children back once the local authority has put them into long-term fostering or adoption.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st May 2007


From start to finish – one case, one judge – The Times

Posted April 17th, 2007 in family courts, judges by sally

“If there’s a theme to his coming year in office it has to be judge power. District Judge Michael Tennant favours judges having powers to enforce orders for contact with children when flouted by parents; he favours judges being in charge of a case from start to finish; and above all he would like more resources for the courts — although that one, he accepts, is likely to remain on his wish list.”

Full story

The Times, 17th April 2007
