Racism and the Rule of Law – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted June 19th, 2020 in equality, human rights, news, police, race discrimination, racism, rule of law by sally

‘The Black Lives Matter movement illuminates an incontrovertible chasm in the application of the rule of law in liberal democracy. The basic premise of the rule of law, which in Joseph Raz’s conception is that it should be capable of guiding behaviour, includes the necessary restriction on crime-preventing agencies from perverting the law. A society in which those tasked with upholding and applying the law – under the powers of stop-and-search and arrest – are instead themselves regular perpetrators of racist discrimination and violence, is one in which the rule of law is at best a randomised hope that is more or less likely to be realised depending on the race of the citizen in question.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, June 2020

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Home Office to face legal challenge over ‘digital hostile environment’ – The Guardian

‘Immigrants’ rights campaigners are to bring the first court case of its kind in British legal history in an attempt to turn off what they claim is a decision-making algorithm that creates a “hostile environment” for people applying for UK visas online.’

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The Guardian, 18th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

EHRC reports on inclusive justice – UK Human Rights Blog

‘Ten years after the Equality Act came into force, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) have published their findings and recommendations in a report entitled “Inclusive Justice: a system designed for all”. Although the report recognises where progress has been made, it also identifies very significant problems.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 16th June 2020

Source: ukhumanrightsblog.com

Police in England and Wales six times more likely to fine BAME people in lockdown – The Guardian

‘Police enforcing the coronavirus lockdown in England and Wales were more than six times more likely to issue fines to black, Asian and minority ethnic people than white people, figures show.’

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The Guardian, 16th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

Where are my black sisters? The intersection of religion, race and gender in the AAP legal community – Garden Court North Chambers

‘I am a hijabi (head-scarf wearing Muslim) Palestinian-British lawyer who has worked in the progressive Inquests/Actions Against the Police (AAP) field for the past 7 years. I started out as a paralegal, became a solicitor and am now a pupil barrister. I have met, or know of, many of the lawyers whose talent and (often unpaid) hard work props up this niche but vital corner of the legal system. Working as an AAP lawyer is beyond rewarding and the people you get to meet, clients and colleagues, are inspiring. As a hijabi AAP lawyer, this area can also be isolating and unwelcoming at times.’

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Garden Court North Chambers, 15th June 2020

Source: gcnchambers.co.uk

Triaging Coronavirus treatment – (3) the Guidance and discrimination – Cloisters

As part of our series considering the human rights and equality implications of Covid-19, Catherine Casserley and Declan O’Dempsey consider BMA Guidance on the use of characteristics of age and disability in medical triage in the light of discrimination law. This article considers the impact of discrimination law on the guidance.

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Cloisters, 9th June 2020

Source: www.cloisters.com

Fight for Grenfell inquiry to look at racial stereotyping goes on – The Guardian

Posted June 16th, 2020 in equality, fire, health & safety, inquiries, minorities, news by sally

‘Campaigners believe bias and inequality were factors in high number of BAME deaths in fire.’

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The Guardian, 14th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

Racism contributed to disproportionate UK BAME coronavirus deaths, inquiry finds – The Guardian

‘Racism and discrimination suffered by Britain’s black, Asian and minority ethnic people has contributed to the high death rates from Covid-19 in those communities, an official inquiry has found.’

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The Guardian, 14th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

Youth justice: exposing a system that is failing our most vulnerable children – The Guardian

‘Children in the Dock was an investigation into the youth justice system in England and Wales that involved the Guardian’s Manchester team spending a month monitoring every case at Greater Manchester youth court. Among other things, they found that the proportion of BAME children in court had doubled in eight years, and revealed that youth cases now take 40% longer than in 2010.’

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The Guardian, 13th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

EHRC urges compulsory disability training for lawyers – Legal Futures

‘Disability awareness should be a professional requirement, and a mandatory element of criminal lawyers’ CPD, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has recommended.’

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Legal Futures, 15th June 2020

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk

Matt Hancock faces legal action from daughter of Covid-19 care home victim – The Guardian

‘Matt Hancock is facing legal action from the daughter of a man who died from Covid-19 in a care home in which the health secretary is accused of a “litany of failures” and misleading the public with his claim to have “thrown a protective ring” around care homes.’

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The Guardian, 12th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

What It’s Like Being A Black Lawyer Working In The UK’s Criminal Justice System In 2020 – Elle Magazine

‘Abimbola Johnson is a Black criminal defence barrister, whose experience of the justice system in the UK brings recent events in the US even closer to home.’

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Elle Magazine, 5th June 2020

Source: www.elle.com

Alexandra Wilson discusses how we can tip the balance within the legal profession: we need to reflect that Black lives matter – 5SAH

‘The Black Lives Matter movement (BLM), a global organisation in the UK, US and Canada, was founded in 2013 in response to the death of Trayvon Martin and the acquittal of the man that shot him. BLM connects people from all over the world who want justice and seek to put an end to state violence against Black people.’

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5SAH, 12th June 2020

Source: www.5sah.co.uk

Vulnerability vs. Disability: McMahon v Watford BC [2020] EWCA Civ 497; [2020] 4 WLUK 99, a sensible clarification – St Ives Chambers

‘This case determines, definitively, that a thorough vulnerability assessment with an acknowledgement of a consideration of the Public Sector Equality Duty (‘PSED’) can satisfy the statutory duty pursuant to section 149 of the Equality Act 2010. No further assessment is automatically required.’

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St Ives Chambers, June 2020

Source: www.stiveschambers.co.uk

Equalities watchdog to investigate hostile environment policy – The Guardian

‘The Home Office is being investigated over whether it breached equality law when it introduced the “hostile environment” immigration measures that caused catastrophic consequences for thousands of Windrush generation residents living legally in the UK.’

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The Guardian, 12th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

Criminal justice system failing disabled defendants, EHRC warns – The Guardian

Posted June 11th, 2020 in criminal justice, disabled persons, equality, news by sally

‘The criminal justice system in England and Wales is failing defendants who are disabled or have mental health conditions and needs reform to ensure everyone receives a fair trial, the equalities watchdog has warned.’

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The Guardian, 11th June 2020

Source: www.theguardian.com

Black Lawyers On Working In The UK’s Criminal Justice System – Each Other

‘The UK’s criminal justice system is under renewed scrutiny amid a wave of anti-racism protests. EachOther speaks to leading black lawyers to celebrate their work and hear their views on what reform is needed.’

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Each Other, 9th June 2020

Source: eachother.org.uk

The end of remote voting in Parliament: a backwards move? – Cloisters

‘On 21 April, the House of Commons passed a motion approving the introduction of “hybrid proceedings” to minimise the need for physical attendance in Parliament during the coronavirus lockdown. Since then, electronic voting has been facilitated to allow MPs to participate remotely in parliamentary votes (“divisions”). MPs cast their first remote vote on 12 May. However, the provision for remote voting has now lapsed. On 2 June, MPs are being asked to approve a motion which would make it mandatory for them to attend Parliament in order to participate in divisions. The proposal has caused consternation for MPs who are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus, or who live with vulnerable family members, as well as adverse comment from the Equality and Human Rights Commission.’

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Cloisters, 2nd June 2020

Source: www.cloisters.com

Coronavirus: Court action threatened over school meal vouchers – BBC News

‘Campaigners have threatened to bring legal action against the government for not providing free school meal vouchers during the summer.’

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BBC News, 5th June 2020

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Black lawyers launch initiative to fight racial injustice – Legal Futures

‘A group of lawyers has begun crowdfunding to support a new initiative aiming to combat racial injustice by facilitating access to justice, funding and legal representation.’

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Legal Futures, 4th June 2020

Source: www.legalfutures.co.uk