Child abuse inquiry judge to investigate Lord Janner allegations – The Guardian

‘A high court judge is to investigate whether child sexual abuse allegations against Lord Janner were the subject of an establishment cover-up.’

Full story

The Guardian, 29th April 2015


Court case dropped after police sell evidence at auction – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 29th, 2015 in evidence, handling stolen goods, mistake, news, police, sale of goods by sally

‘Cumbria Police apologise after admitting they sold a stolen bicycle at auction before a criminal case came to court.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th April 2015


Journalists should not always be prosecuted for paying public officials, says former CPS head – The Indpendent

‘The former head of the Crown Prosecution Service has said it can be “appropriate” for journalists to pay officials for information and that Operation Elveden had overlooked the public interest.’

Full story

The Independent, 18th April 2015


Lord Janner sex abuse charge decision fails ‘victims’ – BBC News

Posted April 17th, 2015 in child abuse, evidence, mental health, news, prosecutions, sexual offences, victims by sally

‘Alleged victims of child sex abuse by Lord Janner have been failed by the decision not to charge him, a police and crime commissioner (PCC) has said.’

Full story

BBC News, 17th April 2015


Lord Janner will not face trial over abuse claims – The Guardian

‘Labour peer Lord Janner of Braunstone will escape charges for the second time over alleged historical child sex crimes, prosecution sources have confirmed.’

Full story

The Guardian, 16th April 2015


Child sex abuse victims threaten legal action over inquiry – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 13th, 2015 in child abuse, evidence, inquiries, news, victims by sally

‘Abuse survivors demand apology from Justice Lowell Goddard, the inquiry chairman, and say Home Office will face judicial review over decision to exclude victims from inquiry panel.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th April 2015


Streamlined forensic reporting – Park Square Barristers

Posted April 2nd, 2015 in evidence, forensic science, news, reports by sally

‘With ever-increasing cutbacks to our legal system, it’s of little surprise that the expensive area of forensic science has been targeted for cost reduction. As such, the introduction of streamlined forensic reporting (SFR) tries to introduce a more cost-effective response to the discovery of forensic material which might link a person to a crime scene.’

Full story

Park Square Barristers, 26th March 2015


Widow of property investor Jack Dellal wins round of legal battle over estate – The Guardian

Posted April 2nd, 2015 in evidence, financial provision, news, wills by sally

‘The multi-millionaire widow of a property dealer said to have gambled £1.7m in one night has won the latest round of a legal battle for “reasonable provision”.’

Full story

The Guardian, 1st April 2015


Erol Incedal trial evidence must remain secret, judge rules – The Guardian

Posted April 2nd, 2015 in evidence, media, news, private hearings, reporting restrictions, terrorism by sally

‘The bulk of the evidence in the UK’s first terror trial held mostly behind closed doors will remain secret forever, a judge has ruled.’

Full story

The Guardian, 1st April 2015


The Cat’s Out of the Bag: legal advice privilege and the risks of being caught with a divorce lawyer – Family Law Week

‘Samuel Littlejohns, pupil at 1 Hare Court, examines whether the very fact that a party consulted a lawyer at a given time is privileged information, and the practical consequences of this for practitioners.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 27th March 2015


Save Legal Aid, Save Lives – Family Law Week

Posted March 26th, 2015 in domestic violence, evidence, legal aid, news, reports, select committees by sally

‘Ruth Tweedale, a law lecturer at the University of Roehampton and former solicitor at Rights of Women, describes recent developments in the campaign to preserve family law legal aid for victims of domestic violence.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 24th March 2015


Fresh grounds and evidence before the CAT – Competition Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers

Posted March 23rd, 2015 in appeals, competition, evidence, news, ombudsmen, telecommunications, tribunals by sally

‘On the face of it, BT was the main winner in this week’s ruling from the Competition Appeal Tribunal: see British Telecommunications plc v Office of Communications [2015] CAT 6. However, the decision, which makes interesting comments on the rights of parties to adduce new grounds and evidence on an appeal, raises important notes of caution to all parties which may wish to appeal or intervene in future cases.’

Full story

Competition Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers, 20th March 2015


Serial rapist Shaun Hopkins handed life sentence after victim spotted him on Facebook – The Independent

Posted March 23rd, 2015 in evidence, internet, news, rape, sentencing, victims by sally

‘A rapist has been handed a life sentence after he was identified by one of his victims when she spotted his picture on Facebook.’

Full story

The Independent, 21st March 2015


Final Report of the Vulnerable Witnesses and Children Working Group – Judiciary of England & Wales

‘Final Report of the Vulnerable Witnesses and Children Working Group.’

Full texts

Judiciary of England and Wales, 17th March 2015


Hillsborough inquests: Assessing David Duckenfield’s evidence – BBC News

Posted March 19th, 2015 in evidence, health & safety, inquests, news, police, sport by sally

‘Police match commander David Duckenfield spent a week in the witness box at the new inquests into the Hillsborough disaster. But what were the key parts of his evidence, and what have we learned?’

Full story

BBC News, 19th March 2015


Advising witnesses on the defence case: what are the issues? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

Posted March 19th, 2015 in consultations, cross-examination, evidence, news, witnesses by sally

‘The CPS have recently been running a consultation entitled “Speaking to Witnesses at Court”. The consultation period ended on Monday 16th March, and we await their response.’

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 18th March 2015


Are Covert Recordings Admissible? – No. 5 Chambers

‘Charles Crow reviews recent decisions in relation to covert recordings by employees and the implications for Tribunals and employers.’

Full story

No. 5 Chambers, 12th January 2015


High Court grants overworked law firm relief from sanctions – Litigation Futures

Posted March 18th, 2015 in delay, evidence, law firms, news, sanctions by sally

‘A High Court judge has granted relief from sanctions, after a law firm blamed pressure of work for late service of evidence in a Russian libel case.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 18th March 2015


Eleanor de Freitas inquest: Family’s anger at suicide verdict for woman who killed herself before trial for ‘false rape claim’ – The Independent

‘The family of a young woman who killed herself days before she was due to stand trial for making false rape allegations have attacked the inquest into her death, saying they may launch legal proceedings over alleged failings by the CPS for allowing her case to go to court.’

Full story

The Independent, 17th March 2015


Proof of defect under the CPA 1987: Hufford v Samsung Electronics – Henderson Chambers

Posted March 17th, 2015 in consumer protection, defective goods, evidence, news by sally

‘To what extent must a claimant relying on the Consumer Protection Act 1987 (“the Act”) prove with precision the nature of a defect in a product said to have caused him or her damage?’

Full story (PDF)

Henderson Chambers, 9th January 2015
