Tomlinson inquest to begin, two years after his death – The Independent

Posted March 28th, 2011 in demonstrations, inquests, news, police by sally

“After three post-mortem examinations, and almost two years to the day since he died after being struck by a police baton during G20 protests, the inquest into the death of Ian Tomlinson is due to start on Monday.”

Full story

The Independent, 26th March 2011


Police ‘illegally’ kettled peaceful G20 protesters for four hours, court hears – The Guardian

Posted March 23rd, 2011 in demonstrations, news, police, public order by sally

“Police officers illegally kettled peaceful climate activists at the G20 protests in 2009 to stop their gathering being ‘hijacked’ by violent protesters from another demonstration, the high court has heard.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd March 2011


G20 protesters challenge police kettling tactics in court – The Guardian

Posted March 22nd, 2011 in demonstrations, news, police, violence by sally

“Police officers used punches to the face, slaps and shields against demonstrators whom police chiefs accept had nothing to do with violence, the high court will hear today.”

Full story

The Guardian, 21st March 2011


Anti-war protester Brian Haw loses right to camp outside parliament – The Guardian

Posted March 17th, 2011 in demonstrations, injunctions, London, news, repossession by sally

“The London mayor has won his latest bid to evict veteran peace campaigner Brian Haw from Parliament Square Gardens.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th March 2011


Police accused of false arrest at fees protest – The Guardian

Posted March 14th, 2011 in complaints, demonstrations, news, police by sally

“IPCC investigating claims that officer colluded with colleagues to arrest man on false grounds during December protest.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th March 2011


Man guilty of burning poppies at Armistice Day protest – BBC News

Posted March 7th, 2011 in demonstrations, news, public order, threatening behaviour by sally

“A man has been found guilty of burning poppies at a protest in west London on Armistice Day.”

Full story

BBC News, 7th March 2011


Met police are criminalising a generation of students, claims law firm – The Guardian

Posted March 7th, 2011 in demonstrations, news, police, trespass by sally

“A leading legal aid firm has accused the Metropolitan police of criminalising a generation of students for taking part in the protests against tuition fees.”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th March 2011


Fresh bid to evict peace campaigner Brian Haw

Posted March 1st, 2011 in demonstrations, freedom of expression, London, news by sally

“The mayor of London has returned to the High Court in a fresh bid to evict veteran peace campaigner Brian Haw from Parliament Square Gardens.”

Full story

The Independent, 28th February 2011


Luton army parade protesters lose High Court appeal – BBC News

“Five Muslim men who disrupted a march by soldiers who had just returned from Afghanistan have lost an appeal against convictions for public order offences.”

Full story

BBC News, 16th February 2011


Undercover police case: CPS to review convictions of environmental protesters – Daily Telegraph

Posted January 28th, 2011 in conspiracy, demonstrations, news, police, prosecutions, trespass by sally

“The Crown Prosecution service (CPS) is to review the convictions of a group of environmental protesters sentenced for planning to shut down the UK’s second largest power station.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 28th January 2011


Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station activists sentenced – BBC News

Posted January 21st, 2011 in conspiracy, demonstrations, news, sentencing, trespass by sally

“Two activists who planned to shut down a power station in Nottinghamshire have been given community orders.”

Full story

BBC News, 18th January 2011


Court threat to Parliament Square protesters – The Independent

Posted January 18th, 2011 in demonstrations, London, news, trespass by sally

“Parliament Square peace protesters were threatened with court action today (17 January) unless they clear their makeshift camps from the pavement area by the end of the working week.”

Full story

The Independent, 17th January 2011


IPCC to launch inquiry into collapsed case against environmental protesters – The Guardian

Posted January 14th, 2011 in demonstrations, news, police, prosecutions, trespass by sally

“Police watchdog called in to investigate reasons why prosecution fell apart.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th January 2011


Activists challenge convictions in wake of police spy revelations – The Guardian

Posted January 14th, 2011 in conspiracy, demonstrations, news, police, trespass by sally

“Twenty environmental activists are seeking to overturn recent criminal convictions in the wake of the Guardian’s revelations about a network of undercover police officers embedded deep in the movement.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th January 2011


Student protester who threw fire extinguisher from roof jailed – The Guardian

Posted January 12th, 2011 in demonstrations, news, sentencing, violent disorder, young offenders by sally

“A student who admitted throwing a fire extinguisher from the roof of Millbank Tower during November’s tuition fees protests was sentenced to 32 months in jail today by a judge who warned those who abuse the right of peaceful protest to expect lengthy custodial sentences.”

Full story

The Guardian, 11th January 2011


Undercover officer ‘switched sides’ in power station trial – The Independent

Posted January 10th, 2011 in Crown Prosecution Service, demonstrations, evidence, news, police, trespass by sally

“The trial of six people accused of trying to shut down one of Britain’s biggest power stations has collapsed amid claims that an undercover policeman who infiltrated their group offered to give evidence on their behalf.”

Full story

The Independent, 10th January 2011


Ratcliffe coal protesters spared jail sentences – The Guardian

Posted January 6th, 2011 in demonstrations, environmental protection, news, sentencing, trespass by sally

“Environmental activists who planned to shut down a coal-fired power station near Nottingham were spared jail today after a judge declared they acted with ‘the highest possible motives’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 5th January 2011


IPCC to oversee investigation into wheelchair protester incident – The Guardian

Posted December 17th, 2010 in assault, complaints, demonstrations, disabled persons, news, police by sally

“The police watchdog will oversee the investigation into allegations that police assaulted a young disabled protester as he took part in a student fees demonstration last week.”

Full story

The Guardian, 16th December 2010


Student fees protest: lawyers launch legal challenge to kettling – The Guardian

Posted December 14th, 2010 in demonstrations, false imprisonment, human rights, news, police by sally

“Lawyers have launched a legal challenge to the police tactic of kettling during recent student demonstrations, claiming a breach of human rights.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th December 2010


Ratcliffe activists found guilty of coal station plot – The Guardian

Posted December 14th, 2010 in conspiracy, demonstrations, news, trespass by sally

“Campaigners who planned to shut down coal-fired power station convicted of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th December 2010
