‘Arrange family court open days’ – judiciary – Law Society’s Gazette
‘Family courts should have annual open days for children, a report from the judiciary recommends.’
Law Society’s Gazette, 23rd March 2015
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘Family courts should have annual open days for children, a report from the judiciary recommends.’
Law Society’s Gazette, 23rd March 2015
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘In his monthly column, originally published by PLC, James Bickford Smith considers again the Supreme Court’s judgment in Coventry v Lawrence (No 2) [2014] UKSC 46, the adjourned hearing of which has been listed for 9-11 February 2015. James assesses some of the key issues which have been debated since his initial analysis of the decision in October 2014, including the potential uncertainty for current funding arrangements that are not dependent on the Access to Justice Act 1999.’
Littleton Chambers, 5th February 2015
Source: www.littletonchambers.com
‘The Hon Mr Justice Hickinbottom gave a speech at The First Administrative Court in Wales Lecture on “Administrative Court in Wales – Evolution or Revolution” on 20 February 2014.’
Judiciary of England and Wales, 6th March 2015
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
‘Court fees will increase from next week after the House of Lords last night rubber-stamped the planned levy. A 5% charge will be added to all civil claims valued at more than £10,000, with fees capped at £10,000. According to the statutory instrument, the order comes into force on the following Monday after it is made.’
Law Society’s Gazette, 5th March 2015
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘Controversial rises in court fees will come into force next Monday barring a parliamentary upset, the Gazette can reveal.’
Law Society’s Gazette, 2nd March 2015
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘Victims and witnesses will be given more support than ever before with double the number of courtroom experts soon to be available.’
Ministry of Justice, 23rd February 2015
Source: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-justice
‘The government has pledged to double the number of experts who help vulnerable witnesses and victims in courts in England and Wales.’
BBC News, 22nd February 2015
Source: www.bbc.co.uk
‘Whenever I read stories about IT and the courts system I often get a funny sense of déjà vu (or perhaps copy and paste) but this week I read something that was more genuinely radical.’
Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 18th February 2015
Source: www.halsburyslawexchange.co.uk
‘The Law Society has pledged to challenge the government’s decision to introduce enhanced court fees from April and said it will strenuously oppose more planned hikes.’
Litigation Futures, 27th January 2015
Source: www.litigationfutures.com
‘In Part 1 of the Government response to the consultation ‘Court fees: proposals for reform’, we set out our decision to consider alternatives to the proposed fee increase for divorce.’
Ministry of Justice, 16th January 2015
Source: https://consult.justice.gov.uk
‘The government response to part 2 of the consultation on reform of court fees and further proposals for consultation.’
Ministry of Justice, 16th January 2015
Source: www.gov.uk/government/organisations/ministry-of-justice
‘The government has dropped plans for “enhanced” court fees specifically for commercial cases, but is now targeting increased fees for the hundreds of thousands of general civil applications made each year.’
Litigation Futures, 19th January 2015
Source: www.litigationfutures.com
‘Responses of the Lord Chief Justice, senior judiciary and the Civil Justice Council to the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Consultation on Court fees – enhanced charging.’
Judiciary of England and Wales, 16th January 2015
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
‘The ideal judge is a supremely intelligent woman. She is especially empathetic. She has limitless expertise in every field and infinite patience. We can trust her to do right. She is perfect justice. Lets place her on a pedestal.’
Full story (PDF)
No. 5 Chambers, 16th December 2014
Source: www.no5.com
‘Strasbourg human rights court is ready to admit it gets things wrong when presented with good arguments.’
The Guardian, 17th December 2014
Source: www.guardian.co.uk
‘The Lord Chief Justice has today laid his annual report before Parliament. His report looks back at the past 12 months and explains how the judiciary have administered justice across all jurisdictions by focusing on key priorities.’
Judiciary of England and Wales, 15th December 2014
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
‘The first change relates to cases when the defendant elected trial and solicitors had been restricted to the fixed fee, even though the Crown did not proceed at all, and the defendant is acquitted on the order of a judge. In these cases, provided the case goes beyond the plea and case management hearing, a cracked trial fee will be paid.’
Full story
Law Society’s Gazette, 1st December 2014
Source: www.lawgazette.co.uk
‘Speech by The Right Hon. The Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales at the Cardiff Business Club on 3 November 2014.’
Judiciary of England and Wales, 27th November 2014
Source: www.judiciary.gov.uk
‘The lack of any effective check or court oversight of the home secretary’s new powers to impose temporary exclusion orders for up to two years on British citizens returning from Iraq or Syria has been strongly criticised by the official counter-terror law watchdog.’
The Guardian, 26th November 2014
Source: www.guardian.co.uk