Keir Starmer: public need to see justice done – The Times

Posted January 15th, 2009 in Crown Prosecution Service, special report by sally

“Television cameras in the courts, no reform needed on assisted suicide and strong backing for the Human Rights Act 1998 — the new Director of Public Prosecutions has given a first taste of his views two months into the job.”

Full story 

The Times, 15th January 2009


Management of cases from the Organised Crime Division of the Crown Prosecution Service – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted December 19th, 2008 in case management, Crown Prosecution Service, press releases by sally

A Protocol issued by the senior presiding  judge.”

Full press release

Judiciary of England and Wales, 18th December 2008


Bar Council chair hits out at Govt’s in-house push – The Lawyer

Posted December 16th, 2008 in advocacy, barristers, Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“Incoming Bar Council chair Desmond Browne QC has said that the Government’s plan to increase in-house advocacy will have a ­detrimental effect on the self-employed bar.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 15th December 2008


Sir Ken Macdonald: the QC who came to the prosecutors’ defence – The Times

Posted October 30th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, special report by sally

“He has been an outspoken and robust holder of the post. So Sir Ken Macdonald, QC, was unlikely to end with a whimper. True to form, his final speech just days ago was a forceful attack on ministers’ plans for a new super database and the dangers of expanding state surveillance and growth of the security State.”

Full story

The Times, 30th October 2008


Gardener arrested and taken to court for carrying work scythe in van – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 10th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, offensive weapons, prosecutions by sally

“A judge has ordered the Crown Prosecution Service to make a public apology to a gardener who was arrested and taken to court for carrying a scythe which he said he needed for his work.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 9th October 2008


Regina v O – Times Law Reports

Regina v O

Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)

“Those who prosecuted defendants charged with immigration offences who might be victims of people-trafficking must be aware of the protocols in relation to such victims enshrined in the Code for Crown Prosecutors; defence lawyers must make inquiries if there was credible material showing that their client might have been such a victim, especially if the client was young.”

The Times, 2nd October 2008


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

Bar Council and CPS agree Protocol on Performance Issues – The Bar Council

Posted September 26th, 2008 in advocacy, barristers, Crown Prosecution Service, press releases by sally

“The Bar Council and the CPS have agreed a procedure for handling CPS/BAR Performance Issues in relation to advocacy.”

Full press release

The Bar Council, 25th September 2008


CPS announces “lead football prosecutors” to tackle football hooliganism – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted August 15th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, sport, violence by sally

“The creation of lead football prosecutors in all Areas and new instructions on evidence for prosecutors are part of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) and the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) amended Guidance on Football Related Offences.”

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 14th August 2008


‘He has an ability to motivate and is not easily cowed. If there is a row with the government he will fight his corner’ – The Guardian

Posted August 1st, 2008 in barristers, Crown Prosecution Service, special report by sally

“The next director of public prosecutions is a QC with a passion for human rights.”

Full story

The Guardian, 1st August 2008


Human rights lawyer Keir Starmer named as new prosecution service chief – The Times

Posted July 26th, 2008 in barristers, Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“A barrister renowed for his ground-breaking human rights work was named yesterday as the next Director of Public Prosecutions.”

Full story

The Times, 26th July 2008


CPS publishes policy on prosecuting crimes against older people – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted July 17th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, elderly, news by sally

“The Director of Public Prosecutions, Sir Ken Macdonald, QC, said the Crown Prosecution Service was making clear to the public that it takes crime against older people seriously as a policy published today sets out how it handles these cases.”

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 15th July 2008


The watchdog who has the courage of his convictions – The Times

Posted July 10th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, special report by sally

” Today it is rape; a few days ago it was knife crime. Is the prosecution system doing a good job in bringing such crimes to justice? If anyone knows the answer to that question, it is Stephen Wooler. The Chief Inspector of the Crown Prosecution Service, his task is to monitor the workings of the service and report to Parliament.”

Full story

The Times, 10th July 2008


Addict who murdered had been freed on bail – The Guardian

Posted June 28th, 2008 in bail, Crown Prosecution Service, murder, news, sexual offences by sally

“Police last night criticised prosecutors for failing to charge a crack addict accused of rape who went on to sexually assault and murder a woman a week after being released from custody.”

Full story

The Guardian, 28th June 2008


Sir Ken Macdonald’s plan for CPS staff arouses further opposition – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 2nd, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“The Director of Public Prosecutions came under renewed attack this week from members of his own profession. Barristers, solicitors and even one of Sir Ken Macdonald’s own prosecutors were united in opposing his plan to let non-lawyers conduct serious trials in magistrates’ courts.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st June 2008


CPS ‘must focus on getting the basics right’ – The Bar Council

Posted May 23rd, 2008 in case management, Crown Prosecution Service, press releases by sally

“The Bar Council has responded to the findings of a report which shows that poor case management by the CPS is having a direct impact on court proceedings.”

Full press release

The Bar Council, 22nd May 2008


Analysis: mistakes at the CPS have gone beyond a joke – The Times

Posted May 22nd, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, special report by sally

“When a hospital doctor picks up a patient’s file, he needs to see the patient’s medical history; what treatment is being given and what drugs have been prescribed. If the file is incomplete and can’t be relied on, the system would collapse. The same is true with court files. But in a damning report published today, the Inspectorate of the Crown Prosecution Service found that most files – both in the magistrates’ courts and in the crown court – are incomplete.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd May 2008


Damning report concludes Crown Prosecution files are in disarray – The Times

Posted May 22nd, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“The shoddy state of most Crown Prosecution Service case files is highlighted in a report today which finds most are incomplete and missing data such as whether a defendant is on bail, or the outcome of a hearing.”

Full story

The Times, 22nd May 2008


Wanted: criminal law expert to be new DPP – The Times

Posted May 20th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“As Sir Ken Macdonald announces that he is standing down in October, the search begins for his successor.”

Full story

The Times, 20th May 2008


‘Associate Prosecutors’ given green light – Attorney General’s Office

Posted May 16th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, news by sally

“Speaking at the Institute of Legal Executives’ (ILEX) the Attorney General, Baroness Scotland QC, announced that the Crown Prosecution Services’ Designated Case Workers will now be known as Associate Prosecutors – a name that they themselves helped to select.”

Press release (PDF)

Attorney General’s Office, 15th May 2008


Police apologise for ‘fake’ claim over Channnel 4 mosque documentary – The Times

Posted May 15th, 2008 in Crown Prosecution Service, defamation, Islam, media, news, police by sally

“The Crown Prosecution Service and West Midlands Police will apologise in the High Court today for wrongly accusing a Channel 4 film of faking an exposé of Islamic extremism.”

Full story

The Times, 15th May 2008
