UK introducing three laws that threaten human rights, says UN expert – The Guardian

‘Boris Johnson’s government is introducing three pieces of legislation that will make human rights violations more likely to occur and less likely to be sanctioned even as averting climate catastrophe depends on these rights, the UN special rapporteur for human rights and the environment has said.’

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The Guardian, 24th June 2021


Legal experts worldwide draw up ‘historic’ definition of ecocide – The Guardian

‘Legal experts from across the globe have drawn up a “historic” definition of ecocide, intended to be adopted by the international criminal court to prosecute the most egregious offences against the environment.’

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The Guardian, 22nd June 2021


Greenpeace launch legal action against UK government over secrecy on deep sea mining – The Independent

‘Greenpeace has launched legal action against the UK government over ministers’ failure to disclose information over the first deep sea mining exploration licences to be made public.’

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The Independent, 13th June 2021


Food brands challenge deforestation rules in UK environment bill – The Guardian

Posted May 25th, 2021 in bills, environmental protection, fines, food, international trade, news, trees by sally

‘Trade associations representing leading food suppliers have questioned the need for new regulations to protect forests overseas, which will come before parliament in the environment bill on Wednesday.’

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The Guardian, 25th May 2021


UK’s deep-sea mining permits could be unlawful – Greenpeace – The Guardian

‘Deep-sea mining exploration licences granted by the British government are “riddled with inaccuracies”, and could even be unlawful, according to Greenpeace and Blue Marine Foundation, a conservation charity.’

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The Guardian, 12th May 2021


Johnson’s planning laws an ‘utter disaster’, say countryside campaigners – The Guardian

‘A dramatic loosening of planning laws to create a housebuilding boom will damage local democracy and destroy swathes of countryside by granting property developers a freer hand to build over green fields, planning experts have warned.’

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The Guardian, 11th May 2021


Lawyer found guilty of criminal contempt of court, fined £7k for disclosing result of Supreme Court appeal prior to judgment being handed down – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Supreme Court has fined an environmental lawyer £5,000 after finding him in criminal contempt of court for deliberately disclosing the result of an appeal prior to hand down of the judgment.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 11th May 2021


Nicholas Reed Langen: Confronting Climate Change in the Courts – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Talk is cheap. Governments, particularly wealthy, western ones, have been quick to make promises on climate change. They swear blind that they understand the threat the world faces, and that they will implement a policy response commensurate with it. Few nations have adopted this rhetoric as determinedly as the UK, with the British government promising to transform the UK into a net-zero country by 2050, an oath enshrined in law through the passing of the Climate Change Act 2008 (Order 2019) by Parliament in the summer of 2019.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 27th April 2021


The cost of air pollution is captured in a child’s smile: it’s time for ‘Ella’s law’ – The Guardian

Posted April 27th, 2021 in bills, children, environmental protection, news, pollution by sally

‘As the family lawyers at Ella Adoo-Kissi-Debrah’s inquest, we join her mother and the coroner in calling for changes to the environment bill.’

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The Guardian, 26th April 2021


HS2: Judge orders pause on tree felling at wood that inspired Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Mr Fox – The Independent

‘A High Court judge has ordered HS2 to stop felling trees at a wood that inspired Roald Dahl to write Fantastic Mr Fox, ahead of a hearing into whether the government licences were issued legitimately.’

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The Independent, 17th April 2021


‘Not a mini-trial’: Supreme Court explains the correct approach in jurisdiction challenges – Littleton Chambers

‘In The Spiliada [1987] AC 460, 465 Lord Templeman hoped that in jurisdiction disputes, “the judge will be allowed to study the evidence and refresh his memory of [the legal principles] in the quiet of his room without expense to the parties; that he will not be referred to other decisions on other facts; and that submissions will be measured in hours and not days.”‘

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Littleton Chambers, 3rd March 2021


‘No Go’ For Offshore Wind Farm DCO – Simon Randle and Vivienne Sedgley – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

Posted February 25th, 2021 in energy, environmental protection, news, offshore installations, planning by sally

‘A local resident has successfully challenged the Secretary of State’s development consent order (“DCO”) for one of the world’s largest offshore wind projects on the grounds that the cumulative landscape and visual impacts of both this Vanguard project and its “sister” Boreas project (for which a DCO decision is expected in April 2021) were not take into account.’

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4-5 Gray's Inn Square, 22nd February 2021


Climate change “could transform legal profession” – Legal Futures

‘Helping clients cope with the repercussions of climate change could transform the legal profession, a Law Society report has predicted, as lawyers focus on “proactive risk management advice”, knowledge of numerous legal frameworks and “out-of-the-box thinking”.’

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Legal Futures, 25th February 2021


Environmental Law News Update – Six Pump Court

‘In this latest Environmental Law News Update, Charles Morgan, Noémi Byrd and Mark Davies consider a recent case involving the application of Energy National Policy Statements to nationally significant infrastructure projects, developments on legislation to curb sewage overflows and further delays for the Environment Bill.’

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Six Pump Court, 5th February 2021


Legal action begins against climate lawyer in Heathrow expansion row – The Independent

‘Court proceedings have been launched against a climate charity lawyer for leaking a decision to expand Heathrow Airport.’

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The Independent, 18th February 2021


Okpabi & others v Royal Dutch Shell Plc and another – Blackstone Chambers

‘The Supreme Court has given judgment in a high-profile appeal which raises important issues regarding the proper approach to jurisdictional challenges and the potential liability of parent companies in respect of damage caused by their subsidiaries.’

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Blackstone Chambers, 12th February 2021


New Judgment: Okpabi & Ors v Royal Dutch Shell Plc & Anor [2021] UKSC 3 – UKSC Blog

‘Royal Dutch Shell Plc (‘RDS’) is the parent company of the Shell group of companies, incorporated in the UK. The Shell Petroleum Company of Nigeria Limited (‘SPDC’, the other Respondent) is an exploration and production company incorporated in Nigeria and is a subsidiary of RDS.’

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UKSC Blog, 12th February 2021


Court of Appeal hands down ruling on policy for development in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and presumption in favour of sustainable development – Local Government Lawyer

‘The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) allows a council to reject a planning application because of an adverse impact on an area of outstanding natural beauty (AONB), the Court of Appeal has ruled.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 4th February 2021


Council secures possession order evicting environmental protesters at development site – Local Government Lawyer

‘A High Court judge has granted the London Borough of Islington a possession order for a development site where protesters are occupying a copse scheduled for destruction.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 2nd February 2021


Judge refuses to halt eviction of HS2 activists from Euston tunnel – The Guardian

‘An emergency application to the high court by environmental protesters to stop HS2 evicting them from a tunnel close to Euston station because of safety concerns has been rejected by a judge.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd February 2021
