‘The case of REBELO concerned a business run by the Defendant (D) which sold the highly toxic chemical DNP as a food supplement which promoted weight loss. On 4th April 2015, a 21 year old woman, called Eloise Aimee Parry (EP) purchased 250mg DNP tablets from him through the internet. She subsequently died on 12th April 2015 as a result of having taken them. She died of DNP toxicity. That was the verdict of HM Coroner and the finding of the jury. D was prosecuted by the Harrow Council within whose area D’s centre of distribution was located. RICHARD BARRACLOUGH QC and GORDON MENZIES were instructed to prosecute as homicide, regulatory and food law specialists.’
Full Story
Six Pump Court, 15th August 2018
Source: www.6pumpcourt.co.uk