Prisoners with mental illness wait too long for beds – BBC News
‘Prisoners with severe mental illnesses are waiting too long for hospital care, says the chief inspector of prisons.’
BBC News, 19th February 2024
‘Prisoners with severe mental illnesses are waiting too long for hospital care, says the chief inspector of prisons.’
BBC News, 19th February 2024
‘Criminals are gaming the system by pleading not guilty and relying on crippling trial delays to evade justice, The Independent has been told. Laying bare the extent of the crisis in the courts, figures obtained by this publication suggest the number of cases waiting more than three years for a verdict has skyrocketed at least sevenfold since 2019 to exceed 1,280 last June.’
The Independent, 11th February 2024
‘A daughter seeking to propound a copy of her deceased mother’s will has been “let down” by her solicitors in failing to comply with an unless order to issue proceedings, the High Court has ruled.’
Legal Futures, 31st January 2024
‘The High Court has given guidance on the use of intermediaries in the Family Court, in a case concerning a 2-and-a-half year old girl, which was in week 127 at the hearing last month.’
Local Government Lawyer, 25th January 2024
‘The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) has recommended that Peterborough City Council pay more than £2,900 after its delay in revising the housing priority of a vulnerable man.’
Local Government Lawyer, 24th January 2024
‘The publication of a final report into the infected blood scandal has been delayed until May.’
BBC News, 17th January 2024
‘Derby City Council has been ordered to pay thousands in compensation after it took too long to arrange alternative education for a special needs student.’
BBC News, 14th January 2024
‘Delays at the Probate Service are shortening in the wake of a “distinct improvement in recruitment, competency, productivity and call handling”, the government said this week.’
Legal Futures, 12th January 2024
‘Andrew Roy KC considers the implications of the Court of Appeal’s recent decision CDE v Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust [2023] EWCA Civ 1330 in respect of the vexed and important issue of material contribution.’
12 King's Bench Walk, 22nd November 2023
‘Almost 100,000 people seeking asylum in the UK are waiting for a decision amid growing claims that ministers have massaged official figures to try to show that they have cut the backlog of cases.’
The Guardian, 2nd January 2024
‘Thousands of vulnerable women are being left at serious risk of harm because police forces are failing to hand over potentially lifesaving information on violent criminals, The Independent can reveal.’
The Independent, 1st January 2024
‘Trade unions have welcomed the publication of new proposals by parliamentary authorities for the exclusion of MPs who are arrested for a violent or sexual offences.’
The Guardian, 14th December 2023
‘Relatives of the 97 people killed at Hillsborough in 1989 will discover today how the government intends to respond to recommendations for widespread reform made in an official report six years ago into their experiences.’
The Guardian, 6th December 2023
‘The period between a liability decision and the insurer making a first offer is where the ever-lengthening delays in the Official Injury Claim (OIC) portal are occurring, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) said yesterday.’
Legal Futures, 30th November 2023
‘MPs have launched an inquiry into probate in the wake of mounting concern about how long the process is taking, with HM Courts & Tribunals Service (HMCTS) admitting to rising levels of complaints.’
Legal Futures, 24th November 2023
‘The Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (Cafcass) has published its strategic plan for 2023-26, in which it warns that delay for children as a result of longer case durations is now the “single most pressing issue” for the family justice system.’
Local Government Lawyer, 14th November 2023
‘The backlog of older cases in the UK asylum system fell by nearly half between July and October, new figures show.’
The Independent, 15th November 2023
‘A firm has successfully challenged a 20% late-submission penalty to a legal aid settlement.’
Law Society's Gazette, 3rd November 2023
’25 June 2023 was the tenth anniversary of section 6 of the Justice and Security Act 2013 (the JSA) coming into force. It was an anniversary that, as far as I know, passed unremarked. Nevertheless it was a remarkable anniversary – though not a cause for celebration. This is because it marked 5 years since the date that Parliament had required a review of the controversial procedures under the Act, involving secret closed hearings – and yet the Government’s response to the recommendations from that review was still awaited. Even now, no Government response has been forthcoming, nearly a year after the long-delayed report was published, despite the urgency attached to some of the recommendations.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 30th October 2023
‘An equalities minister has apologised for the delay in bringing forward legislation to ban conversion therapy, but did not commit to its inclusion in the King’s Speech when challenged.’
The Independent, 25th October 2023