Coronavirus: Union To Sue Government Over ‘Failure To Protect Precarious Workers’ – Each Other

‘The UK government is facing a legal challenge over claims it is failing to protect the wages and jobs of millions of workers amid the coronavirus pandemic.’

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Each Other, 23rd March 2020


Coronavirus, sport & the law of frustration and force majeure – Sports Law Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in chambers articles, contracts, coronavirus, news, sport by sally

‘The decision of the English Premier League, Football League and the Scottish FA to suspend football matches as a result of corona virus is the latest in a series of unprecedented responses to the global pandemic. Nick De Marco QC discusses the legal issues in sport arising from the worldwide health crisis.’

Full Story

Sports Law Bulletin from Blackstone Chambers, 13th March 2020


Coronavirus and Information Law – Panopticon

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in bills, chambers articles, coronavirus, data protection, news by sally

‘Here are some initial responses to the Coronavirus pandemic from an information law perspective.’

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Panopticon, 20th March 2020


Government identifies justice system’s keyworkers – Legal Futures

‘Legal professionals involved in court and tribunal hearings, as well as those advising people deprived of their liberty or on executing wills are ‘keyworkers’, the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has said.’

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Legal Futures, 23rd March 2020


What You Need To Know About The Coronavirus Bill – Each Other

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in bills, coronavirus, detention, enforcement, immigration, news, police by sally

‘The Emergency Coronavirus Bill will grant police, immigration officers and public health officials new powers to detain “potentially infectious persons” and put them in isolation facilities.’

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Each Other, 20th March 2020


New UK taskforce to crack down on coronavirus profiteers – The Guardian

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in competition, consumer protection, coronavirus, news, ombudsmen, sale of goods by sally

‘The competition watchdog is setting up a coronavirus taskforce to crack down on companies that cash in during the outbreak by bumping up prices or exploiting people’s fears with misleading claims about products.’

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The Guardian, 20th March 2020


Home Office releases 300 from detention centres amid Covid-19 pandemic – The Guardian

‘The Home Office has released almost 300 people from detention centres in the last few days because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Guardian has learned.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st March 2020


ACAS issues guidance on home-working for employers and employees – Local Government Lawyer

‘The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (Acas) has set out the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees when working from home, in response to government advice for many workers to stay away from the office.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 20th March 2020


EP 105: Rights in a time of Quarantine – Niall Coghlan – Law Pod UK

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in coronavirus, freedom of movement, health, human rights, news by sally

‘Rosalind English discusses with biolaw expert Niall Coghlan the implications for human rights law of government measures to contain or mitigate COVID-19, focussing on the European Convention on Human Rights.’

Full Story

Law Pod UK, 20th March 2020


Self-isolating litigant in person appears via barrister’s mobile – Litigation Futures

‘A barrister has spoken of how a self-isolating defendant in a fast-track personal injury claim appeared before the court via WhatsApp video.’

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Litigation Futures, 23rd March 2020


COVID-19 and school places for critical sector workers: one parent or two? – Education Blog

‘The new Cabinet Office and DfE Guidance for schools, colleges and local authorities on maintaining educational provision states that school places should be provided where needed for children of critical sector workers. One issue which has arisen immediately is whether this means school places should be open where one parent is a critical sector worker, or only where both parents are such workers. I have heard reports of schools seeking to limit their intake to only those children for whom both parents are critical sector workers. In one case, this puts at jeopardy the running of a large special school which itself is essential to the delivery of a large part of this new policy, namely the continued education of children with EHC plans.’

Full Story

Education Blog, 20th March 2020


Prisons ‘could see 800 deaths’ from coronavirus without protective measures – The Guardian

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in coronavirus, death in custody, early release, health, health & safety, news, prisons by sally

‘Failure to protect the most vulnerable inmates in the UK prison system from coronavirus could result in more than 800 avoidable deaths, experts have warned.’

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The Guardian, 21st March 2020


Jury trials on hold in England and Wales due to coronavirus fears – The Guardian

Posted March 23rd, 2020 in coronavirus, courts, delay, health, health & safety, juries, live link evidence, news, trials by sally

‘All jury trials in England and Wales are being temporarily suspended because of the risk of spreading coronavirus infections, the lord chief justice has announced.’

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The Guardian, 23rd March 2020


Coronavirus: What Happens To Prisoners? – Each Other

‘The UK government has urged the country to maintain “social distancing” as the coronavirus death toll rises. How does this work for the more than 83,000 people in Britain’s often overcrowded prisons?’

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Each Other, 19th March 2020


Final hearings to go online “very shortly”, says Lord Chief – Litigation Futures

‘Final hearings and hearings with contested evidence in civil and family cases will “inevitably” be conducted using technology very shortly, the Lord Chief Justice has warned.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 19th March 2020


Thoughts on financial regulation in the time of Covid-19 – 11 KBW

‘This note sets out some thoughts and information on the current crisis.’

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11 KBW, 19th March 2020


Bar students urge BSB to reconsider exam delay – Legal Futures

Posted March 20th, 2020 in barristers, coronavirus, delay, examinations, health, internet, legal education, news by sally

‘Students on the Bar professional training course (BPTC) have written a letter to the Bar Standards Board (BSB) to object to its decision to cancel the April sitting of the centralised examinations due to the coronavirus.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 20th March 2020


Further Lessons from Lehman Bros: The Court’s Control of Office Holders – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted March 20th, 2020 in administrators, appeals, banking, chambers articles, coronavirus, debts, insolvency, news by sally

‘When major financial institutions go to the wall the ensuing legal squabbles over the carcases often provide rich seams that can be mined to provide judicial clarification of the law for the benefit of all. The spectacular collapse of the Lehman Brothers empire is no exception and the latest chapter does not disappoint. In Lehman Brothers Australia Ltd (In Liquidation) v Macnamara & Ors (Joint Administrators of Lehman Brothers International (Europe) (In Administration)) [2020] EWCA Civ 321, the Court of Appeal (Patten, David Richards, Newey LJJ) has provided some timely and useful clarification on the correct test for the court to apply when considering the exercise of its inherent jurisdiction to control its officers within the principle of Re Cordon, Ex p. James (1873-74) LR 9 Ch App 609 or through the more specifically targeted statutory provisions for such control, as for example those in para 74 of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 (IA 1986) with regard to administrators. In the present climate induced by Coronavirus (COVID-19), any clarity that makes the necessity of going to court less likely is to be doubly welcomed.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 17th March 2020


The Corona Virus Bill and Human Rights – British Institute of Human Rights

Posted March 19th, 2020 in bills, coronavirus, human rights, news by sally

‘The UK, and the World, are facing a health crisis that we have not seen the likes of in over 100 years. This is a worrying time for many people and there is a need for governments to respond, including ours here in the UK. At times like these, when so many of us can find ourselves in an unfamiliar (or familiar) position of vulnerability, it is vital that we can be assured safety includes the protection of our dignity and not losing the rules of fairness and respect in the way power is used to respond to this situation. Recognising the need to protect everyone’s human dignity was, after all, born out of World War 2, one of the worst crises in modern history.’

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British Institute of Human Rights, 19th March 2020


Coronavirus Bill 2019-21 –

Posted March 19th, 2020 in bills, coronavirus, news by sally

‘The Bill was introduced to the House of Commons and given its First Reading on Thursday 19 March 2020. This stage is formal and takes place without any debate.’

Full Story, 19th March 2020
