Couple who sacked housekeeper who let boyfriend stay at £10m mansion and drove Porsche when they were away ordered to pay him £8,000 – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 21st, 2016 in employment tribunals, judgments, news, unfair dismissal by tracey

‘A housekeeper who drove his millionaire bosses’ Porsche and had his boyfriend to stay at their home was unfairly sacked because his employers did not follow the correct procedures, a tribunal has ruled.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th December 2016


Hospital chaplain loses same-sex wedding discrimination appeal – The Guardian

‘A Church of England hospital chaplain has lost his claim that he was discriminated against when his licence to work was withdrawn after he married his same-sex partner, in a case that gay rights campaigners hoped would force the church to change its stance.’

Full story

The Guardian, 7th December 2016


Judicial Assessments: More New Clothes for the Emperor? By Daniel Northall – Littleton Chambers

Posted December 1st, 2016 in arbitration, case management, costs, employment tribunals, judiciary, news by sally

‘On 3 October 2016, the President of the Employment Tribunals, Judge Brian Doyle, issued presidential guidance on a newly introduced process of judicial assessment.’

Full story

Littleton Chambers, 18th November 2016


Senior former manager sues CPS for unfair dismissal – The Guardian

‘A senior former manager is suing the Crown Prosecution Service for unfair and constructive dismissal in an employment claim that has exposed strains in the way cases are brought to trial.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st November 2016


Employment law brief – New Law Journal

‘Ian Smith examines the recent cases that have been driving employment law.’

Full story

New Law Journal, 18th November 2016


Is new employment law really necessary to protect the gig workers? – The Independent

Posted November 22nd, 2016 in employment, employment tribunals, news, self-employment by sally

‘Significant number of the self-employed are neither enjoying the advantages of self-employment nor benefiting from the rights associated with employment.’

Full story

The Independent, 21st November 2016


Younger judges take government to court over pension cuts – The Guardian

Posted November 16th, 2016 in age discrimination, employment tribunals, judges, judiciary, news, pensions by sally

‘The government has demonstrated a “signal breach of faith” in cutting the pensions of recently appointed judges, an employment tribunal has been told.’

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The Guardian, 15th November 2016


Employment Appeal Tribunal confirms that judges don’t work for a living… – Cloisters

‘… they do, however, faithfully and diligently discharge their office and can be, of course, in an employment relationship.’

Full story

Cloisters, 31st October 2016


Number of people lodging unfair dismissal complaints plummets after Government introduces tribunal fees – The Indepedentn

‘The number of workers taking claims of unfair dismissal or discrimination to employment tribunals has slumped since charges came into force, a new study has revealed.’

Full story

The Independent, 4th November 2016


Unfair dismissal cases slump under tribunal fee system, study shows – The Guardian

‘The number of workers taking claims of unfair dismissal or discrimination to employment tribunals has slumped since charges came into force, a study has revealed.’

Full story

The Guardian, 4th November 2016


Uber drivers: legal documentation has little impact on relationship between worker and engager, expert says –

Posted November 1st, 2016 in employment, employment tribunals, flexible working, news, self-employment, taxis by sally

‘Much has been made of the new flexibilities the so-called ‘gig economy’ offers to businesses and workers. However, whether these flexibilities truly exist will depend on the actual relationship between the parties, as last week’s decision against Uber shows.’

Full story, 31st October 2016


Uber awaits tribunal ruling over drivers’ status as workers – The Guardian

Posted October 31st, 2016 in employment, employment tribunals, news, taxis by sally

‘An employment tribunal in London will decide whether Uber drivers should be treated as workers with basic employment rights, in a case that could affect tens of thousands of other people working across the gig economy.’

Full story

The Guardian, 28th October 2016


Care workers sue council contractor in minimum wage battle – BBC News

Posted September 14th, 2016 in care workers, employment tribunals, local government, minimum wage, news, trade unions by tracey

‘Seventeen care workers are alleging failure to be paid the minimum wage in the sector’s biggest ever legal claim.’

Full story

BBC News, 14th September 2016


Rise in women facing discrimination on taking maternity leave – The Guardian

‘New mothers are facing increasing discrimination when they take maternity leave including being made redundant and switched to zero-hours contracts.’

Full story

The Guardian, 21st August 2016


Councillor wins battle with parish over failure to provide reading aid – Local Government Lawyer

‘A parish council discriminated against a councillor with visual impairment by failing to provide him with reading aids to carry out his duties. That finding has come following six employment tribunal hearings in Bedford and Huntingdon between November 2015 and May 2016 concerning former Brixworth parish councillor Stephen Pointer.’

Full story

Local Government Lawyer, 3rd August 2016


Chambers urged to shape up on diversity as discrimination claims rise – Legal Futures

‘Chambers are seeing more grievances over discriminatory treatment by both employees and members, according to solicitors who advise them on dealing with their equality and diversity obligations.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 1st August 2016


Breaking: ‘minimal assistance’ from lawyers in online court – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A long-awaited report on the future of civil courts has recommended a new online court for dealing with all monetary claims up to £25,000.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 27th July 2016


The Simmons v Castle debate continues – Cloisters

‘Sarah Fraser Butlin considers the most recent EAT judgment on the issue in Olayemi v Athena Medical Centre.’

Full story

Cloisters, 25th July 2016


A part of inclusion? Disabled people and the right to a fair hearing – Cloisters

‘John Horan considers two recent cases that highlighted particular difficulties that disabled people face in obtaining a fair hearing before the courts. Both cases (Rackham v NHS Professionals Ltd and Galo v Bombardier Aerospace UK) provide a common-sense framework of considerations which a court or tribunal must bear in mind. The second, Galo, identifies the need for better training for judges and legal practitioners in Northern Ireland as to the requirements of disabled people.’

Full story

Cloisters, 19th July 2016


Deliveroo contracts ‘written to scare couriers from going to court over workers’ rights’ – The Independent

‘Deliveroo has outsmarted Uber by reportedly building clauses into the contracts of its couriers to prevent them from taking the company to court over worker’s rights.’

Full story

The Independent, 25th July 2016
