Domestic abuse: ‘Wide variations’ in police referrals to CPS – BBC News

Posted March 11th, 2014 in Crown Prosecution Service, domestic violence, news, police, prosecutions by tracey

‘There are significant variations across England and Wales in the way police and prosecutors deal with cases of domestic violence, figures show. In Cheshire last year, 33% of domestic violence cases recorded as an offence were referred by police to prosecutors, with 29% in North Yorkshire, they show. But in Northumbria, the figure was just 2.6% and in Warwickshire 3.6%.’

Full story

BBC News, 10th March 2014


Public ‘backs’ CPS stance on historical sex abuse – BBC News

‘The public strongly backs the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) taking allegations of historical sex abuse to court, a survey has suggested.’

Full story

BBC News, 3rd March 2014


DPP seeks public views on bringing non-recent cases to court – where a nominal penalty is likely – Crown Prosecution Service

Posted February 27th, 2014 in consultations, Crown Prosecution Service, delay, news, prosecutions, victims by sally

‘The Director of Public Prosecutions has today instructed prosecutors not to dismiss complaints about crimes allegedly committed decades ago just because of the lapse in time of reporting, in a shift of focus towards ensuring potential victims have their day in court.’

Full story

Crown Prosecution Service, 27th February 2014


Revealed: How the CPS betrays victims of crime – numbers of witness protection staff falls by 57% in just three years – The Independent

Posted February 25th, 2014 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, reports, victims, witnesses by sally

‘The Crown Prosecution Service has cut the number of staff it employs to look after witnesses – some of whom are victims of crime – by more than half in just three years, an investigation has revealed.’

Full story

The Independent, 24th February 2014


Historic sex case prosecutions will continue, vows chief prosecutor – The Guardian

Posted February 20th, 2014 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, sexual offences by sally

‘The chief prosecutor of England and Wales has made a robust defence of the decision to prosecute historic sex cases, despite the recent acquittals of celebrities such as Dave Lee Travis and Bill Roache.’

Full story

The Guardian, 20th February 2014


Sex claim victims are not money grabbers, says DPP – Daily Telegraph

‘Alison Saunders, the Director of Public Prosecutions, has strongly defended   the prosecutions that have followed the Jimmy Savile scandal and said she intends to keep pursuing such cases.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 20th February 2014


Revealed: Thousands of rape cases thrown out as charges fall following new CPS guidelines – The Independent

Posted February 4th, 2014 in Crown Prosecution Service, news, prosecutions, rape by sally

‘The Crown Prosecution Service is investigating whether thousands of suspected rape cases have been wrongly discontinued over the last two years because police forces or its own lawyers are misinterpreting official guidelines.’

Full story

The Independent, 4th February 2014


RSPCA risks losing power to prosecute – Daily Telegraph

‘The RSPCA’s role in prosecuting cases of animal cruelty could be overhauled to restore public confidence.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 1st February 2014


Offenders with learning disabilities ‘not supported’ – BBC News

Posted January 30th, 2014 in Crown Prosecution Service, learning difficulties, news, police, probation, reports by sally

‘Offenders with learning disabilities are not getting the support they need from police, probation and prosecution services, an inspection has found.’

Full story

BBC News, 30th January 2014


Three charged with stealing food from skip behind Iceland supermarket – The Guardian

Posted January 29th, 2014 in burglary, Crown Prosecution Service, food, news, public interest, vagrancy, waste by sally

‘Crown Prosecution Service claims there is “significant public interest” in prosecuting men arrested for taking discarded food.’

Full story

The Guardian, 28th January 2014


Judge questions decision to prosecute woman over sister’s car crash death – Daily Telegraph

‘Rosie-Ann Stone is cleared of causing the death of her sister Jennie by careless driving in an accident months after their brother, Private Gregg Stone, was killed in Afghanistan.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 17th January 2014


Disclosure costs force CPS to drop drugs case – Law Society’s Gazette

‘The Crown Prosecution Service offered no evidence in a case of alleged conspiracy to supply class A drugs after the judge refused a prosecution application to adduce new evidence on the second day of the trial.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette. 14th January 2014


Violent rapist jailed after court of appeal quashes acquittal – The Guardian

‘A violent rapist has been jailed for life after a landmark legal ruling in which his original acquittal for the offence was quashed by the court of appeal.’

Full story

The Guardian, 7th December 2013


Andrew Mitchell condemns police and CPS over plebgate – The Guardian

‘In a press conference, Mitchell condemned the police for failing to arrest Rowland or to interview him under caution, and attacked the Crown Prosecution Service for failing to get to the bottom of what had happened.’

Full story

The Guardian, 26th November 2013


CPS decisions in Operation Alice – incident at Downing Street on 19 September 2012 – Crown Prosecution Service

‘CPS decisions in Operation Alice – incident at Downing Street on 19 September 2012.’

Full press release

Crown Prosecution Service, 26th November 2013


Crime victims should have better support, says new top prosecutor – The Guardian

Posted November 5th, 2013 in criminal justice, Crown Prosecution Service, news, victims by sally

“Victims will be provided with better explanations of how their cases are being handled in order to boost public confidence in the criminal justice system, the new director of public prosecutions (DPP) has pledged.”

Full story

The Guardian, 4th November 2013


‘British justice on trial’: Judge urges phone-hacking jury to consider only the evidence presented to them – The Independent

“The jury that will decide the guilt or innocence of Rebekah Brooks, Andy Coulson and six other defendants was sworn in at the Old Bailey with a warning from the judge that ‘British justice is on trial’.”

Full story

The Independent, 30th October 2013


Rape victims ‘not being taken seriously’ as prosecutions fall to five-year low – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 28th, 2013 in complaints, Crown Prosecution Service, news, police, prosecutions, rape, statistics, victims by sally

“Fall in number of rape cases police refer to prosecutors raises fears under-pressure officers are ‘cutting corners’ and not taking victims seriously”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th October 2013


Private citizen wins right to prosecute Met police worker – The Independent

“Scotland Yard is facing fresh embarrassment after a citizen won the right to launch what is thought to be an unprecedented private prosecution of a police employee for perverting the course of justice.”

Full story

The Independent, 18th October 2013


UK’s top prosecutor defends journalists who break law in public interest – The Guardian

“Britain’s most senior prosecutor has launched a robust defence of journalists who break the law pursuing investigations that have a genuine public interest. Legal guidelines had been drafted, he said, to protect reporters.”

Full story

The Guardian, 18th October 2013
