Digital legal services for low-income clients “close to tipping point” – Legal Futures

Posted June 3rd, 2016 in electronic filing, legal aid, legal services, news by sally

‘The digital delivery of legal services in England and Wales to people formerly entitled to legal aid could be at the cusp of a “tipping point”, according to Professor Roger Smith, the leading researcher into online law.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 3rd June 2016


High Court orders in favour of e-disclosure predictive coding in first contested case –

Posted May 27th, 2016 in case management, disclosure, electronic filing, news by tracey

‘The High Court has backed the use of predictive coding in a litigation disclosure exercise, in what is being reported as the first use of the technology without the consent of all parties.’

Full story, 25th May 2016


City firm wins first contested application for use of predictive coding – Litigation Futures

Posted May 20th, 2016 in case management, disclosure, electronic filing, law firms, news by tracey

‘City law firm Berwin Leighton Paisner (BLP) has won what it believes to be the first contested application to use predictive coding as part of a substantial document review exercise.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 19th May 2016


The Brave New World of Electronic Filing at the Central Family Court – Family Law Week

‘Michael Allum, Solicitor with The International Family Law Group LLP, explains how the Central Family Court’s pilot scheme for electronic filing of documents will work.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 22nd April 2016


Neuberger: ODR may become only route to justice for smaller claims – but Bar is looking for alternatives – Legal Futures

‘Online dispute resolution (ODR) could be the only way of ensuring access to justice in moderate-sized claims in future – but the Bar Council is trying to find an alternative that retains hearings, according to the president of the Supreme Court.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 27th April 2016


Jackson proposes decoupling new bill of costs from J-Codes in bid to break “deadlock” – Litigation Futures

Posted April 25th, 2016 in civil procedure rules, codes of practice, costs, delay, electronic filing, news by sally

‘The new format bill of costs developed by the Hutton committee needs to be brought into use – perhaps from October 2017 – but should be decoupled from the J-Codes to make it more palatable to the profession, Lord Justice Jackson said last week in a bid to restart momentum towards one of the unfinished elements of his reforms.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 25th April 2016


Police and prosecutors ‘losing sensitive evidence’ – BBC News

‘Sensitive details held by police and prosecutors in England are being lost because evidence is still being shared on computer discs, watchdogs say.’

Full story

BBC News, 13th April 2016


Susskind: online court is just the beginning – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The proposed online court is a “pragmatic first step” on the road to a fully integrated online and conventional court service, an influential body has predicted. Professor Richard Susskind (pictured), who leads a panel of experts on digital dispute resolution, said proposals by Lord Justice Briggs for an online court for small claims were to be welcomed.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 9th April 2016


Controversial online court will need careful piloting – CJC – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 30th, 2016 in civil justice, courts, electronic filing, internet, judiciary, news, pilot schemes by sally

‘Influential advisory body the Civil Justice Council has urged a measured approach to the adoption of a new online court for civil cases.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 30th March 2016


Speech by Sir Ernest Ryder: The Modernisation of Access to Justice in Times of Austerity – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted March 9th, 2016 in budgets, electronic filing, speeches, tribunals by tracey

‘Speech by Sir Ernest Ryder: The Modernisation of Access to Justice in Times of Austerity; 5th Annual Ryder Lecture at the University of Bolton.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 7th March 2016


Speech by Sir James Munby to the Family Law Bar Association – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted March 4th, 2016 in barristers, divorce, electronic filing, family courts, speeches by tracey

‘Speech by Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division, 26 February 2016.’

Full speech

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 29th February 2016


No “big bang” on fixed costs, Lord Chief Justice predicts – Legal Futures

Posted February 24th, 2016 in costs, electronic filing, news by sally

‘The Lord Chief Justice has predicted that the use of fixed costs will be extended gradually and not in “one big bang”, which people would find “uncomfortable”.’

Full story

Legal Futures, 23rd February 2016


Four-year target for ‘digital court’ in England ambitious, but not unworkable, says expert –

Posted February 19th, 2016 in courts, electronic filing, news, small claims by sally

‘An ambitious new report proposes digitising all court processes in England and Wales within four years – but this, as the report itself recognises, will require significant behavioural changes from practitioners if it is to come to fruition.’

Full story, 18th February 2016


Compulsory use of new format bill of costs postponed indefinitely – Litigation Futures

Posted January 13th, 2016 in costs, electronic filing, news by sally

‘The plan to make the new electronic bill of costs mandatory in the Senior Courts Costs Office has been shelved indefinitely because of the “major implications” it would have for the profession.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 13th January 2016


Set up online courtrooms to cut lawyers out of legal process, says official report – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 13th, 2016 in consultations, electronic filing, news, reports, small claims by sally

‘Senior judge says civil cases up to £25,000 should be carried out in ‘paperless’ courts with most work done by admin staff rather than judges or lawyers.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th January 2016


‘Check settlements’, couples told after divorce form error – BBC News

Posted December 21st, 2015 in computer programs, divorce, electronic filing, litigants in person, news by sally

‘Couples who divorced in the last 20 months have been advised to check their financial settlements after a glitch was found in an online government form.’

Full story

BBC News, 18th December 2015


Divorce error on form caused by UK Government software glitch could affect 20,000 people – The Independent

Posted December 18th, 2015 in computer programs, divorce, electronic filing, litigants in person, news by tracey

‘Divorced couples may be forced to return to court to renegotiate their separation after it emerged a Government software error may have altered the terms of their settlement.’

Full story

The Independent, 18th December 2015


Digital ‘Make A Plea’ system means people can choose where and when they plead – Ministry of Justice

Posted February 27th, 2015 in electronic filing, pleadings, press releases by tracey

‘A new digital service will allow people charged with minor motoring offences to make a plea online at a time and place of their choosing.’

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 26th February 2015


Why is the immigration tribunal so uniquely impervious to modernity? – Free Movement

‘In a recent determination, the President of the Upper Tribunal suggested that documents and submissions could be sent electronically to the tribunal in order to facilitate efficient justice:

“…parties and their representatives are strongly encouraged to communicate electronically with the Tribunal and, further, to seek confirmation that important communications and/or attachments have been received.”‘

Full story

Free Movement, 26th February 2015


Legal experts call for English ‘online court’ to handle low-value civil court cases –

Posted February 18th, 2015 in civil justice, electronic filing, internet, litigants in person, news by sally

‘An online mechanism should be set up to handle low-value civil court cases, with judges removed entirely from the process for the simplest cases, according to a new report.’

Full story, 17th February 2015
