Ian Stewart: Sons granted £185k confiscation order – BBC News
‘The sons of a double murderer are to share £185,000 from their mother’s estate, a court has ruled.’
BBC News, 28th July 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘The sons of a double murderer are to share £185,000 from their mother’s estate, a court has ruled.’
BBC News, 28th July 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Identity of one’s self is important in almost every aspect of one’s life. And this is also the case when it comes to trying to prove your identity in the legal sphere, namely, immigration. This pursuit of identity has been problematic for those children born out of wedlock in countries such as Jamaica, where giving birth to a child out of wedlock still attracts scorn and ostracism and subsequently struggle to prove their paternity for immigration purposes.’
EIN Blog, 25th July 2022
Source: www.ein.org.uk
‘Victims of domestic abuse can be spared from being cross-examined by their alleged attackers in family and civil courts under measures coming into force today (21 July 2022).’
Ministry of Justice, 21st July 2022
Source: www.gov.uk
‘The President of the Family Division has very recently handed down his decision in this matter of Re: S (A Child) (Jurisdiction) [2022] EWHC 1720 (Fam), in which we acted for the successful applicant mother. Whilst the facts of the case are unique, the judgment serves as a helpful reminder of the jurisdictional framework of international children cases following our departure from the European Union.’
Family Law, 21st July 2022
Source: www.familylaw.co.uk
‘The introduction of the Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Act 2020 on 6 April 2022, bringing in the long-awaited “no-fault divorce”, is considered to be one of the most significant reforms of family law in many years. Although not widely commented on, it also potentially signifies an important step for the LGBTQ community.’
Family Law, 21st July 2022
Source: www.familylaw.co.uk
‘An 89-year-old retired pig farmer who tried to blame the serial killer Fred West for the disappearance of his wife in 1982 has been jailed for a minimum of 18 years after being found guilty of murdering her and dumping her body in a septic tank.’
The Guardian, 20th July 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘This poignant case tells a sad story, but an instructive one in terms of human rights and the ability of courts to interpret statutes in accordance with these rights under Section 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 19th July 2022
Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com
‘The Law Commission of England and Wales has set out its recommendations to reform weddings law, proposing a fairer system that it says will give couples more choice over where and how their wedding takes place.’
Local Government Lawyer, 19th July 2022
Source: www.localgovernmentlawyer.co.uk
‘The final report of the Law Commission on how and where people can marry in England and Wales was published on 19 July 2022. The Commission was asked by government to conduct a review of marriage in December 2014, and we have followed the progress of the initiative in a series of posts, links to which are reproduced below.’
Law & Religion UK, 18th July 2022
Source: lawandreligionuk.com
‘Couples could soon marry on a cruise, in their kitchen or during a day out at the beach under proposals to tear up current restrictions on where weddings can be held.’
The Guardian, 19th July 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘Stephanie Hawthorn and Abigail Pearse, associates, at Mills & Reeve LLP consider the most important news and case law relating to financial remedies and divorce during June 2022.’
Family Law Week, 14th July 2022
Source: www.familylawweek.co.uk
‘Parents at an academy school which has hit the headlines over its culture of “fear and favouritism” are seeking legal action over plans for it to join a multi-academy trust.’
The Independent, 18th July 2022
Source: www.independent.co.uk
‘The parents of a 12-year-old boy who suffered a “catastrophic” brain injury have lost their battle for his life support treatment to continue.’
The Guardian, 15th July 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘At the end of June 2022 two new guidances were issued. The newly emerged guidance on private life which came into force on 20th June 2022 and a new policy guidance on relationships with a partner relating to Appendix relationships with partner.’
EIN Blog, 15th July 2022
Source: www.ein.org.uk
‘Hundreds of thousands of unmarried women who were forced to give up their babies for adoption should receive a government apology, a report has said.’
BBC News, 15th July 2022
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘In the first of a two-part series, Cris McCurley examines key changes to the treatment of domestic abuse victims & their children within the family justice system.’
New Law Journal, 8th July 2022
Source: www.newlawjournal.co.uk
‘A British resident stranded in Jamaica with her baby, who was told by the Home Office the boy could not come to the UK because he had an “established life” on the Caribbean island, has now been told by the Home Office that she can bring him, after the Guardian exposed the family’s plight.’
The Guardian, 12th July 2022
Source: www.theguardian.com
‘A key consideration in any divorce is how to divide your assets. Assets which are acquired or built up during the marriage (matrimonial or marital assets) are generally divided equally. But what if you came into the marriage with significant premarital wealth or received a substantial inheritance before or after your separation? You may feel that it is unfair for these assets to be divided at all, and you may want to protect them in the event of a divorce.’
Family Law, 6th July 2022
Source: www.familylaw.co.uk
‘An extra £5.4 million in funding will help even more families to resolve disputes away from court, such as contact arrangements for children.’
Family Law, 7th July 2022
Source: www.familylaw.co.uk
‘The parents of a 12-year-old boy who suffered brain damage three months ago are preparing for the latest stage of a life-support treatment battle. Hollie Dance and Paul Battersbee are hoping a High Court judge will rule that doctors should keep providing treatment to their son Archie Battersbee, after reviewing evidence.’
The Independent, 11th July 2022
Source: www.independent.co.uk