Plan to check criminals in tatters after cost of IT programme doubles – The Times

Posted January 9th, 2008 in electronic monitoring, news, parole by sally

“A government plan to monitor offenders more closely was in tatters last night after ministers scaled back an IT programme because costs had almost doubled to £512 million.”

Full story

The Times, 9th January 2008


Tagging blunder in teenage killer case – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 19th, 2007 in bail, electronic monitoring, murder, news, young offenders by sally

A teenager who stabbed a friend to death after a drunken party should have been under curfew and wearing an electronic tag, it was disclosed yesterday.

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 19th December 2007

Burglar freed early battered mother to death – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 29th, 2007 in electronic monitoring, murder, news, young offenders by sally

“A teenage serial burglar battered a mother to death in her home after being freed early from prison with an electronic tag.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 29th November 2007


Satellite tracking of offenders: a study of the pilots in England and Wales – Ministry of Justice

Posted August 3rd, 2007 in electronic monitoring, satellites by sally

“This summary evaluates the satellite tracking pilots that took place between September 2004 and June 2006 in three areas in England and Wales. The results describe the implementation of the pilots, the offenders who were satellite tracked, and experience of criminal justice practitioners involved in the pilot.”


Ministry of Justice, 2nd August 2007


Doubts rise over electronic tags – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 25th, 2007 in bail, electronic monitoring, news by sally

“Breaches of court-imposed bail curfews involving electronic tags quadrupled last year while attempts to remove or tamper with them nearly doubled, according to new figures.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 25th July 2007
