Honour crimes units to be piloted – BBC News
“Specialist teams are to be set up around England to help deal with any so-called “honour crimes” and offences arising from forced marriages.”
BBC News, 20th June 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“Specialist teams are to be set up around England to help deal with any so-called “honour crimes” and offences arising from forced marriages.”
BBC News, 20th June 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“The murder of Banaz Mahmod, a Kurdish Muslim woman, by her father and uncle, has brought the practice of honour killings to the attention of the public and has again emphasised the plight of Asian women caught between traditional religious customs and modern Western values. Moreover, the death of Miss Mahmod, 20, forces us to examine how such crimes are treated by the criminal courts and raises a question about the quality of policing in such cases.”
The Times, 19th June 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk
“Dedicated teams of senior prosecutors are to be deployed in the UK’s honour killing hotspots in the wake of the failings exposed this week by the case of a young Kurdish woman murdered by her family.”
The Guardian, 16th June 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“Banaz Mahmod was murdered by her family. Each year, 12 British women like her die in ‘honour’ killings. Why aren’t we doing more to save them?”
The Guardian, 13th June 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“The father and uncle of a young woman who ‘besmirched their honour’ by becoming involved in a relationship with someone they considered to be the wrong man were today convicted of her murder.”
The Guardian, 12th June 2007
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
“New voting legislation is set to come into effect which will allow victims of stalking and domestic violence to keep their names off the electoral roll.”
BBC News, 1st June 2007
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
“Domestic violence has the highest repeat rate of any crime. It is not limited to any particular class, creed or gender. So how should we deal with it? Following its consultation paper “Safety and Justice”, the Government has decided that the best way of tackling this growing – and largely unreported – problem is to criminalise it further.”
The Times, 10th May 2007
Source: www.timesonline.co.uk