Environmental and Planning Law Newsletter – Thirty Nine Essex Street
Environmental and Planning Law Newsletter (PDF)
Thirty Nine Essex Street, November 2012
Source: www.39essex.com
Environmental and Planning Law Newsletter (PDF)
Thirty Nine Essex Street, November 2012
Source: www.39essex.com
“A plant nursery forced to destroy 50,000 ash trees is suing the government for failing to block imports of the tree sooner.”
The Guardian, 5th November 2012
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The Court of Appeal could be asked to carry out a judicial review of a Secretary of State decision on a screening direction for an environmental impact assessment (EIA) and to apply a lower threshold of reasonableness than ‘Wednesbury’ unreasonableness in its assessment.”
OUT-LAW.com, 24th October 2012
Source: www.out-law.com
“Conservation legislation is undermined as laws are ‘scattered across statutes’, badly in need of consolidation, says report.”
The Guardian, 18th October 2012
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The first licence allowing farmers in England to shoot badgers in an attempt to reduce cattle TB has been issued.”
BBC News, 17th September 2012
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“This paper sets out to provide an inevitably selective overview of the environmental law and policy developments in recent years and how, if at all, the planning system can contribute to meeting those objectives, or (if bad decisions are taken) detracting from them. This will involve two main strands of discussion, based on the commonly quoted idea that environmental law and policy range from very large matters (‘the stratosphere’) to very local concerns (‘the street corner’).”
Thirty Nine Essex Street, 15th September 2012
Source: www.39essex.com
“Badger Trust fails in attempt to stop two pilot culls aimed at tackling tuberculosis in cattle.”
The Guardian, 11th September 2012
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The Government plans to introduce a cap on the extent to which the losing party to an environmental challenge will be expected to cover the winning party’s legal costs.”
OUT-LAW.com, 31st August 2012
Source: www.out-law.com
“Amidst the root and branch opposition to socio-economic rights from some quarters, the idea that the Bill of Rights might contain an environmental right seems to have got lost in the smoke of this rather unedifying battle. The July 2012 Consultation on a Bill of Rights summarises the rival contentions well.”
UK Human Rights Blog, 17th August 2012
Source: www.ukhumanrightsblog.com
“In a consultation opening today, the Law Commission is seeking views on how wildlife law should be modernised and simplified.”
Law Commission, 14th August 2012
Source: www.lawcommission.justice.gov.uk
Related link: Wildlife: a consultation (PDF)
Environmental and Planning Law Newsletter (PDF)
Thirty Nine Essex Street, August 2012
Source: www.39essex.com
“Five cases being brought against the Government’s flagship high-speed rail link between London and the Midlands will be heard in December, the High Court has confirmed.”
OUT-LAW.com, 31st July 2012
Source: www.out-law.com
“A campaign group has won a High Court battle over the agricultural use of Green Belt land formerly owned by broadcaster Jonathan Dimbleby for intensive poultry farming.”
The Independent, 27th July 2012
Source: www.independent.co.uk
“Plans to build a high speed line from London to the Midlands were dealt a blow yesterday with the High Court granting opponents the right to seek judicial review against the scheme.”
Daily Telegraph, 27th July 2012
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
“Three activists were found guilty at Preston magistrates court on Tuesday on charges of aggravated trespass and assault after occupying a fracking rig in a Lancashire protest last year.”
The Guardian, 17th July 2012
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
Environmental and Planning Newsletter (PDF)
Thirty Nine Essex Street, July 2012
Source: www.39essex.com
“The government’s controversial plan to allow the killing of thousands of badgers has been ruled legal by a high court judge. The Badger Trust had argued that neither science nor the law justified the cull.”
The Guardian, 12th July 2012
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The high court will rule on Thursday on whether farmers and landowners can legally cull thousands of badgers to tackle tuberculosis in cattle.”
The Guardian, 12th July 2012
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“Every Briton could have a guaranteed entitlement to welfare benefits in a ‘far-reaching’ expansion of human rights proposed by the body that was intended by David Cameron to rein in the law.”
Daily Telegraph, 11th July 2012
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
Local Government Law Update: 27 June (PDF)
Local Government Law Update: 28 June (PDF)
11 KBW, June 2012
Source: www.11kbw.com