Caste discrimination should be outlawed, say Lords – The Guardian
“The House of Lords voted on Monday to outlaw discrimination against people on the basis of their caste.”
The Guardian, 5th March 2013
“The House of Lords voted on Monday to outlaw discrimination against people on the basis of their caste.”
The Guardian, 5th March 2013
Equality in the Judiciary (PDF)
Speech by Lady Hale
Kuttan Menon Memorial Lecture, 21st February 2013
“Positive discrimination may be needed to redress the gender imbalance among senior judges, the only woman in Britain’s highest court has proposed.”
The Guardian, 21st February 2013
“Laws restricting civil partnerships to gay couples discriminate against heterosexuals, four straight couples are to argue in a landmark challenge at the European Court of Human Rights.”
Daily Telegraph, 16th February 2013
“Whatever your view of abortion, there are too many abortions, and too many of them are too late. Even abortion’s fiercest advocates do not pretend that it is a good thing – just the lesser of two evils.”
Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 15th February 2013
“The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has helped a disabled man win £1,500 pounds in an out of court settlement after he was refused access to a nightclub and then taunted by staff.”
Equality and Human Rights Commission, 6th February 2013
“The aim of the marriage (same-sex couples) bill is to ensure that all couples enjoy equal marriage rights. Some elements of legal asymmetry remain, however, under the legislation.”
The Guardian, 5th February 2013
“In R. (on the application of Coleman) v Barnet LBC [2012] EWHC 3725 (Admin) , the High Court has held that the local authority had discharged its public sector equality duty (under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010) when granting planning permission for the development of a school on land on which a garden centre had been situated.”
Education Law Blog, 15th January 2013
“The financial sector will no longer be allowed to use gender as a determining factor in the assessment of risk and therefore the price of premiums and benefits from Friday 21 December 2012.”
Full story (PDF)
Cloisters, 19th December 2012
“The introduction of the Equality Act 2010 was a landmark in non-discrimination law, bringing together (and making some amendments to) a myriad of different statutory regimes covering various types of protected characteristics. However, such is the nature of litigation, that very little appellate case law has, as yet, had cause to consider the provisions of the Equality Act in any detail. As a result, the very substantial developments which have taken or are taking place recently in the equalities field have tended to arise out of the previous legal regimes, or related regimes such as the European Convention on Human Rights.”
Full story (PDF)
11 KBW, 20th December 2012
“What changes can workers expect from their employers in the coming year? Employment law expert Edward Goodwyn of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind, looks ahead to some significant changes.”, 4th January 2013
“Judgment in the case of X v. Mid Sussex CAB was handed down by the Supreme Court 12th December 2012, in which it was held that volunteers (unpaid workers) qualify for protection from discrimination under the employment provisions of European or domestic anti discrimination law. The principle disagreement between the parties (a volunteer legal advisor and a CAB) was about the proper interpretation of Article 3 of the Framework Directive, which underlies the relevant legislation. The Appellant had argued that certain volunteers in certain situations do fall within scope – namely those whose volunteer activities closely resemble paid work. The CAB argued that no volunteers fall within the legislation, irrespective of the nature of the work that they do. In dismissing the appeal, the Court held that the law in this area was sufficiently free from doubt, such that there was no need to refer any questions to the CJEU.”
Full story (PDF)
Cloisters, December 2012
“Legal process will provide a chance for the courts to consider to what extent councils should consult with constituents.”
The Guardian, 19th December 2012
“Should the aristocracy follow the Royal Family and change the laws of succession?”
The Independent, 16th December 2012
“It seemed a fairly straightforward hearing – a pre-trial review in an anti-social behaviour possession claim prior to a one-day trial at the end of December – with both my opponent and I agreeing that the matter was ready to proceed.”
Hardwicke Chambers, 30th December 2012
“On the proper interpretation of article 3(1)(c) and 3(3) of Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation, assistance granted to public servants in the event of illness fell within the scope of the Directive if it was the responsibility of the state, as a public employer, to finance it, that being a matter for the national court to determine.”
WLR Daily, 6th December 2012
“The Prime Minister has announced his support for gay marriage in religious institutions. Having already said, memorably, that ‘I don’t support gay marriage in spite of being a conservative. I support gay marriage because I am a conservative’, he has now gone a step further and argued that gay couples should be able to marry on religious premises. But, he also made clear, ‘if there is any church or any synagogue or any mosque that doesn’t want to have a gay marriage it will not, absolutely must not, be forced to hold it’.”
UK Human Rights Blog, 7th December 2012
“Hospitals charging disabled drivers to park could be in breach of the law, a leading lawyer says.”
BBC News, 7th December 2012