So we cannot see Prince Charles’ advocacy letters after all – UK Human Rights Blog

“As we all know, the Prince of Wales has his own opinions. And he has shared those opinions with various government departments. Our claimant, a Guardian journalist, thought it would be interesting and important for the rest of us to see those opinions. So he made a request under the Freedom of Information Act and the Environmental Information Regulations to see these documents.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 9th July 2013


Decision to block Prince Charles’s letters upheld – BBC News

“The attorney general’s decision to block public disclosure of letters the Prince of Wales wrote to ministers has been upheld by the High Court.”

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BBC News, 9th July 2013


Two Upper Tribunal decisions – Panopticon

“The Upper Tribunal has handed down two decisions on Iraq and section 27 FOIA, which raise some interesting procedural points – FCO v Information Commissioner and Plowden GIA/2474/2012 and Cabinet Office and Information Commissioner v Muttitt GIA/0957/2012.”

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Panopticon, 2nd July 2013


Court to decide if Graham Ovenden’s sentence was too lenient – The Guardian

“An internationally renowned artist who walked free from court despite being convicted of a string of sexual offences against child models is to have his sentence reviewed by the appeal court.”

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The Guardian, 2nd July 2013


Name firms accused of hacking within 14 days, MPs tell police – The Independent

Posted July 3rd, 2013 in disclosure, interception, news, private investigators, time limits by sally

“The Serious Organised Crime Agency has refused to name the blue-chip companies it knows commissioned corrupt private investigators to break the law – but was immediately ordered to do so within 14 days by a committee of MPs.”

Full story

The Independent, 2nd July 2013


ICO considers enforcement action over disclosure of ‘hidden’ personal data in FOI responses –

“The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has warned public sector bodies that they face being fined for breaching data protection laws if they disclose “hidden” personal information in their responses to freedom of information (FOI) requests.”

Full story, 1st July 2013


Regina v Austin (Herbert) – WLR Daily

Regina v Austin (Herbert): [2013] EWCA Crim 1028;   [2013] WLR (D)  257

“It was the Crown’s responsibility to carry out the duties of disclosure. Judicial involvement could only properly be triggered by an application under the Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 by the prosecutor or by the defence. There was no provision for a trial judge to superintend the decisions of disclosure made by the prosecution on his own motion by inspecting unused material himself.”

WLR Daily, 27th June 2013


Jeremy Forrest case: Twitter users could have broken the law – The Guardian

Posted June 26th, 2013 in anonymity, disclosure, internet, news, prosecutions, sexual offences, victims by sally

“Police are looking at tweets sent following the conviction of Jeremy Forrest to see whether those who identified his victim have broken the law.”

Full story

The Guardian, 26th June 2013


Sacking GP from government drugs advisor post for ‘anti-gay’ views was lawful – UK Human Rights Blog

“Dr Hans-Christian Raabe lost his judicial review challenge to the revocation of his appointment as the GP member of the Government’s Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs (ACMD). His appointment was revoked less than a month after he had accepted an offer to join the ACMD, as a result of certain views about homosexuality expressed in a paper he had co-written in Canada some 6 years earlier.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 25th June 2013


Payday loan ad banned for ‘£1,000 night out’ offer – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 19th, 2013 in advertising, complaints, disclosure, loans, news, telecommunications by sally

“The Advertising Standards Authority has banned a payday lender for sending text messages that encouraged people to borrow £1,000 for a night out.”

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Daily Telegraph, 19th June 2013


Lessons from eBay, cases without hearings and a divided profession: Neuberger assesses the law – Litigation Futures

“The court system ‘may well have something to learn from online dispute resolution on eBay and elsewhere’, the president of the Supreme Court has suggested.”

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Litigation Futures, 19th June 2013


Private enforcement: the Commission speaks at last – Competition Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers

“The trio of documents published by the Commission last week mark an important moment in private competition enforcement in the EU. After years of debate and consultation, it is now clear that, whilst the Commission is determined to take some important steps to assist claimants in private actions, it is not prepared to bring about the sorts of fundamental changes which would be needed to realise the full potential of private enforcement.”

Full story

Competition Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers, 15th June 2013


In re Atrium Training Services Ltd; Smailes and another v McNally and others; In re Connor Williams Ltd; Smailes and another v McNally and others – WLR Daily

Posted June 13th, 2013 in civil procedure rules, disclosure, law reports, liquidators, time limits by sally

In re Atrium Training Services Ltd; Smailes and another v McNally and others; In re Connor Williams Ltd; Smailes and another v McNally and others [2013] EWHC 1562 (Ch); [2013] WLR (D) 225

“The court must exercise its discretion when considering an application for an extension of time for compliance with a deadline stipulated in a court order by simply having regard to the overriding objective of the court to deal with cases justly pursuant to CPR r 1.1(1), notwithstanding that CPR r 1.1(2) had been amended to include the enforcement of compliance with court orders.”

WLR Daily, 7th June 2013


Police to reveal details of partners’ pasts to tackle domestic violence – The Guardian

Posted June 13th, 2013 in disclosure, domestic violence, homicide, news, police, reports by sally

“Women will be passed information about the past of a violent partner in an initiative being considered by a police force where nine people have died in domestic violence homicides in four years.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th June 2013


Finance and Divorce update – Family Law Week

“Anna Heenan, solicitor and David Salter, Joint Head of Family Law at Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the financial remedies and divorce news and cases published in May.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 7th June 2013


The Chagossian Wikileaks cable judgment, fishing rights and a dose of EU law – UK Human Rights Blog

“The Divisional Court has now dismissed the claim by Mr Bancoult on behalf of the Chagossian islanders. He had challenged the designation of the waters around the islands as a ‘no take’ Marine Protected Area, i.e. one which could not be fished.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 11th June 2013


Incomplete information and the right to know: Climategate’s long tail – UK Human Rights Blog

“These are the latest in a series of freedom of information requests for disclosure of material from the UEA’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU). These requests arose following the ‘climategate’ affair where hacked university emails suggested that individuals within CRU might have attempted to abuse the process of peer review to prevent publication of opposing research papers and evidence. Hence the sensitivity of the data to both requester and CRU, and the passions engendered on these appeals.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 10th June 2013


ZZ (France) v Secretary of State for the Home Department – WLR Daily

ZZ (France) v Secretary of State for the Home Department (Case C-300/11); [2013] WLR (D) 218

“Where a national authority had failed to inform an EU citizen precisely and in full of the public security grounds, and the related evidence, upon which it had made a decision under article 27 of Parliament and Council Directive 2004/38/EC refusing the citizen entry, the national court was required, pursuant to articles 30(2) and 31 of the Directive and article 47 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights, to ensure that that failure was limited to that which was strictly necessary. The court had to ensure, in any event, that the citizen was informed of the essence of the grounds in a manner which took due account of the necessary confidentiality of the evidence.”

WLR Daily, 4th June 2013


Coroner calls for Alexander Litvinenko inquiry – The Independent

Posted June 6th, 2013 in coroners, disclosure, evidence, inquiries, murder, news, poisoning, spying by sally

“The coroner presiding over the inquest into the poisoning of Alexander Litvinenko has called on the government to replace it with a public inquiry.”

Full story

The Independent, 5th June 2013


The Revised Public Law Outline …. and this time they mean it – Family Law Week

“Andrew Pack, care lawyer with Brighton & Hove City Council, explains and comments on the changes made by the recently published Revised Public Law Outline.”

Full story

Family Law Week, 4th June 2013
