Mason v Laing: Wrongly decided? – No. 5 Chambers

‘Those involved in soft tissue injury cases proceeding under the Pre-Action Protocol for Low Value Personal Injury Claims in Road Traffic Accidents (“the RTA Protocol”) may be familiar with paragraph 7.8B of the Protocol.’

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No. 5 Chambers, 11th June 2021


Whistleblowing: causation, guidance for complex cases and judicial proceedings immunity – 3PB

‘In GMP v Aston we receive a helpful reminder of the approach to be applied in cases where there are multiple protected disclosures spanning a significant period and allegations of multiple detriments involving multiple perpetrators and multiple victims. The case also involves an alleged detriment consisting of evidence given in other tribunal proceedings which was subject to judicial proceedings immunity (JPI) and deals with the issue of whether evidence which is covered by JPI can amount to a detriment. Finally, where the issue of JPI had not been raised before the first instance Tribunal, the Appeal Tribunal considered whether it had to deal with this newly argued point (i.e. whether it was mandatory) or whether it had a discretion to consider the newly argued point (i.e. whether it was discretionary). The considerations when deciding whether or not to exercise the discretion are also set out.’

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3PB, 10th June 2021


A Guide to Immigration Subject Access Requests – Richmond Chambers

‘Subject Access Requests (SARs) are an essential tool for individuals and their lawyers, especially when it comes to immigration and nationality law. This post looks at what they are, why they are important, and how to make an Immigration Subject Access Request.’

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Richmond Chambers, 9th June 2021


Greenpeace launch legal action against UK government over secrecy on deep sea mining – The Independent

‘Greenpeace has launched legal action against the UK government over ministers’ failure to disclose information over the first deep sea mining exploration licences to be made public.’

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The Independent, 13th June 2021


Documents privileged despite ‘element of deception’ – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted June 10th, 2021 in disclosure, documents, misrepresentation, negligence, news, privilege by sally

‘The High Court has ruled that a litigant’s legal documents must remain privileged despite it being accepted they were part of an information-gathering deception.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 9th June 2021


Much Ado About Nothing: Technical Breaches of Directors’ Disclosure Duties in Fairford Water Ski Club v Cohoon & Anor [2021] EWCA Civ 143 – Hardwicke Chambers

‘In Fairford Water Ski Club Ltd v Cohoon & Anor [2021] EWCA Civ 143, the Court of Appeal considered a highly technical breach of the duty imposed on company directors to disclose any interest in a contract or proposed contract entered into by their company. The decision considers several practical issues surrounding the duty to disclose, such as whether disclosure is effective only if given after the terms have been agreed and the board has considered whether these represent fair value; and whether disclosure at a first board meeting is effective for subsequent meetings. The case also highlights differences in the statutory frameworks applicable to the duty under the Companies Act 1985 and 2006.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 11th May 2021


Disclosure pilot scheme still unfit for purpose, most lawyers say – Litigation Futures

Posted May 19th, 2021 in disclosure, news, pilot schemes, solicitors, statistics by sally

‘Seven in 10 lawyers consider the disclosure pilot scheme unfit for purpose, with many believing it has exacerbated the adversarial environment, new research has found.’

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Litigation Futures, 19th May 2021


Lawyer found guilty of criminal contempt of court, fined £7k for disclosing result of Supreme Court appeal prior to judgment being handed down – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Supreme Court has fined an environmental lawyer £5,000 after finding him in criminal contempt of court for deliberately disclosing the result of an appeal prior to hand down of the judgment.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 11th May 2021


Judge criticises solicitors for sending him letter during trial – Litigation Futures

‘A High Court judge has criticised solicitors who sent him a letter during a trial trying to explain points that had arisen during cross-examination.’

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Litigation Futures, 6th May 2021


Former subpostmasters expected to have names cleared after court appeal – The Guardian

‘Dozens of former subpostmasters who were convicted of theft, fraud and false accounting because of the Post Office’s defective Horizon accounting system are expected to finally have their names cleared.’

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The Guardian, 23rd April 2021


Freshfields report into bank rape allegations not covered by privilege – Law Society’s Gazette

‘A report prepared by magic circle firm Freshfields into the alleged rape of a bank employee was not covered by legal privilege, according to an employment tribunal ruling that has now been made public.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 21st April 2021


Clergy speak out over ‘racism in Church of England’ Published8 hours ago – BBC News

Posted April 19th, 2021 in Church of England, complaints, disclosure, employment, news, racism by tracey

‘Some ethnic minority staff who made complaints of racism within the Church of England have been paid off to “buy their silence”, BBC Panorama has been told.’

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BBC News, 19th April 2021


What is the true value of a companion animal? – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted April 7th, 2021 in animals, appeals, consumer protection, damages, disclosure, dogs, news, sale of goods by sally

‘As we all know, the acquisition of puppies during lockdown has gone through the roof with the inevitable sad consequences of remorse followed by neglect and even abandonment. Dog theft has spiralled as the market responds by escalating the price of pedigree puppies.’

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UK Human Rights Blog, 7th April 2021


Watchdog steps in over secrecy about UK women in Syria stripped of citizenship – The Guardian

‘The Home Office’s refusal to disclose the number of women who, like Shamima Begum, have been deprived of their British citizenship after travelling to join Islamic State is under investigation by the information commissioner.’

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The Guardian, 29th March 2021


‘Informed consent’ fees dispute set for Court of Appeal showdown – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Afees dispute in a personal injury claim with the potential to affect thousands of similar cases is set to be contested in the Court of Appeal.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 24th March 2021


Judge allows use of documents shared by mistake – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 23rd, 2021 in disclosure, documents, evidence, news, privilege, solicitors, witnesses by sally

‘A High Court judge has granted defendants permission to use documents inadvertently shared by the claimants’ solicitors before trial.’

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Law Society's Gazette, 22nd March 2021


Court allows defendants to use statements disclosed by mistake – Litigation Futures

Posted March 22nd, 2021 in disclosure, documents, evidence, news, privilege, solicitors, witnesses by tracey

‘The High Court has granted permission to defendants to use the contents of four otherwise privileged witness statements which were disclosed by the claimants’ solicitors by mistake.’

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Litigation Futures, 22nd March 2021


Improper Non-Disclosure of a Complainant’s Medical Records – Pump Court Chambers

‘A Complainant (“C”) refuses to consent to his GP providing the Crown with medical records. The Defendant (“D”) has requested disclosure of these records, on the understanding that C has a history of prolonged substance abuse and mental health concerns. C has also indicated that he believes information within the records is detrimental to the Crown’s case; hence, his refusal.’

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Pump Court Chambers, 25th February 2021


Nazir Ahmed trial collapses due to ‘disgraceful’ late disclosure of evidence – The Guardian

‘The trial of a former Labour peer accused of sexually abusing younger children has collapsed due a “disgraceful” late disclosure of evidence by the prosecution, a judge has said.’

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The Guardian, 9th March 2021


Women ‘almost twice as likely’ to have criminal records disclosed when applying for work – The Independent

Posted March 9th, 2021 in criminal records, disclosure, employment, news, recruitment, reports, vetting by tracey

‘Women are almost twice as likely as men to have their criminal records disclosed when applying for a job, and to suffer “sustained stigma” from employers, a new study has found.’

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The Independent, 8th March 2021
