Covert recordings may be admissible in Employment Tribunals – Technology Law Update

Posted March 19th, 2013 in admissibility, employment tribunals, evidence, news, video recordings by tracey

“As technology becomes more sophisticated, so do the challenges faced by employers.  A seemingly common query relates to the legality of covert recordings made by employees of face to face meetings with managers or colleagues on smart phones or tablets.”

Full story

Technology Law Update, 15th March 2013


Streamlined employment tribunal system will “weed out weak claims” says Government –

Posted March 18th, 2013 in claims management, employment tribunals, fees, news, striking out by sally

“The Government has set out plans to ‘streamline’ the employment tribunal system, which will include a new power to ‘strike out’ claims with little chance of success before they proceed to a full hearing.”

Full story, 18th March 2013


New rules for employment tribunals – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 15th, 2013 in employment tribunals, news, tribunals by tracey

“Employment tribunals are to become the ‘last resort, not the first port of call’ after the government’s announcement today that it has accepted proposals in a fundamental review of procedure for tribunals.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 14th March 2013


Perry v Nursing and Midwifery Council – WLR Daily

Posted March 4th, 2013 in appeals, employment tribunals, evidence, human rights, law reports, nurses by sally

Perry v Nursing and Midwifery Council [2013] EWCA Civ 145; [2013] WLR (D) 88

“Fairness did not require that a respondent to an allegation of unfitness to practise his profession had to be given an opportunity to give evidence as to the substance of that allegation before a tribunal considering whether to make an interim suspension order or other interim order under a legislative scheme, such as that contained in the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, since that was not what the statutory scheme envisaged or what fairness required at the interim stage. Guidance was given as to the procedure to be followed by a committee, considering whether to make an interim order pending the substantive hearing of a complaint against a member of the profession, in order to satisfy the fairness requirement.”

WLR Daily, 28th February 2013


Police officer caught in Youtube attack video set for compensation windfall – The Independent

“A policeman who smashed in the windows of a disabled pensioner’s car before dragging him from the front seat for not wearing a seatbelt could bag a six-figure compensation package after claiming a “bullying campaign” forced him out of his job.”

Full story

The Independent, 3rd March 2013


Telling tales out of school: balancing public authority employees’ duties of confidentiality with their right to freedom of expression – Employment Law Blog

“A dinner lady told a child’s parents that their daughter had been tied to a fence and whipped with a skipping rope by some other pupils, repeated the same to the press and then was dismissed for breach of confidentiality and acting in a manner likely to bring the school into disrepute. An employment tribunal found the dismissal procedurally unfair but dismissed her whistleblowing claim and reduced her compensation for unfair dismissal on the grounds of Polkey and for contributory fault. The tribunal did not, however, determine the question of whether the claimant could lawfully be disciplined for ‘telling tales out of school’ (as it put it).”

Full story

Employment Law Blog, 27th February 2013


Legal professional privilege and employment law – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted February 27th, 2013 in accountants, employment tribunals, legal profession, news, privilege by sally

“In R (on the application of Prudential Plc and another) v Special Commissioner of Income Tax and another [2013] UKSC 1 a majority of the Supreme Court held that legal advice privilege does not extend to protect legal advice given by professionals who are not lawyers and that it is for Parliament, not the courts, to decide whether and how the privilege should be extended.”

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 19th February 2013


Disclosures made after employment ends can be protected under whistleblowing rules says tribunal –

Posted February 27th, 2013 in disclosure, employment tribunals, news, whistleblowers by sally

“Employees who ‘blow the whistle’ on bad behaviour by bosses can still take advantage of legal protections even after the employment relationship has ended, a tribunal has ruled.”

Full story, 25th February 2013


Protecting the reputation of schools and universities – Education Law Blog

Posted February 25th, 2013 in appeals, defamation, employment tribunals, local government, news, universities by sally

“You can say what you like about local authorities – and people do, knowing that the authority itself (as opposed to any individual member or employee) cannot sue in defamation. This was first established back in 1891 in Manchester Corporation v Williams [1891] 1 Q.B. 94, where it was held that the council could not complain about a letter to a newspaper alleging that ‘bribery and corruption have existed and done their nefarious work’ in a number of its departments.”

Full story

Education Law Blog, 22nd February 2013


Whistleblowers to be protected from harassment from co-workers – The Guardian

Posted February 22nd, 2013 in bills, employment tribunals, harassment, news, vicarious liability, whistleblowers by sally

“Whistleblowers are to be protected from harassment and bullying from co-workers after criticism that current legislation fails to protect those who speak out.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st February 2013


Badmouthing the pope in heated news room does not amount to harassment – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted February 21st, 2013 in appeals, employment tribunals, harassment, news, religious discrimination by sally

“The Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) has found that the use of bad language was evidently merely an expression of bad temper and not intended to express hostility to the Pope or Catholicism and that it did not constitute harassment within the meaning of the Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) Regulations 2003.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 20th February 2013


Employment tribunal hearing first claim for caste discrimination collapses – The Guardian

“An employment tribunal hearing the first claim for unfair dismissal on the grounds of caste discrimination has collapsed after information handed to the judge by police led the judge to recuse herself from the case.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th February 2013


Justice for dinner lady who told of school bullying – Daily Telegraph

“A school dinner lady who was unfairly sacked after telling a seven-year-old girl’s parents that their daughter had been tied to a fence and hit with a skipping rope has won her two-year battle for compensation.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th February 2013


O’Brien (Appellant) v Ministry of Justice (Formerly the Department for Constitutional Affairs) (Respondents) – Supreme Court

O’Brien (Appellant) v Ministry of Justice (Formerly the Department for Constitutional Affairs) (Respondents) [2013] UKSC 6 | UKSC 2012/0168 (YouTube)

Supreme Court, 6th February 2013


O’Cathail v Transport for London – WLR Daily

Posted January 31st, 2013 in adjournment, appeals, civil justice, employment tribunals, law reports by sally

O’Cathail v Transport for London [2013] EWCA Civ 21; [2013] WLR (D) 31

“An employment tribunal’s decision to refuse a claimant’s application to adjourn a hearing could not be set aside by the Employment Appeal Tribunal unless the tribunal had erred in law.”

WLR Daily, 29th January 2013


Judge says £420,000 racism claim can stand, after 13 years of ‘Dickensian’ wrangling – Daily Telegraph

“A race equality campaigner who won £420,000 compensation after a council-funded anti-racism group turned her down for a job has emerged victorious from a “Dickensian” court battle – at the ultimate expense of the public purse.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 29th January 2013


Why government reforms on employment law make little sense – Law Society’s Gazette

“There were some statistics that private equity pioneer Adrian Beecroft did not include in his highly controversial report on employment law published last year. The number of claims brought by employees in employment tribunals fell from 236,000 in 2009-10 to 186,000 in 2011-12. The number of claims for both sex and age discrimination has almost halved. And the median award for most types of claim remains low, at around £5,000 (two months’ average pay). Given that these figures relate to a period of acute economic turbulence, they are counterintuitive.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 28th January 2013


Police officers sue forces over forced retirement – BBC News

Posted January 24th, 2013 in age discrimination, employment tribunals, news, police, retirement by sally

“Five police forces are to be taken to an employment tribunal accused of age discrimination.”

Full story

BBC News, 23rd January 2013


Sunday working case does not establish that all religious discrimination claims will fail –

“A tribunal’s refusal to allow the constructive dismissal claim of a Christian care worker who was required to work on Sundays does not establish that Sunday working will never amount to indirect religious discrimination, an expert has said.”

Full story, 14th January 2013


How the workplace will change in 2013 –

“What changes can workers expect from their employers in the coming year? Employment law expert Edward Goodwyn of Pinsent Masons, the law firm behind, looks ahead to some significant changes.”

Full story, 4th January 2013
