Married lesbian couple launch discrimination action against NHS – The Guardian

‘A married lesbian couple are launching a landmark legal test case against a branch of the NHS fertility sector in England, claiming it discriminates against LGBT+ families.’

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The Guardian, 7th November 2021


Major report: Time for targets, not talk, to improve race equality at Bar – Legal Futures

“The time for talking about race inequality at the Bar is over and all organisations with a stake in the profession should set specific targets for improvement, a major Bar Council report has concluded.”

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Legal Futures, 5th November 2021


‘Females with fair skin’: Mayfair casino guilty of race discrimination, tribunal finds – The Guardian

Posted November 3rd, 2021 in employment, employment tribunals, equality, gambling, news, race discrimination by sally

‘An exclusive London casino racially discriminated against one of its dealers by allowing a request by a patron not to have black dealers at their table, an employment tribunal has found.’

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The Guardian, 2nd November 2021


Conversion therapy to be restricted but not banned in proposed bill – The Guardian

‘Equalities minister Liz Truss will consult on plans to allow counselling for non-vulnerable adults.’

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The Guardian, 29th October 2021


Do Employers Discriminate Against People Without Degrees? – Each Other

Posted October 25th, 2021 in education, employment, equality, human rights, news, statistics, universities by tracey

‘In 1999, then Prime Minister Tony Blair pledged that by 2010 half of all under-30s should go on to university, with the aim, in part, of bettering their chances of securing rewarding and well-paid jobs. The target was first met in 2017/2018 and now nearly 60% of sixth form leavers progress on to a degree course. However, in the age of the pandemic, is university really the best route into employment from both a practical and human rights perspective?’

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Each Other, 22nd October 2021


High Court: Differential standards on abortion time-limits do not breach the human rights of disabled persons – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In Crowter & Ors, R (On the Application Of) v Secretary of State for Health And Social Care [2021] EWHC 2536 (Admin), the High Court considered the lawfulness of the provision in the Abortion Act 1967 which permits termination of a foetus after 24 weeks where there is a substantial risk that, if born, a child would be “seriously handicapped”.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 25th October 2021


Menopausal symptoms and disability – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Employment Appeal Tribunal has given its first ruling on menopausal symptoms and disability in a case involving a city council. Jog Hundle considers the judgment.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 22nd October 2021


Proposed Voter ID reforms in the UK: The dangers of ‘fraud’ based regulation – Oxford Human Rights Hub

Posted October 22nd, 2021 in bills, elections, equality, fraud, human rights, identification, identity fraud, news by sally

‘The UK government’s Election Bill containing controversial Voter ID provisions is progressing with haste through parliament this month, despite significant alarm over its potential impact. Whilst the government claims the bill will increase ballot security, all evidence points to these proposals being harmful to voter access and electoral integrity as the US experience demonstrates.’

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Oxford Human Rights Hub, 18th October 2021


Fostering agencies and religious beliefs – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Appeal has recently ruled on the legality of a fostering agency’s requirement that potential carers must be Christians. Natasha Isaac examines the case.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 22nd October 2021


Black hair discrimination must be banned, equalities watchdog told – The Independent

Posted October 21st, 2021 in education, equality, news, race discrimination, sport by sally

‘A group of parliamentarians, organisations and writers have urged the Equality and Human Rights Commission to ban hair discrimination in schools, places of work and wider society across the UK.’

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The Independent, 20th October 2021


‘Right to request’ flexible work not granted for half of UK’s working mothers – The Guardian

Posted October 15th, 2021 in employment, equality, families, flexible working, news, sex discrimination, statistics, women by tracey

‘Half of the UK’s working mothers do not get the flexibility they ask for, while those that do work flexibly face discrimination, according to a survey.’

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The Guardian, 15th October 2021


Martin v City and County of Swansea – Equality Law Blog

Posted October 14th, 2021 in disability discrimination, employment tribunals, equality, news by sally

‘The decision of the EAT in this case provides a useful reminder of the proper approach to the PCP in reasonable adjustment claims. EAT (judge James Tayler, sitting alone) ruled that an employment tribunal had erred in law in rejecting the claimant’s attempt to rely on, as a PCP, a Management of Absence Policy which included discretion which would have permitted, amongst other steps, the claimant’s redeployment to an alternative role. The Tribunal had ruled that the application of the policy to the claimant did not constitute the application of a PCP that placed her at a substantial disadvantage in comparison with non-disabled persons.’

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Equality Law Blog, 13th October 2021


New Judgment: Anwar v The Advocate General for Scotland (representing the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy) (Scotland) [2021] UKSC 44 – UKSC Blog

‘The Supreme Court unanimously dismissed this appeal concerning the petition for judicial review against the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy for failure to provide effective interim protection for successful workplace discrimination and harassment claims, in breach of EU law.’

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UKSC Blog, 13th October 2021


R (Rowley) v Minister for the Cabinet Office – Equality Law Blog

‘In this case the High Court (Fordham J) ruled that the respondent had discriminated against the claimant, who was profoundly deaf, by failing to provide of British sign language (“BSL”) interpreters for Government live briefings to the public about the Covid-19 pandemic on 21 September 2020 and 12 October 2020. The claimant challenged the failures on those occasions and also sought to challenge the respondent’s continuing refusal to use “on-platform” as distinct from “in-screen” BSL interpreters for briefings. The claimant sought to establish failures of the PSED imposed by s149 of the Equality Act 2010 in respect of the defendant’s ongoing approach to briefings, as well as failures of the duty to make reasonable adjustments imposed by ss20 and 29(7)(a) of the Act. The PSED claim failed as did the reasonable adjustment challenge to ongoing (“in-screen” BSL) briefings. The decision includes a comprehensive discussion of the leading authorities on disability discrimination in the context of services/public authorities.’

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Equality Law Blog, 13th October 2021


Blood donation rules changed to attract more donors with rare subgroups – The Guardian

‘Ministers will remove questions on sexual activity in sub-Saharan Africa for blood donations to encourage more donors in England after a long campaign to widen the criteria.’

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The Guardian, 11th October 2021


Court of Appeal rules on the legality of Christian requirement by fostering agency – UK Human Rights Blog

‘In this claim for judicial review, the issue was whether it was lawful for the claimant independent fostering agency (Cornerstone) only to accept heterosexual evangelical Christians as potential carers under the Equality Act 2010 (EA 2010) and the European Convention on Human Rights (the Convention).’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 7th October 2021


Students used by law firm for agency advocacy are ‘workers’ – Legal Futures

‘A Bar student who handled agency advocacy work through a law firm was a worker with certain rights and not self-employed, an employment tribunal has ruled.’

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Legal Futures, 8th October 2021


Gender pay gap at Bar has widened over past 20 years – Legal Futures

‘The income gap between male and female barristers has increased over the last 20 years, new Bar Council figures have shown.’

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Legal Futures, 4th October 2021


Judges Rule Abortion Law On Disability Does Not Violate Human Rights – Each Other

Posted September 29th, 2021 in abortion, birth, disability discrimination, disabled persons, equality, human rights, news by sally

‘The High Court has ruled against a legal challenge from a woman with Down’s syndrome which argued that permitting abortion up until birth for a foetus with certain disabilities is unlawfully discriminatory.’

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Each Other, 28th September 2021


Government faces legal challenge from pupil with SEN over “unfair” use of PCR testing in schools – Local Government Lawyer

‘The parents of a 15-year-old pupil with special educational needs and disabilities have instructed lawyers to challenge the lawfulness of government guidance to schools on Covid-19 testing, arguing that it should be urgently revised to enable pupils with disabilities to take less intrusive saliva tests.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 28th September 2021
