Mike Gordon: A Statutory Basis for the Ministerial Code – the Challenges – UK Constitutional Law Association
‘With the UK in the midst of its latest political corruption crisis, the question of the (in)adequacy of the current infrastructure concerning standards in public life is once more in the spotlight. Immediately prior to the parliamentary farce over the Owen Paterson lobbying affair, the Committee on Standards in Public Life published a significant report, Upholding Standards in Public Life: Final Report of the Standards Matter 2 Review (November 2021), outlining a number of potential changes to the system for holding politicians to account for their conduct. This blog post focuses on one of the Committee’s recommendations: that the Ministerial Code be provided with a statutory basis through a ‘requirement for the Prime Minister to issue the Ministerial Code’ being ‘enshrined in primary legislation’ (Recommendation 4).’
UK Constitutional Law Association, 16th November 2021
Source: ukconstitutionallaw.org