Reforms will not stop another Shipman, pathologist warns – The Guardian

Posted May 17th, 2007 in coroners, news by sally

“A pathologist involved in the Harold Shipman murder case today launched a stinging attack on the government’s proposed reforms to the coroner system, claiming they will do nothing to prevent another such killer.”

Full story

The Guardian, 17th May 2007


Diana inquest judge quits, admitting she was the wrong person for the job – The Times

Posted April 25th, 2007 in coroners, inquests, news by sally

“The inquests of Diana, Princess of Wales, and Dodi Fayed suffered a fresh blow yesterday when Baroness Butler-Sloss dramatically announced that she was stepping down as coroner.”

Full story

The Times, 25th April 2007


Butler-Sloss to step down as Diana coroner – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 24th, 2007 in coroners, inquests, news by sally

“Baroness Butler-Sloss is to step down as coroner for the Diana inquest, it was announced today.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 24th April 2007


Coroner rejects US pilot error claim in Iraq crash – The Guardian

Posted April 20th, 2007 in coroners, Iraq, news by sally

“The death of eight British servicemen in an American helicopter crash at the start of the Iraq war was due to mechanical failure, and not pilot error as the US has claimed, an Oxford coroner ruled yesterday.”

Full story 

The Guardian, 20th April 2007


Inquest date for NatWest Three death – Daily Telegraph

Posted April 19th, 2007 in coroners, extradition, news by sally

“The inquest into the death of Neil Coulbeck, who worked with the Natwest Three, has been set for May 23, 10 months after the banker was found hanged near his home.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 19th April 2007


Alder Hey lawyer to investigate Sellafield body parts scandal – The Times

Posted April 19th, 2007 in coroners, human tissue, news by sally

“The senior QC who led the inquiry into the Alder Hey stolen organs scandal has been appointed to investigate news that the Sellafield nuclear site secretly stored and tested tissues and organs taken from the bodies of dead employees.”

Full story

The Times, 18th April 2007
