Google sued over defamatory postings found on web search – The Independent

Posted June 29th, 2007 in defamation, internet, news by sally

“Google, the world’s biggest search engine, is being sued by a London businessman in a landmark legal action that could hold the US-based company liable for the publication of inaccurate, malicious or damaging material on the internet.”

Full story

The Independent, 29th June 2007


Estate agent accepts libel damages – The Guardian

Posted June 20th, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“An estate agent has accepted substantial libel damages over newspaper articles that suggested he had been arrested in connection with an alleged terrorist plot to blow up passenger aircraft using ‘liquid bombs’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 20th June 2007


Buckley v. Dalziel and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted June 7th, 2007 in defamation, law reports, privilege by sally

Complaints to police are privileged

Buckley v. Dalziel and Another

Queen’s Bench Division

“Absolute privilege and immunity from suit were available to a person who provided information to the police to set in motion the process of an inquiry into possible illegality.”

The Times, 7th June 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

A herd of libel actions is fast approaching – The Times

Posted May 23rd, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“Despite the myths, bloggers are just as vulnerable as conventional publishers to legal action – if not more so.” 

Full story

The Times, 23rd May 2007



Edwards v. Golding – Times Law Reports

Posted May 22nd, 2007 in defamation, law reports by traceydennis

Libel author’s identity irrelevant

Edwards v Golding

Court of Appeal

“In defamation cases a cause of action accrued for limitation purposes even if the claimant was unaware of the identity of the relevant author.”

The Times, 22nd May 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Adelson and Another v Associated Newspapers Ltd. – Times Law Reports

Posted May 10th, 2007 in defamation, law reports, limitations by sally

No power to add late libel claim

Adelson and Another v. Associated Newspapers Ltd. 

Queen’s Bench Division

“Where the libel limitation period had expired, there was no jurisdiction to grant an application to amend pleadings by the addition of new claimants.”

The Times, 10th May 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Cease-fire in battle of ‘supermums’ – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 10th, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“Gina Ford, the controversial childcare guru, yesterday dropped her bitter legal battle against a popular parenting website that mocked her rigorous methods.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 10th May 2007


How pruning dispute grew into an £80,000 legal bill – The Times

Posted May 4th, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“A woman who sued her neighbours for libel and slander after they told police that she had pruned their trees without permission has paid a high price for her action.”

Full story

The Times, 4th May 2007


Top fertility doctor in £1m BBC libel fight – The Sunday Times

Posted April 30th, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“PANORAMA, the BBC’s flagship current affairs show, faces being sued for more than £1m by Britain’s richest doctor after a “biased and irresponsible” undercover investigation into his fertility clinics.”

Full story

The Sunday Times, 29th April 2007

Sunday Times protected by Parliamentary privilege, says High Court –

Posted April 27th, 2007 in defamation, news, parliamentary privilege by sally

“The Sunday Times did not libel a man accused of ‘association with the IRA’s dirty money’ in an investigation into his business interests, the High Court ruled on Wednesday.”

Full story, 27th April 2007


Dead? That’s no reason not to sue for libel – Sunday Times

Posted April 23rd, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“Speaking ill of the dead could become a lot more expensive. The government is to consider extending the laws of defamation so that even the deceased – or at least their representatives – can sue for libel.”

Full story

Sunday Times, 22nd April 2007


Snookered by fair comment – The Times

Posted April 17th, 2007 in defamation, dispute resolution by sally

“Alternative dispute resolution – sorting out libel actions without the crushing costs of High Court litigation – was given a new lease of life last month when Peter Ebdon, the former world snooker champion, arbitrated his libel action against The Times. It was the first time a case involving a defence of fair comment went to binding arbitration.”

Full story

The Times, 17th April 2007


Edwards v. Golding and others – WLR Daily

Posted April 5th, 2007 in defamation, law reports by sally

Edwards v. Golding and others [2007] WLR (D) 88

“In defamation cases knowledge of the identity of the tortfeasor was not an integral element required before a cause of action could be said to have accrued for the purposes of limitation.”

WLR Daily, 4th April 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Lady Falkender wins BBC drama damages – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 4th, 2007 in defamation, news by sally

“The BBC is to pay Lady Falkender £75,000 in damages over a drama documentary claiming she conducted an adulterous affair with Harold Wilson and exercised undue influence over the compilation of his resignation honours list.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 4th April 2007
