Grayling: No more using judicial review as a cheap delaying tactic – Ministry of Justice

Posted April 23rd, 2013 in consultations, delay, fees, immigration, judicial review, news, planning by sally

“The culture of using meritless judicial review applications to delay immigration decisions and hold up development will be attacked by new controls announced today by Justice Secretary Chris Grayling.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 23rd April 2013


Iraq Inquiry: Inject urgency to complete report, peers urge – BBC News

Posted April 23rd, 2013 in armed forces, delay, inquiries, Iraq, news, reports by sally

“Peers have called for a speedy conclusion to the Iraq Inquiry amid growing dissatisfaction with the length of time it is taking to report.”

Full story

BBC News, 22nd April 2013


Hillsborough families have to wait two more years for investigations to be concluded – The Independent

Posted April 2nd, 2013 in complaints, delay, families, health & safety, inquiries, news, police, sport by sally

“Anger over delays that will see bereaved families have to wait more than two years for investigations into Hillsborough to be concluded have prompted campaigners to abandon a meeting with the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) planned this week.”

Full story

The Independent, 31st March 2013


Jackson reforms: trials and tribulation – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted March 26th, 2013 in costs, damages, delay, fees, news, personal injuries, regulations by sally

“One could be forgiven for thinking the campaign to halt or defer the main planks of the civil justice reforms devised by Sir Rupert Jackson is still in full swing. To be fair to the refusniks, the impression that all was not settled has been given in part by the last-minute approach the Ministry of Justice has taken to issuing details on implementation. If the government and the senior judiciary had yet to say what was to come on, respectively, damages-based agreements and big-ticket costs budgeting, perhaps they were still open to persuasion?”

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 25th March 2013


IPCC report on Mark Duggan shooting to be completed next month – The Guardian

Posted March 26th, 2013 in complaints, delay, firearms, homicide, news, police, reports, Russia by sally

“The report into the police shooting of Mark Duggan will finally be completed next month, over a year later than it was first promised, the police watchdog has announced.”

Full story

The Guardian, 25th March 2013

Border agency condemned over backlog – BBC News

Posted March 25th, 2013 in delay, housing, immigration, news by sally

“MPs say the UK Border Agency is still plagued by backlogs of unresolved immigration cases.”

Full story

BBC News, 25th March 2013


QB Master warns of “blood on the floor” after 1 April – Litigation Futures

Posted March 5th, 2013 in costs, courts, delay, judges, news by sally

“The Jackson reforms will leave ‘blood on the floor’ and a lack of resources behind the reforms will leave courts and judges ‘overwhelmed’ by the extra workload, Master Cook of the Queen’s Bench Division has predicted.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 5th March 2013


Damian Green: Unacceptable delays in criminal justice system – Ministry of Justice

Posted February 20th, 2013 in criminal justice, delay, magistrates, news by sally

“There are unacceptable delays in Magistrates’ Courts which slows down justice for victims, said Justice Minister Damian Green as he announced plans to modernise the system.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 19th February 2013


Pressure mounts on Lloyds boss as bank is fined £4.3m over delayed payment protection insurance redress – The Independent

Posted February 19th, 2013 in banking, compensation, delay, fines, insurance, news by sally

“Antonio Horta-Osorio came under more pressure today after Lloyds Banking Group was slammed with a £4.3 million fine for failing to pay compensation quickly enough to tens of thousands customers.”

Full story

The Independent, 19th February 2013


European Court awards damages to prisoner after Parole Board backlog – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted February 15th, 2013 in damages, delay, human rights, news, parole by sally

“On 29 January the Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights held that convicted rapist Samuel Betteridge’s Article 5(4) rights had been breached due to delays in his cases being considered by the Parole Board, and awarded him damages for his ‘frustration’.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 15th February 2013


Rummun v State of Mauritius – WLR Daily

Posted February 13th, 2013 in criminal justice, delay, human rights, law reports, Privy Council, sentencing by sally

Rummun v State of Mauritius [2013] UKPC 6; [2013] WLR (D) 53

“Where there had been substantial delay in a criminal trial it was the duty of the court, whether at sentence or on appeal and whether or not the matter had been raised by the defence, to examine the possibility of there having been a breach of the defendant’s right to a fair trial within a reasonable time, and if so whether that should influence the sentence to be imposed. The court should consider the factors which had caused the delay, including the responsibility of the defendant for any delay, but was to exercise caution in respect of any decision by him to contest the case on grounds which proved to be unfeasible, since a defendant to a criminal charge was entitled to put the prosecuting authorities to proof of his guilt.”

WLR Daily, 7th February 2013


Police watchdog investigates whether force acted quickly enough to arrest Lostprophets singer Ian Watkins over alleged plot to rape baby – The Independent

Posted February 7th, 2013 in complaints, conspiracy, delay, news, police, rape, sexual offences by sally

“Police involved in the arrest of ‘Lostprophets’ vocalist Ian Watkins, in relation to an alleged plot to rape a baby, are under investigation over whether or not they acted quickly enough.”

Full story

The Independent, 7th February 2013


Reducing delays in family courts – Ministry of Justice

Posted January 31st, 2013 in delay, evidence, expert witnesses, family courts, news by sally

“New measures have been introduced to ensure child care cases are dealt with more quickly and effectively in family courts. This is so children and families are spared unnecessary delays and the cost to taxpayers is reduced.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 31st January 2013


Rapist wins damages from government – BBC News

Posted January 29th, 2013 in damages, delay, human rights, news, parole, rape by sally

“The government has been ordered to pay damages to a convicted rapist because of delays to a review about whether he should be released.”

Full story

BBC News, 29th January 2013


Lawyers on the line: high-speed rail plan faces 10-year delay – The Independent

Posted January 29th, 2013 in consultations, delay, judicial review, news, planning, railways by sally

“Britain’s HS2 high-speed rail line could be delayed for a decade as a unified coalition of Conservative councils, MPs and environmental groups threaten disruptive legal action.”

Full story

The Independent, 28th January 2013


Inspector finds UK Border Agency backlog dating back 10 years – The Guardian

Posted January 24th, 2013 in delay, immigration, married persons, news, reports by sally

“A ‘completely unacceptable’ UK Border Agency backlog of more than 16,000 applications from migrants for permission to stay in Britain, some of them dating back almost a decade, has been uncovered by the chief inspector of borders and immigration.”

Full story

The Guardian, 23rd January 2013


Prisoners win big payouts for parole delays – The Independent

Posted January 21st, 2013 in compensation, delay, freedom of information, human rights, news, parole, prisons by sally

“Murderers, rapists and kidnappers have received compensation totalling hundreds of thousands of pounds from the Government after complaining that delays in their parole hearings breached their human rights.”

Full story

The Independent, 20th January 2013


Unreliable Evidence – BBC Radio 4

Posted January 8th, 2013 in criminal justice, criminal procedure, delay, evidence, news by sally

“Clive Anderson and top lawyers and judges reveal why the wheels of our legal system turn so slowly and discuss concerns that Government proposals to speed up proceedings in our criminal courts could lead to injustices.”


BBC Radio 4, 2nd January 2013


Government plan for mesothelioma claims process draws heavy fire from claimant lawyers – Litigation Futures

Posted December 20th, 2012 in cancer, compensation, consultations, delay, fees, news by tracey

“Lawyers acting on the new system for dealing with mesothelioma claims will be paid on fixed-fee basis, the government announced yesterday.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 19th December 2012


More trials being disrupted over interpreter failings – The Guardian

Posted December 14th, 2012 in courts, delay, interpreters, news by tracey

“Nearly 200 trials were disrupted or postponed in England and Wales in the first quarter of the year because interpreters provided by a private firm failed to appear, according to a damning report by the select committee.”

Full story

The Guardian, 14th December 2012
