Disability benefits delays not illegal, government says – BBC News

Posted May 18th, 2015 in benefits, delay, disabled persons, government departments, news by sally

‘Delays in processing disability benefits claims were unacceptable but not illegal, the Department for Work and Pensions has told the High Court.’

Full story

BBC News, 15th May 2015

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Priestley v Dunbar and Co – Zenith PI

Posted May 13th, 2015 in appeals, delay, negligence, news, setting aside by tracey

‘Denton and Delay: to what extent should delay impact upon an application to set aside judgment?’

Full story

Zenith PI, 13th May 2015

Source: www.zenithpi.wordpress.com

Delays in Court of Protection ‘readily tolerated’ – Munby – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 11th, 2015 in case management, Court of Protection, delay, news by sally

‘The president of the Family Division has bemoaned what he called ‘systemic failures’ in Court of Protection procedures causing cases to take years to reach full hearing.’
Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 8th May 2015

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Jimmy Savile: Publication into TV presenter’s abuse over decades at BBC postponed – The Independent

Posted May 5th, 2015 in BBC, delay, news, police, reports by sally

‘Publication of Dame Janet Smith’s report into how Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall carried out campaigns of abuse over decades at the BBC has been postponed at the request of the Metropolitan Police.’
Full story

The Independent, 1st May 2015

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Delay Too Often Defeats Justice – Speech by Master of the Rolls

Posted April 30th, 2015 in case management, costs, delay, magna carta, news, speeches by sally

Delay Too Often Defeats Justice (PDF)

Speech by Master of the Rolls

The Law Society, Magna Carta Event, 22nd April 2015

Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk

Late applications to amend come a cropper in High Court – Litigation Futures

Posted April 30th, 2015 in amendments, banking, case management, delay, evidence, litigants in person, news by sally

‘The High Court has condemned as “utterly inappropriate” a bid by one of the big banks to amend its defence and serve a new witness statement on a litigant in person on the eve of trial.’
Full story

Litigation Futures, 29th April 2015

Source: www.litigationfutures.com

Dyson: ‘we must simplify Civil Procedure Rules’ – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The master of the rolls has called for further simplification of the Civil Procedure Rules to reduce delays in the justice system.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 23rd April 2015

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk

Chilcot inquiry into Iraq War ‘unlikely to be published this year’ – The Independent

Posted April 21st, 2015 in delay, inquiries, Iraq, news, publishing, reports by sally

‘The British inquiry into the 2003 Iraq war and its aftermath, which completed its last hearing in February 2011 with the promise to report back in “some months”, is unlikely to be published this year.’

Full story

The Independent, 21st April 2015

Source: www.independent.co.uk

Leapfrog granted: The death knell for Cookson v Knowles? – Cloisters

‘It has long been the case that the multiplier in a fatal accident claim is assessed at the date of death rather than at the date of trial: Cookson v Knowles [1979] AC 556. This is unlike the position in personal injury claims with living claimants where the multiplier is assessed at the date of trial.’

Full story

Cloisters, 24th April 2015

Source: www.cloisters.com

CPS seeks retrial for prison officer after conviction quashed – The Guardian

‘A prison officer whose conviction over leaks to newspapers was quashed by the court of appeal is facing a retrial, it has been confirmed.’

Full story

The Guardian, 1st April 2015

Source: www.guardian.co.uk

Family Court Key Decision Review: Part 1 – No. 5 Chambers

Posted April 7th, 2015 in care orders, costs, delay, documents, local government, news by sally

‘In the first of a new series of quarterly round ups, Kathryn Taylor reviews some of the key decisions of the family court since December 2014, with a particular emphasis on Local Authority failings.’

Full story

No. 5 Chambers, 30th March 2015

Source: www.no5.com

Transfers of Proceedings under Article 15 Brussels II Revised in a Public Law Context – Family Law Week

Posted March 31st, 2015 in adoption, care orders, delay, EC law, foreign jurisdictions, news by sally

‘Oliver Jones, barrister of 4 Paper Buildings, and Maria Wright, solicitor of Freemans, currently seconded to the Court of Appeal, analyse a series of recent judgments in which the English courts have considered whether public law children proceedings should be in this jurisdiction or abroad.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 27th March 2015

Source: www.familylawweek.co.uk

Airlines face court threat over customer services – BBC News

Posted March 24th, 2015 in airlines, compensation, consumer protection, delay, news by sally

‘Three airlines are facing legal action over complaints about how they handle passengers hit by flight disruptions.’

Full story

BBC News, 21st March 2015

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Miscarriage of justice review body is dismissed as the Court of Appeal’s ‘lap dog’ in hard-hitting report – The Independent

‘Innocent victims of miscarriages of justice are “languishing in jail” due to delays and faults in the case review system, according to MPs behind a hard-hitting report to be published this week.’

Full story

The Independent, 22nd March 2015

Source: www.independent.co.uk

High Court grants overworked law firm relief from sanctions – Litigation Futures

Posted March 18th, 2015 in delay, evidence, law firms, news, sanctions by sally

‘A High Court judge has granted relief from sanctions, after a law firm blamed pressure of work for late service of evidence in a Russian libel case.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 18th March 2015

Source: www.litigationfutures.com

Water cannon decision delayed until after election – Daily Telegraph

Posted March 12th, 2015 in delay, London, news, police, water, weapons by sally

‘Theresa May postpones ruling on whether Boris Johnson, the London Mayor, can use three machines already purchased by Metropolitan Police.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 11th March 2015

Source: www.telegraph.co.uk

Ofsted finds authorities wanting on child social care – BBC News

Posted March 10th, 2015 in care homes, children, delay, local government, news, reports, social services by tracey

‘Child social care is “inadequate” or “requires improvement” in three-quarters of the local authorities in England inspected by Ofsted last year.’

Full story

BBC News, 10th March 2015

Source: www.bbc.co.uk

Plans to restrict use of conditional fee agreements in insolvency cases dropped ‘for the time being’ – OUT-LAW.com

Posted March 5th, 2015 in delay, fees, insolvency, insurance, news, personal injuries by tracey

‘Successful parties to insolvency cases will not be prevented from recovering conditional fee agreement (CFA) “success” fees and legal insurance premiums from their opponents from April, after the UK government extended a temporary exemption from the general ban “for the time being”.’

Full story

OUT-LAW.com, 4th March 2015

Source: www.out-law.com

Regina v Boardman – WLR Daily

Posted March 4th, 2015 in appeals, case management, criminal justice, delay, evidence, law reports, trials by sally

Regina v Boardman [2015] EWCA Crim 175; [2015] WLR (D) 92

‘A judge was fully entitled to refuse to allow the prosecution to adduce evidence of telephone data records where they had failed to progress the case properly or in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Rules or other direction even though such refusal effectively brought the prosecution to an end. The Court of Appeal would support trial judges in the exercise of their discretion in discharging their case management responsibilities.’

WLR Daily, 26th February 2015

Source: www.iclr.co.uk

Alternative dispute resolution – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The recent case of Laporte v The Commissioner for the Police of the Metropolis [2015] EWHC 371 (QB), which came before Turner J (pictured), reinforced the pro-ADR stance of courts and the obligation on parties to seriously consider and engage with ADR processes. Although the case also dealt with indemnity costs, this article specifically focuses upon ADR.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 2nd March 2015

Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk