Immigration detention casework – poor casework must be addressed – HM Inspectorate of Prisons

Posted December 12th, 2012 in case management, delay, deportation, detention, immigration, news, prisons, reports by sally

“Immigration casework needs to improve so that people aren’t detained for longer than necessary, said Nick Hardwick, Chief Inspector of Prisons, and John Vine, Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, publishing the report of a thematic review of immigration detention casework.”

Full story

HM Inspectorate of Prisons, 12th December 2012


Lord Chief Justice Issues Warning over Jurors – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted December 11th, 2012 in delay, judges, juries, news, reports, statistics by sally

“The Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) heard appeals against conviction and sentence more quickly last year than in previous years according to the Court’s annual report published today (Tuesday 11 December).”

Full story

Judiciary of England and Wales, 11th December 2012


Regina (Tajik) v City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court and another – WLR Daily

Posted December 5th, 2012 in appeals, delay, diplomats, embassies, extradition, human rights, law reports, time limits by sally

Regina (Tajik) v City of Westminster Magistrates’ Court and another [2012] EWHC 3347 (Admin); [2012] WLR (D) 361

“While there was nothing in section 118 of the Extradition Act 2003 to delay its operation pending the Secretary of State’s consideration of medical evidence after the conclusion of extradition statutory process, continued extra-statutory consideration of a case by the Secretary of State could be valid subject to the court’s judgment as to whether reasonable cause had been shown for delay following the conclusion of the appeal process.”

WLR Daily, 27th November 2012


Spotlight On Reform – Speech by Mr. Justice Ryder

Posted December 3rd, 2012 in case management, children, delay, family courts, news, speeches by sally

Spotlight On Reform (PDF)

Speech by Mr. Justice Ryder

The Association of Lawyers For Children National Conference, 16th November 2012


British judges refuse to extradite former Iranian diplomat to US – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 28th, 2012 in delay, diplomats, embassies, extradition, Iran, news by sally

“A former high-ranking Iranian diplomat has won a High Court battle in his attempt to avoid extradition to the US.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th November 2012


Independent Chief Inspector’s report on legacy casework – UK Border Agency

Posted November 22nd, 2012 in asylum, case management, delay, immigration, reports by tracey

“Today the Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, John Vine, published his report on the Handling of Legacy Asylum and Migration Cases.”

Full report

UK Border Agency, 22nd November 2012


Border Agency condemned over asylum and immigration backlog – The Guardian

Posted November 22nd, 2012 in asylum, case management, delay, immigration, news, reports by tracey

“Senior UK Border Agency officials have been accused of misleading parliament after a damning report said they wrongly claimed they had dealt with a backlog of asylum and immigration claims – and that at one point more than 100,000 items of post about such cases remained unopened.”

Full story

The Guardian, 22nd November 2012


A war on Judicial Review? – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted November 19th, 2012 in delay, human rights, immigration, judicial review, news by sally

“The Prime Minister is to ‘get a grip’ on people forcing unnecessary delays to Government policy by cracking down on the ‘massive growth industry’ of Judicial Review.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 19th November 2012


Unclogging the courts – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 19th, 2012 in delay, fees, judicial review, news by sally

“The problem of costly and spurious review cases clogging up the courts will be tackled by new plans announced by Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 19th November 2012


End of the right to challenge planning rulings – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 19th, 2012 in appeals, delay, judicial review, news, planning by sally

“Residents’ rights to mount legal challenges to controversial development projects will be severely restricted, David Cameron will announce.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 18th November 2012


Immigration backlog is the size of Iceland – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 9th, 2012 in delay, immigration, news by tracey

“The Commons home affairs select committee said the growing number of immigration cases — which includes almost 174,000 missing illegal immigrants — is equivalent of the population of Iceland. Mismanagement by the UK Border Agency could lead to tens of thousands more illegal immigrants being granted an ‘effective amnesty’ as officials write off their cases, the MPs said.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 8th November 2012


Miners’ Knee Litigation: Judgment in the Court of Appeal – 4 New Square

Posted November 7th, 2012 in delay, industrial injuries, limitations, miners, negligence, news by sally

“On 25 October 2012, the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in the Miners’ Knee Group Litigation. This is the latest determination of the appellate courts on issues of limitation arising in group actions and follows the recent decision of the Supreme Court in the Atomic Veterans Litigation earlier this year.”

Full story (PDF)

4 New Square, 1st November 2012


Nelson and others v Deutsche Lufthansa AG Regina (TUI Travel plc and others) v Civil Aviation Authority (Joined Cases C-581/10–C-629/10) – WLR Daily

Posted October 29th, 2012 in aircraft, carriage by air, compensation, delay, EC law, international law, law reports by sally

Nelson and others v Deutsche Lufthansa AG Regina (TUI Travel plc and others) v Civil Aviation Authority (Joined Cases C-581/10–C-629/10); [2012] WLR (D) 293

“Passengers whose flights were delayed were entitled, under certain circumstances, to compensation pursuant to article 5 to 7 of Parliament and Council Regulation (EC) No 261/2004 of 11 February 2004 establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights, and repealing Regulation (EEC) No 295/91.”

WLR Daily, 23rd October 2012


Transcript of the Lord Chief Justice’s Annual Press Conference 2012 – Judiciary of England and Wales

“The Lord Chief Justice held his annual press conference on Thursday 27th September 2012 at the Royal Courts of Justice.”

Full transcript

Judiciary of England and Wales, 27th September 2012


Criminal Justice Minister Nick Herbert says justice ‘must be swift, sure and seen to be done, or it’s not done at all’ – The Independent

Posted July 16th, 2012 in courts, criminal justice, delay, news by sally

“The criminal justice system can be opaque, impenetrable, too concerned with defendants and too little concerned about victims, Nick Herbert said today (13 July).”

Full story

The Independent, 13th July 2012


Creating a swift and sure criminal justice system – Ministry of Justice

Posted July 13th, 2012 in courts, criminal justice, delay, news by sally

“Far-reaching plans to reform the criminal justice system by reducing delays, tackling waste and overhauling unnecessarily bureaucratic systems were launched today by Criminal Justice Minister Nick Herbert.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 13th July 2012


‘Swift justice’ could resolve court cases within hours – The Guardian

Posted July 13th, 2012 in criminal justice, delay, magistrates, news by sally

“Criminal cases could be dealt with in days or even hours under plans to bring in “swift and sure justice”, ministers will say on Friday.”

Full story

The Guardian, 13th July 2012


High court slams means-test delays – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted July 4th, 2012 in costs, courts, delay, legal aid, news, time limits by sally

“The High Court has condemned the current system of means testing in magistrates’ court and called on the Ministry of Justice to take urgent action to cut ‘unacceptable’ delays.”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 3rd July 2012


Carboex SA v Louis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse SA – WLR Daily

Posted June 21st, 2012 in appeals, charterparties, delay, industrial action, law reports by sally

Carboex SA v Louis Dreyfus Commodities Suisse SA [2012] EWCA Civ 838; [2012] WLR (D) 179

“The strike clause in a berth charter had the effect of transferring the liability for delay on discharging the cargo caused by strikes at the port from the charterer to the owner, whether the delay occurred at the quayside during cargo handling operations or while the vessel was at the port waiting to berth.”

WLR Daily, 19th June 2012


Court cases hampered by translation failures – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 25th, 2012 in courts, delay, interpreters, news by tracey

“Up to 50 court cases a day were delayed or postponed because of failures by a translation contractor to provide an adequate service,.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th May 2012
