Courts cannot critique “uncontroverted” expert reports – Litigation Futures

‘It is not the role of the courts to subject “uncontroverted” expert reports to “the same kind of analysis and critique as if it was evaluating a controverted or contested report”, the High Court has ruled.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 25th August 2020


A right to cross-examine? The current position – No. 5 Chambers

Posted July 30th, 2020 in appeals, cross-examination, news, planning by sally

‘There is, generally, a right to cross-examine. It was established in the 1992 rules, and is present in the same form in r 16(5) of the 2000 Rules:

“A person entitled to appear at an inquiry shall be entitled to call evidence and the appellant, the local planning authority and any statutory party shall be entitled to cross-examine persons giving evidence, but, subject to the foregoing and paragraphs (6) and (9), the calling of evidence and the cross-examination of persons giving evidence shall otherwise be at the discretion of the inspector.” ’

Full Story

No. 5 Chambers, 21st July 2020


Depp libel trial reveals problems of proof in domestic violence cases – The Guardian

‘Despite being a libel case, Depp v News Group Newspapers Ltd & Another felt more like a criminal trial at the Old Bailey, or a domestic violence hearing in the family courts.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th July 2020


Why we can’t tell if a witness is telling the truth – OUP Blog

Posted July 8th, 2020 in cross-examination, deceit, news, trials, witnesses by sally

‘Imagine that you are a juror in a trial in which the chief witness for the prosecution gives evidence about the alleged crime which is completely at odds with the evidence given by the accused. One of them is either very badly mistaken or lying. On what basis will you decide which one of them is telling the truth? And how sure can you be in your conclusion?’

Full Story

OUP Blog, 7th July 2020


Grenfell Tower inquiry resumes but distancing rules anger families – The Guardian

‘Builders behind the disastrous Grenfell Tower refurbishment are finally set to face public questioning over the June 2017 fire that killed 72 people, as the delayed public inquiry resumes on Monday with strict social distancing rules that have angered the bereaved.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 6th July 2020


Amber Heard can be in court for Johnny Depp’s evidence, high court rules – The Guardian

‘Johnny Depp has failed to stop his ex-wife Amber Heard from watching him give evidence in a libel case over allegations of domestic abuse.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 4th July 2020


Assume hearings are going to be remote, says judge – Litigation Futures

‘Parties should assume hearings will be held remotely at the moment and explain why it would not be just to do so if they want one in person, a High Court judge has ruled.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 25th June 2020


BBC Radio 4 – Law in Action: ‘Magistracy: a jewel in the crown of justice’ – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

Posted November 7th, 2019 in cross-examination, Crown Court, magistrates, press releases, witnesses by tracey

‘Joshua Rozenberg from BBC Radio 4 spoke with Maidstone Bench Chair Gill Fryzer and John Bache from the Magistrates Association for his Law in Action programme.’

Full press release

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 7th November 2019


Child sex abuse survivors ‘traumatised again’ by facing attackers in court buildings before hearings – The Independent

‘Survivors of childhood sexual abuse are forced to come face-to-face with their tormentors in court buildings while waiting for cases to be heard, a report has revealed.
Such shocks are among a host of failings by authorities and advisers that are regularly leaving people “at risk of being traumatised all over again” and feeling “discarded” by the justice system.’

Full Story

The Independent, 23rd October 2019


Domestic abuse commissioner Nicole Jacobs ‘relieved’ about new law – BBC News

Posted September 18th, 2019 in bills, cross-examination, domestic violence, news, victims by tracey

‘The first domestic abuse commissioner for England and Wales is “relieved” the prime minister has pledged to re-introduce a new law on the issue.’

Full Story

BBC News, 18th September 2019


High Court allows cross examination of Defendant on a worldwide freezing order concerning asset disclosure – No. 5 Chambers

Posted August 29th, 2019 in cross-examination, disclosure, freezing injunctions, news by sally

‘On 27 June 2019 in the English High Court in Kazakhstan Kagazy Plc & 5 Others v Baglan Abdullayevich Zhunus & Others [2019] EWHC 1693 (Comm) 2019 WL 02746548; the High Court re-examined the principles on which a Defendant can be cross-examined on their assets where there had been a disclosure order pursuant to a worldwide freezing order (‘WFO’).’

Full Story

No. 5 Chambers, 1st August 2019


“Landmark moment” as Domestic Abuse Bill introduced to Parliament – Home Office

‘The government’s landmark Domestic Abuse Bill will be introduced in Parliament today, signalling a major step forward in transforming the response to this crime.’

Full press release

Home Office, 16th July 2019


Tribunal verdict quashed after judge fell asleep twice during proceedings – Daily Telegraph

Posted June 5th, 2019 in appeals, cross-examination, employment tribunals, judges, news by sally

‘A judge who repeatedly fell asleep during a case has prompted an appeal court to overturn his verdict.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 4th June 2019


Child witnesses struggling to remember details after lengthy waits – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted February 28th, 2019 in children, cross-examination, delay, news, witnesses by tracey

‘A 13-year-old witness struggled to recall information in detail when cross-examined in court after waiting two years for the trial to begin, according to research commissioned by the NSPCC, which says child witnesses are being let down by the criminal justice system.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 27th February 2019


The Domestic Abuse Bill: a long-awaited overhaul or flawed legislation with an implementation problem? – Family Law Week

‘Hannah Gomersall, barrister at Coram Chambers, explores the proposed reforms set out in the government’s Domestic Abuse Bill: its scope, workability and whether the Family Court will be able to cope with the ensuing workload.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 7th February 2019


Peers block Lord Lester’s suspension over harassment claims – The Guardian

‘A women’s rights campaigner has said she feels “victimised all over again” after the House of Lords voted to block the suspension of a Liberal Democrat peer who was found to have promised to make her a baroness if she agreed to sleep with him.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th November 2018


Balancing the rights of domestic abuse victims and their alleged abusers in court – Family Law

‘Should a court allow a potential perpetrator of domestic abuse, when they are acting in person, to cross-examine their alleged victim? Does this run the risk of the proceedings themselves being abusive? Or will it unfairly curtail the ability of the accused to put their case? If the court does not allow direct cross-examination, how should it proceed?’

Full Story

Family Law, 30th October 2018


Judge who disparaged one party’s counsel “did not give appearance of bias” – Litigation Futures

‘A judge who was “snide” and disparaging to counsel for one of the parties before her did nonetheless not give the appearance of bias, the High Court has ruled.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 15th October 2018


Children: Public Law Update (August 2018) – Family Law Week

‘John Tughan QC of 4 Paper Buildings reviews recent, important Children Public Law cases.’

Full Story

Family Law Week, 15th August 2018


Procedural challenges in a fact-finding hearing in wardship proceedings – Family Law

Posted August 15th, 2018 in cross-examination, domestic violence, litigants in person, news, wardship by sally

‘The case of M v F and others [2018] EWHC 1720 (Fam) is a reminder that the main issues in the case should be identified and addressed as early as possible in proceedings. Brendan Roche, barrister, of Seven Bedford Row, highlights the procedural issues that arose because the father was a litigant in person, including whether he could cross-examine the mother.’

Full Story

Family Law, 14th August 2018
