Court of Appeal rules on Equality Act breaches and homelessness appeals – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Court of Appeal has held that a homeless person cannot raise alleged breaches of the Equality Act 2010 in a homelessness appeal before a county court judge.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 8th August 2019


County court to test video hearings in year-long pilot – Legal Futures

Posted November 13th, 2018 in county courts, internet, live link evidence, news, pilot schemes by sally

‘A year-long pilot to hear applications to set aside county court default judgments by an internet-enabled video link will begin at the end of this month.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th November 2018


Avon Ground Rents Ltd v Child [2018] UKUT 204 (LC) – Tanfield Chambers

‘The UT comprised of Holgate J and HHJ Hodge QC (also sitting as County Court judges) gave valuable guidance concerning the importance of judges maintaining jurisdictional clarity and seperation when sitting as both FTT judges and County Court judges under the Residential Property Dispute Deployment Pilot.’

Full Story

Tanfield Chambers, 5th October 2018


Doing the same thing all over again – Nearly Legal

‘A county court appeal arising out of a set of proceedings starting with a disrepair claim by a private sector tenant, which raises issues of service and when second proceedings are an abuse of process. Our thanks to Hardwicke Chambers for making the judgment available.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 7th October 2018


First building block of Online Court goes public – Legal Futures

Posted April 6th, 2018 in county courts, electronic filing, news, pilot schemes, small claims by sally

‘The first element of the Online Court went public today, with a beta test enabling people to issue county court money claims for up to £10,000 more easily.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 6th April 2018


Surge in work for the county courts includes rise in personal injury claims – Litigation Futures

Posted September 21st, 2017 in county courts, news, personal injuries, reports, statistics by sally

‘There was a big increase in all kinds of work at the county courts in the first quarter of this year, according to new figures from the Ministry of Justice (MoJ).’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 21st September 2017


Debt fears grow as county court judgments soar by 35% – The Guardian

Posted May 16th, 2017 in consumer credit, county courts, debts, enforcement, news by sally

‘Nearly 300,000 debt judgments were filed against individuals in English and Welsh county courts in the first three months of 2017, the highest quarterly figure for more than 10 years.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th May 2017


Sharp rise in county court judgments against consumers – The Guardian

Posted February 7th, 2017 in consumer credit, county courts, debts, news by sally

‘The number of county court judgments (CCJs) registered against consumers has hit a record high, according to official figures that show that an increasing number of people will have problems getting a mortgage, credit card or bank account in the future.’

Full story

The Guardian, 6th February 2017


Bar Council blames court fee rises for fall in CCJs – Litigation Futures

Posted August 30th, 2016 in barristers, county courts, courts, fees, news, statistics by sally

‘There was a 19% fall in the number of debt judgments against businesses in England and Wales during the first six months of 2016, which the Bar Council says is evidence of the negative impact of rising court fees.’

Full story

Litigation Futures, 25th August 2016


Appeal judges rule on remedy for discrimination in student work placements – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 1st, 2016 in appeals, county courts, jurisdiction, news, sex discrimination by tracey

‘The Court of Appeal has filled a gap in employment law governing student work placements. It found that legislation left university and college students no remedy if they suffered discrimination during their vocational training placements.’

Full story

Local Government Lawyer, 1st July 2016


From the County Courts – deposits, evictions and introductory tenancies – Nearly Legal

‘Some county court cases reported in the indispensable ‘Housing: Recent Developments’ in Legal Action for May 2016. Cases involve introductory tenancies, deposits, harassment and illegal eviction.’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 12th June 2016


Handley and another v Luke Jackson Solicitors (a firm); Lopes v Croydon London Borough Council; Christie Owen & Davies Ltd v Awan and another – WLR Daily

Handley and another v Luke Jackson Solicitors (a firm); Lopes v Croydon London Borough Council; Christie Owen & Davies Ltd v Awan and another [2016] EWCA Civ 465

‘Where the County Court has made a decision on appeal from a district judge or deputy district judge the position as to an appeal from the County Court’s decision is as follows. (i) If the County Court has heard the appeal and ruled on the issues determined by the district judge (including the validity or otherwise of the claims, the relief to be granted and the costs of the hearing before the district judge) then, by virtue of article 5 of the Access to Justice Act 1999 (Destination of Appeals) Order 2000, any appeal will lie only to the Court of Appeal. Permission must be sought from the Court of Appeal, pursuant to CPR r 52.13, and the second appeal test, set out in section 55(1) of the Access to Justice Act 1999, will apply. (ii) In respect of the costs of the appeal to the County Court, any appeal will lie to the Court of Appeal, pursuant to article 5 of the 2000 Order, but the second appeal test will not apply. (iii) It would be open to the County Court judge to grant permission to appeal to the Court of Appeal in respect of the costs of the appeal to the County Court and the normal test for permission will apply. It would also be open to the Court of Appeal to grant permission applying the same test. (iv) If there has not been what can properly be regarded as a hearing of the appeal, any appeal (which is almost certainly to be one on costs) is to the High Court judge and the normal test will apply (paras 34, 41–42, 44–47, 51, 52, 54, 55).’

WLR Daily, 24th May 2016


Eviction and High Court Enforcement – Nearly Legal

Posted November 13th, 2015 in county courts, enforcement, news, repossession, transfer of proceedings by tracey

‘A couple of recent cases have highlighted the issues involved in transferring County Court possession orders to the High Court for enforcement by High Court Enforcement Officers.’

Full story

Nearly Legal, 13th November 2015


Patel v Mussa – WLR Daily

Posted May 11th, 2015 in appeals, county courts, human rights, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Patel v Mussa [2015] EWCA Civ 434; [2015] WLR (D) 195

‘There was no justification for extending the residual appellate jurisdiction of the Court of Appeal to encompass decisions of the county court which were alleged to breach article 6 of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms since appropriate forms of procedure existed by which a suitable remedy could be obtained.’

WLR Daily, 29th April 2015


Disabled man forced off bus by refusal to move pram sparks equality test case – The Guardian

‘A woman’s refusal to move a pushchair with a sleeping baby from a bay on a bus used by wheelchair passengers – causing a disabled man to have to leave the vehicle – is at the centre of a test-case legal battle in the court of appeal.’

Full story

The Guardian, 11th November 2014


The County Court challenge: a practical view from the Bar – Littleton Chambers

Posted May 12th, 2014 in civil procedure rules, county courts, damages, equity, jurisdiction, news by sally

‘Given the continued attention commanded by the stream of relief from sanctions decisions and the implementation of the Jackson reforms, it is unsurprising that the secondary legislation that brought into force section 17 of the Crime and Courts Act 2013, and which made related changes to the CPR (see Legal update, The Civil Procedure (Amendment) Rules 2014 published), passed by relatively unnoticed. It would, however, be a mistake not to note the significant changes to the County Court and its jurisdiction. These will throw up significant practical issues for the courts themselves and, in some regions more than others, will create a number of tactical dilemmas for litigators.’

Full story (PDF)

Littleton Chambers, 7th May 2014


Court closures spark fears of ‘justice deserts’ in rural areas – The Independent

Posted April 22nd, 2014 in county courts, courts, magistrates, news by sally

‘Dozens of the 500 courts in England and Wales are to be shut down under a £75m-a-year Ministry of Justice reform programme, fuelling fears that rural areas will become “deserts” of justice.’

Full story

The Independent, 20th April 2014


Success Fees and ATE Premiums in the Patents County Court: Henderson v All Around the World Recordings Ltd – NIPC Law

Posted May 7th, 2013 in civil procedure rules, costs, county courts, fees, insurance, news, patents by sally

“As I mentioned in “Intellectual Property Litigation – the Funding Options” 10 April 2013, it was possible until the 31 March 2013 for a litigant to enter an agreement with his or her solicitors and counsel known as a conditional fee agreement (‘CFA’) whereby the lawyers would look to the other side for payment not only of their assessed costs but also of an uplift known as a success fee and the premium for insurance against their own and the other side’s costs in case of failure known as after-the-event (‘ATE’) insurance if they won the case or obtained a satisfactory settlement. As I also mentioned in that article, it is still possible to enter a CFA but any success fee and ATE insurance premium must now be paid by the successful party – usually out of any damages or accountable profits he or she may receive.”

Full story

NIPC Law, 4th May 2013


County Court money claim service launched – Ministry of Justice

Posted March 20th, 2012 in claims management, county courts, news by sally

“From today all designated money claims in civil cases in England and Wales will be dealt with at one business centre. The centre will be supported by a dedicated contact team that deal with all telephone queries relating to claims.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 19th March 2012


Court of Appeal decides interest on costs argument – 4 New Square

Posted February 20th, 2012 in costs, county courts, interest, local government, news by sally

“This morning (16th February 2012) the Court of Appeal handed down judgment in the case of Simcoe v Jacuzzi Group UK PLC. The case is, in effect, the appeal against HHJ Stewart QC’s judgment in Gray v Toner (Liverpool County Court, 11th November 2010) and provides the answer to the questions which have bedevilled detailed assessments for the last 18 months or so – from what date does interest on costs usually run and does the fact the Claimant was on a CFA provide a reason to not award interest until the costs are assessed”

Full story (PDF)

4 New Square, 16th February 2012
