Tribunal awards: defaulters’ names to be put on public debt register – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 2nd, 2009 in debts, employment tribunals, news by sally

“People who fail to pay awards made by employment tribunals will be publicly named and shamed from today, as the government clamps down hard on employers who disregard tribunal rulings.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 1st April 2009


Companies told to review rules to avoid ‘indirect’ religious discrimination – Daily Telegraph

Posted February 16th, 2009 in employment, employment tribunals, news, religious discrimination by sally

“Companies have been urged to review their workplace rules to ensure they are not discriminating against religious employees, after a sharp rise in the number of faith-related employment tribunals.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 16th February 2009


Employment Tribunals should ignore previous harassment rulings, says EAT –

Posted February 16th, 2009 in employment tribunals, harassment, news by sally

“Employment Tribunals should ignore precedents set in harassment cases that predate the introduction in 2003 of new definitions from an EU Directive, the Employment Appeals Tribunal has said.”

Full story, 16th February 2009


Diggins v Condor Marine Crewing Services Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted February 9th, 2009 in employment tribunals, jurisdiction, law reports, ships, unfair dismissal by sally

Diggins v Condor Marine Crewing Services Ltd; [2009] WLR (D) 37

“The claimant, who lived in the United Kingdom and was employed as a chief officer on a ferry registered in Nassau which sailed from Portsmouth to the Channel Islands, returning to Portsmouth each working day, was entitled to bring a claim of unfair dismissal and was not excluded by the provisions relating to mariners in s 199 of the Employment Rights Act 1996.”

WLR Daily, 6th February 2009


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Employment Act 2008

Posted November 14th, 2008 in employment, employment tribunals, legislation, trade unions by sally

Employment Act 2008 published

Full text of Act (PDF)


Information Commissioner orders naming of Tribunal employers –

Posted October 16th, 2008 in employment tribunals, freedom of information, news by sally

“Organisations involved in Employment Tribunals will have their identities published after a ruling by privacy watchdog the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). The ruling reinstates a practice that was discontinued in 2001.”

Full story, 16th October 2008
