Foreign Office tells extradited grandfather to go back to US jail for vital medical treatment – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 10th, 2014 in bail, extradition, medical treatment, news by sally

‘Extradited British grandfather Paul Dunham told by Foreign Office it will not pay for urgent heart treatment – and that he should return to maximum security US jail for treatment.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th November 2014


Regina (B and others) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court and others – WLR Daily

Posted November 7th, 2014 in closed material, disclosure, evidence, extradition, law reports, magistrates by tracey

Regina (B and others) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court and others: [2014] UKSC 59; [2014] WLR (D) 470

‘A judge hearing extradition proceedings in the magistrates’ court had no power under the Extradition Act 2003 to hear evidence in a closed court and to make an order prohibiting the disclosure to the government of the requesting state of evidence adduced by individuals whose extradition was being sought. Extradition proceedings were not in a special category which would justify a departure from the principle of open justice.’

WLR Daily, 5th November 2014


European Arrest Warrant: Judges urge UK support – BBC News

Posted November 6th, 2014 in EC law, extradition, judges, legal profession, news, warrants by sally

‘The UK risks becoming a “safe haven” for foreign criminals if it votes to opt out of the European Arrest Warrant (EAW) system, senior judges have said.’

Full story

BBC News, 6th November 2014


VB (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent); EN (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent); CM (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent); CU (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent) – Supreme Court

VB (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent); EN (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent); CM (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent); CU (Appellant) v Westminster Magistrates’ Court (Respondent) [2014] UKSC 59 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 5th November 2014


Phasing in new legislation – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The major piece of criminal law legislation for 2014 is the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act. It has been brought gradually into force throughout the year.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 3rd November 2014


Supreme Court to rule on Rwandan genocide extradition this week – The Independent

‘Supreme Court judges will be asked this week to rule whether five men accused of taking part in the 1994 Rwandan genocide should be extradited to face trial.’

Full story

The Independent, 2nd November 2014


Vice Prosecutor, Magistrate of the Judicial Order, France v Charbit – WLR Daily

Posted October 22nd, 2014 in extradition, fraud, law reports by sally

Vice Prosecutor, Magistrate of the Judicial Order, France v Charbit [2014] WLR (D) 425

‘An annex could not form part of a European arrest warrant for the purposes of section 2 of the Extradition Act 2003.’

WLR Daily, 14th October 2014


Bizunowicz and another v District Court in Koszalin, Poland and another – WLR Daily

Posted October 22nd, 2014 in appeals, costs, extradition, law reports by sally

Bizunowicz and another v District Court in Koszalin, Poland and another [2014] EWHC 3238 (Admin); [2014] WLR (D) 430

‘Once a district judge’s decision to order a person’s extradition had been successfully appealed under Part 1 of the Extradition Act 2003, the High Court enjoyed a supervisory jurisdiction to quash or vary any costs order made against the appellant, since the basis on which the costs order had been made no longer existed. However, the High Court did not have jurisdiction to determine an appeal from a costs order made by a district judge who had ordered extradition, in circumstances where the costs order was challenged as a part of unsuccessfully pursuing an appeal against the extradition order.’

WLR Daily, 10th October 2014


Criminal extradited from Spain and jailed for non-payment of UK Confiscation Order – Crown Prosecution Service

‘Martin Hickman, who was convicted in relation to the illegal sale and supply of medicinal products in 2009, has been extradited from Spain and jailed for 10 years after failure to pay a confiscation order made against him in 2012 at Southwark Crown Court.’

Full press release

Crown Prosecution Service, 2nd October 2014


Victims’ Rights, the EU Charter, and Passport Confiscation – the Human Rights Roundup – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In recent news, the government outlines proposals for increased rights for the victims of crime, as well as for the revocation and confiscation of passports for ISIS fighters returning to the UK. In other news, the legality of the EU Charter comes back to haunt Chris Grayling once again.’

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 15th September 2014


Terror suspect Haroon Aswat’s extradition approved – BBC News

Posted September 4th, 2014 in conspiracy, extradition, human rights, news, terrorism by sally

‘A terror suspect accused of conspiring with radical cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri can be extradited to the US, the High Court has ruled.’

Full story

BBC News, 4th September 2014


Julian Assange: do recent changes to extradition law make any difference? – Head of Legal

Posted August 19th, 2014 in extradition, news, warrants by tracey

‘In a word – no. In a press conference this morning, Julian Assange told reporters a WikiLeaks spokesman could confirm that “I am leaving the embassy soon” and the Ecuadorian Foreign Minister, according to the Guardian “referred to recent changes to the extradition laws in the UK which he believed would mean Mr Assange would not be facing extradition if the case started today.” Notice he did not claim these changes make any actual difference now; merely that they would have made a difference had the case started today. It started (and ended) some time ago, so they make no difference at all.’

Full story

Head of Legal, 18th August 2014


Florea v Judicial Authority Carei Courthouse, Satu Mare County, Romania – WLR Daily

Posted August 4th, 2014 in appeals, extradition, human rights, law reports, prisons by sally

Florea v Judicial Authority Carei Courthouse, Satu Mare County, Romania [2014] EWHC 2528 (Admin); [2014] WLR (D) 356

‘Where there was a real likelihood that a prisoner would serve a sentence in personal space of less than three metres, a serious issue of breach of article 3 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms arose, without the need for other aggravating features and despite the good faith of the Government in seeking to address a problem of historic inadequacy in the prison estate.’

WLR Daily, 30th July 2014


Skraba v Regional Court in Nowy Sacz, Poland – WLR Daily

Posted July 8th, 2014 in appeals, costs, extradition, jurisdiction, law reports by tracey

Skraba v Regional Court in Nowy Sacz, Poland: [2014] EWHC 2193 (Admin); [2014] WLR (D) 292

‘Section 60(3) of the Extradition Act 2003 gave the High Court power, having dismissed an appeal against an extradition order, to review and, where considered appropriate, to vary any costs order made against the requested person by the first instance court under section 60(1)(a) of the Act.’

WLR Daily, 3rd July 2014


British soldier with mental disorder extradited to US – The Guardian

Posted July 4th, 2014 in armed forces, extradition, fraud, news, post-traumatic stress disorder by tracey

‘A British soldier with post-traumatic stress disorder said he had been disowned by the British government as he was extradited to the United States on Thursday.’

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd July 2014


‘Kidnap’ mother Eileen Clark extradited to the US – BBC News

Posted July 4th, 2014 in child abduction, domestic violence, extradition, human rights, news by tracey

‘A mother of three who fled her husband in the US has been extradited from the UK on charges of kidnapping her children, campaigners have said.’

Full story

BBC News, 4th July 2014


Government of Ghana v Gambrah (Death Penalty Project intervening) – WLR Daily

Posted June 11th, 2014 in death penalty, extradition, human rights, law reports, murder by sally

Government of Ghana v Gambrah (Death Penalty Project intervening) [2014] EWHC 1569 (Admin); [2014] WLR (D) 245

‘The mere imposition of the death penalty in a requesting state, coupled with an acceptable assurance that it would not be carried out, was no bar to extradition.’

WLR Daily, 16th May 2014


Dr Daniel Ubani: No UK extradition over patient death – BBC News

Posted May 23rd, 2014 in doctors, extradition, homicide, negligence, news by sally

‘The family of man who was killed with a lethal dose of a painkiller by a German doctor said they are “astonished” he will not be extradited to the UK.’

Full story

BBC News, 22nd May 2014


Abu Hamza – the ten-year battle – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

‘It is worth considering two important legal judgments that the ten-year battle to extradite him involved.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 20th May 2014


Lord Chief Justice steps into Strasbourg row – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 17th, 2014 in courts, extradition, human rights, judges, news, terrorism by tracey

‘Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd urges European Court of Human Rights to leave terror extradition decisions to British courts.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th April 2014
