Coronavirus: Custody fight parents told not to exploit lockdown – BBC News

Posted April 22nd, 2020 in children, coronavirus, custody, families, judges, news, parental rights by sally

‘Separated couples exploiting the Covid-19 lockdown to stop an ex-partner from seeing their child could face court action, says a senior judge.’

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BBC News, 21st April 2020


HMT Direction issued on furlough under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – 11KBW

‘Since announcing the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the “Scheme”) in mid-March, the Government has issued several iterations of Guidance which explain the Scheme – not all in the same way. On 15 April 2020, HMT issued the ‘Coronavirus Act 2020 Functions of Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme) Direction’ (the “Direction”).[1] It is the Direction which finally provides a basis in law for the Scheme and to which close attention should now be paid.’

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11KBW, 20th April 2020


UK ad watchdog bans claims that IV drips can treat coronavirus – The Guardian

‘The advertising watchdog has cracked down on three companies for implying they could provide immune-boosting IV drips that could prevent or treat coronavirus.’

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The Guardian, 22nd April 2020


‘Light Touch’ Administration as a Rescue Tool – 3 Hare Court

‘On the 28 March 2020, the Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy announced a series of insolvency legislation reforms including a new court based restructing tool modelled on the Scheme of Arrangement and a short business moratorium to protect companies facing the prospect of insolvency as a result of the Covid-19 crisis.’

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3 Hare Court, 20th April 2020


Use of the Government’s coronavirus job retention scheme by companies in administration: Re Carluccio’s Limited [2020] EWHC 886 (Ch) – Radcliffe Chambers

‘In a judgment handed down on Monday 13th April 2020 in Re Carluccio’s Limited (in administration) [2020] EWHC 886 (Ch), Snowden J considered the application of the Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in administrations both as a matter of principle and in respect of the logistics and practicalities involved for office holders. Matthew Weaver considers the judgment and its implications in this briefing.’

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Radcliffe Chambers, 16th April 2020


Covid-19 and the immigration tribunals: a working guide for representatives – 1MCB Chambers

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, immigration, news, tribunals by sally

‘The guide provides an overview of some of the key challenges, as well as practical advice for making applications and submissions within the new procedural framework. Summaries of applicable case law and links to guidance and additional resources are also included.’

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1MCB Chambers, April 2020


The Impact of Coronavirus on Winding Up Petitions – 3 Hare Court

‘Coronavirus has affected both the functioning of businesses and the Courts. In these unprecedented times, how are the Courts dealing with the hearings of winding up petitions?’

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3 Hare Court, 14th April 2020


Covid-19: FAQs on electronic signatures and e-signing – The 36 Group

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, contracts, coronavirus, documents, electronic filing, news by sally

‘An electronic signature is data in electronic form which is attached to or logically associated with other data in electronic form, and which is used by a signatory to sign.’

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The 36 Group, 15th April 2020


ADR – Compromise in COVID-19 Lockdown – Pump Court Chambers

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, dispute resolution, news by sally

‘With the courts shutting their doors to the majority of litigants following the outbreak of Coronavirus, now more than ever parties and their lawyers are turning their minds to alternative dispute resolution (ADR). From virtual mediations to remote ENEs and arbitrations, there are plenty of forms of ADR which can be conducted effectively during this crisis. ADR remains a powerful tool for concluding cases swiftly and at comparatively minimal cost which in this time of economic uncertainty is crucial. In this blog we would look at the different forms of ADR and how to they might continue to operate practically during the lockdown and social distancing measures associated with the pandemic.’

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Pump Court Chambers, 14th April 2020


Challenging immigration detention in the COVID-19 pandemic – Landmark Chambers

‘Perhaps the first significant issue arising out of the COVID-19 pandemic to come before the Administrative Court has been the question of the continued legality of immigration detention in the face of the risks and practical difficulties arising from the crisis. The pandemic raises two stark issues affecting the legality of immigration detention; on the one hand, that detainees may face an increased risk of infection by reason of the “congregate” setting of detention centres, and on the other that removals in the short term will be impossible and that the prospects of removal are at best uncertain even in the medium term.’

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Landmark Chambers, 15th April 2020


CV19 and Corporate insolvency – Thomas More Chambers

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, employment, insolvency, news by sally

‘On March 28, 2020 the government announced emergency insolvency initiatives to assist businesses through the CV19 lockdown and its aftermath. With UK SME’s (i.e. under 250 employees) facing an unprecedented existential threat from CV19, it is clear that help is needed to enable them to keep trading if they possibly can. The Government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme will clearly help in the short term with employees but what of the underlying business structures? What help is there to keep companies away from the insolvency courts?’

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Thomas More Chambers, 14th April 2020


COVID-19 and employment law in the UK – OUP Blog

‘The last couple of weeks have seen a raft of new legislation in the United Kingdom, hurriedly passed to deal urgently with the coronavirus situation. It has clearly been drafted quickly, with guidance that goes well beyond the legislation, and so this has led to some confusion as to what exactly the law now says.’

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OUP Blog, 21st April 2020


Conall Mallory: The Right to Life and Personal Protective Equipment – UK Constitutional Law Association

‘Military analogies have been deployed with vigour in the early weeks of the United Kingdom’s battle against COVID-19. Initially the government told the public to ‘keep calm and carry on’. When the lockdown came, the Prime Minister ‘enlisted’ us all to slow its spread. A ‘war cabinet’ was formed and those in the health and social care sectors, who would be most regularly exposed to the virus, were referred to as being on the ‘frontline’ of the battle.’

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UK Constitutional Law Association, 21st April 2020


Christopher Rafferty explores possible changes to Credit Hire Claims during COVID 19 – Park Square Barristers

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, civil procedure rules, coronavirus, news by sally

‘We find ourselves in unprecedented times, daily life as we know it brought to a standstill. Professionally we are all looking at work in a different light, attempting to predict the impact Covid-19 will have on our respective areas of practice.’

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Park Square Barristers, 6th April 2020


Covid 19 Employment Law Series: Covid-19 and Loss of Earnings – Parklane Plowden

‘It is to be expected that the current pandemic will result in employers seeking to rely on economic hard times with a view to curtailing employees’ claims for loss of earnings and financial benefits. This will typically be through reliance on the contention that the employees would have been dismissed in any event and any compensation for loss of remuneration should therefore, be extinguished or reduced. In some cases, there will be genuine grounds for such a stance, whilst opportunism could be the driver in others. Thus far, there is no indication that significant job losses are predicted in central and local government and in public services sector. What is said hereafter is applicable principally to employment outside the public sector. This article deals both with ordinary unfair dismissal claim and claims in Great Britain based on protected status where there is no cap on compensation.’

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Parklane Plowden, 7th April 2020


Carluccio’s, Covid-19 and Catch 22: The Furlough Scheme and paragraph 99(5) of Schedule B1 to the Insolvency Act 1986 – Hardwicke Chambers

‘The judgment Re Carluccio’s Ltd [2020] EWHC 886 (Ch) provides some much-needed clarity on the interrelation of the Furlough Scheme and the requirements of insolvency legislation. It is to be commended for its clarity and for the fact that it had to construe the workings of the Furlough Scheme in the absence of any statutory guidance as to its implementation. It is to be hoped that, when the Government comes to enact the necessary legislative measures (including perhaps amendments to Schedule B1 and IR 2016), that it does so with this judgment very firmly in mind.’

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Hardwicke Chambers, 14th April 2020


EP 108: Renewed lockdown, new guidance: new episode – Dominic Ruck Keene & Darragh Coffey – Law Pod UK

‘Rosalind English talks to two barristers who happen to have served in the armed forces before going to the law, so they know something about emergencies and personal protective equipment. Dominic Ruck Keene and Darragh Coffey consider the probable attitude of the judiciary to any challenges regarding the government’s responsibility for preparedness, lockdown, and their their obligations under Articles 2 and 5 of the European Convention on Human Rights, as well as Article 11. How are we as a society, and the government, going to regard the question of “judicial activism” in this unprecedented situation in a post-pandemic UK?’

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Law Pod UK, 20th April 2020


Civil Procedure, Litigation and the Coronavirus (Part 3) – Blackstone Chambers

‘In the final part of our three-part mini-series: Civil Procedure, Human Rights and the Coronavirus, we consider how litigators may use the civil procedure rules to drive litigation forward in the time of coronavirus.’

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Blackstone Chambers, 14th April 2020


COVID-19 and “Force Majeure” of contracts? – Not so Fast – 3PB

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, contracts, coronavirus, news by sally

‘Force majeure is a continental law (Civil Code) concept addressing, in very general terms, some event or circumstance that causes the inability to perform obligations under a contract.’

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3PB, 3rd April 2020


Mass Redundancy in a Covid-Crisis: Don’t Forget the Basics – Thomas More Chambers

Posted April 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, emergency powers, employment, news, redundancy by sally

‘Employers looking to make 20 or more employees redundant must comply with rigorous procedural safeguards under the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (“TULRCA”). Although the disruption caused by Covid-19 may force many employers to suddenly and unexpectedly consider a collective redundancy exercise, these safeguards remain unchanged by HM Government’s recent emergency legislation. Failure to follow the correct procedure can expose employers to liability for protective awards, although the current pandemic may well assist in establishing a defence of “special circumstances”.’

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Thomas More Chambers, 16th April 2020
