Climate campaigners win Heathrow expansion case – BBC News
‘Controversial plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport have been thrown into doubt after a court ruling.’
BBC News, 27th February 2020
‘Controversial plans for a third runway at Heathrow Airport have been thrown into doubt after a court ruling.’
BBC News, 27th February 2020
‘Environmental campaigners have issued a legal case against the government to try to halt the release of more than 50m non-native game birds this summer, saying the birds could damage Britain’s most important wildlife sites.’
The Guardian, 26th February 2020
‘The Court of Appeal is set to make a ruling over Heathrow’s expansion in a case described by green groups as massively significant. Judges will decide whether Heathrow’s expansion plans took into account climate change commitments.’
BBC News, 27th February 2020
‘The latest monthly environmental law news podcast presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.
In this podcast, Chris and Mark discuss in some depth certain key aspects of the Environment Bill, which was reintroduced to parliament on 30 January 2020.’
Six Pump Court, 12th February 2020
‘In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Gordon Wignall and Natasha Hausdorff consider recent flooding events in the UK, the Tate Gallery viewing platform case and the rise in fly-tipping and organised crime.’
Six Pump Court, 19th February 2020
‘Inappropriate development is, by definition, harmful to the Green Belt and should not be approved except in very special circumstances (NPPF paragraph 143).’
Exchange Chambers, 12th February 2020
‘As the United Kingdom begins to plot a new course outside the European Union, 2020 has begun with a flurry of reports (doubtless with one eye on the forthcoming Planning White Paper in England) recommending changes to planning law and land use policies, whether in the interests of economic development, more beautiful places, nature conservation or combatting climate change.’
Exchange Chambers, 12th February 2020
‘Part 1 of the Vale of White Horse Local Plan was adopted in December 2016 and showed some land in North Hinksey Village as within the Oxford Green Belt. When the plan was being prepared, the Council had proposed to remove the land from the Green Belt but the proposal (along with others) was not supported by the Local Plan Inspector and the Council published modifications to the draft plan intended to give effect to the Inspector’s recommendations. The plan was adopted with the modifications but by mistake the Proposals Map showed the land as within the settlement boundary of North Hinksey and thereby not within the Green Belt. The mistake was, apparently, a simple administrative error.’
Exchange Chambers, 12th February 2020
‘The aviation industry is currently responsible for around 2% of carbon emissions globally each year, and this is forecast to triple by 20502. With this projected rate in mind, members of the Sustainable Aviation coalition, which includes most major airlines and airports, as well as aerospace manufacturers, are planning to sign a commitment to reach zero net carbon emissions by 2050, with a third of the reduction being achieved through carbon offsetting.’
4 KBW, 7th February 2020
‘Steven Woolf examines the Court of Appeal’s recent decision and guidance on Green Space borough-wide preventative injunctions.’
Local Government Lawyer, 7th February 2020
‘In this latest Environmental Law News Update Christopher Badger considers a new report from the Committee on Climate Change, progress of the Agriculture Bill and a briefing paper from DEFRA putting plastic waste back on the agenda.’
Six Pump Court, 28th January 2020
‘The first environmental law news podcast of 2020 presented by Christopher Badger and Mark Davies in association with LexisPSL, is now available.’
Six Pump Court, 28th January 2020
‘This issue in this appeal was whether the local planning authority, properly understood the meaning of the word “openness” in the national planning policies applying to mineral working in the Green Belt, as expressed in the National Planning Policy Framework.’
UKSC Blog, 5th February 2020
‘The Supreme Court will next week hand down its ruling on whether a county council misapplied a key provision in the National Planning Policy Framework on the preservation of “the openness of the Green Belt”.’
Local Government Lawyer, 31st January 2020
‘Wind turbines can evoke strong feelings. To some they are vital and eye-catching sources of renewable energy. To others they are simply bird- and insect-destroying eyesores. But in granting planning consent, can a local authority have regard to a proposed annual donation to a local community fund? Would this be a material planning consideration? No, said the Supreme Court on 20 November in R (Wright) v Resilient Energy Severndale Ltd and Forest of Dean District Council [2019] UKSC 53. Lord Sales gave the judgment with which Lady Hale, Lord Reed, Lord Lloyd-Jones and Lord Thomas agreed.’
Law Society's Gazette, 3rd January 2020
‘The UK government is being sued for approving a large new gas-fired power plant, overruling the climate change objections of its own planning authority.
The plant, being developed by Drax in north Yorkshire, would become the biggest gas power station in Europe and could produce 75% of the UK’s power sector emissions when fully operational, according to the environmental lawyers ClientEarth, who have brought the judicial review.’
The Guardian, 30th January 2020
‘A group of Extinction Rebellion (XR) protestors who brought City of London Airport to a standstill were given £280 to cover travel costs to court, after their case collapsed because a key police witness is on holiday.’
Daily Telegraph, 28th January 2020
‘In this latest Environmental Law News Update Christopher Badger considers a new report from the Committee on Climate Change, progress of the Agriculture Bill and a briefing paper from DEFRA putting plastic waste back on the agenda.’
Six Pump Court, 28th January 2020
‘A naturalist who wanted to rewild the family farm has lost a 15-year legal battle with his brother after a judge ruled he cannot prevent the sale.’
Daily Telegraph, 23rd January 2020