It’s not just what you say, it’s how you act in the courtroom – Re P (A Child: Remote Hearing) [2020] EWFC 32 – 5SAH

‘The family court has transformed in the last few weeks due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Remote court hearings were once deemed futuristic but as with other public services, the courts have had to adapt. However, in this judgment (Re P (A Child: Remote Hearing)), Sir Andrew McFarlane sent a clear message that not all hearings will be suitable for remote hearing.’

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5 SAH, 6th May 2020


Holiday Claims And COVID-19: What Options Do You Have If Your Travel Plans Are Disrupted? – 3PB

Posted May 12th, 2020 in airlines, chambers articles, coronavirus, holidays, insurance, news by sally

‘On 23rd March 2020 the UK government went into lockdown in an attempt to curb the spread of Covid-19 in the country. The Foreign and Commonwealth Office has advised British people against all non-essential travel abroad due to unprecedented border closures. In relation to cancelled travel plans, the FCO further advised travellers to get in touch with their airline, travel company, or other transport and accommodation provider, or their insurer. However, recent reports in the media suggest that some holidaymakers who have requested refunds have instead been offered credit notes, or deferred bookings. Many are, of course, concerned that deferred bookings might not suit them due to inability to travel at a later stage, or where credit notes have been offered, that these might not be viable if the companies go bankrupt. Some have also turned to their banks; in a number of cases, without success.’

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3PB, 4th May 2020


Responding to COVID-19 the Maritime Perspective in the UK – 3PB

Posted May 12th, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, news, ships by sally

‘We have reviewed the response to the Covid 19 crisis from international organisations and authorities and the UK Government and we have analysed responses from the cruise industry and UK ports. It is clear that protecting the health of those on ships and minimising the risk of transporting the coronavirus between different shores necessitates a focus on similar measures to those taken in society in general. These measures, however, need to be adapted to the very different environment on board ships.’

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3PB, 28th April 2020


Residential Possession Proceedings: Coronavirus Lockdown – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

‘Thus far, the two major steps taken in housing law to address the
current coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis are:
– CPR PD 51Z
– Coronavirus Act 2020 s.3 and Sch.29’

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4-5 Gray's Inn Square, 28th April 2020


Juries and Covid-19: protecting the right to a fair trial – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted May 12th, 2020 in coronavirus, human rights, juries, news by sally

‘With Covid-19 having driven jury-trials to a grinding halt, it is no overstatement to suggest that justice itself has been suspended.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 7th May 2020


Can I Trust The NHS’ Covid-19 Contact Tracing App? – Each Other

Posted May 12th, 2020 in computer programs, coronavirus, news, telecommunications by sally

‘Around 60 percent of the UK public will need to use the NHS’ Covid-19 contact tracing app for it to effectively quell the outbreak. But it has been warned that uptake will depend on whether the app “gives reason to be trusted”. EachOther asks experts their views on how trust is being earned and eroded.’

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Each Other, 7th May 2020


Coronavirus: Do I have to go back to work after lockdown? – BBC News

Posted May 12th, 2020 in coronavirus, employment, health & safety, news by sally

‘The government has started easing lockdown restrictions, with more people now encouraged to start returning to work.’

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BBC News, 11th May 2020


Jury trials to resume in England and Wales with physical distancing – The Guardian

Posted May 12th, 2020 in coronavirus, Crown Court, juries, news by sally

‘Jury trials will resume under physical distancing restrictions in a limited number of crown courts in England and Wales from 18 May, the lord chief justice has announced.’

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The Guardian, 11th May 2020


‘Join A Union’: Lawyers Warn Right To Refuse To Work Has Limits – Each Other

Posted May 12th, 2020 in coronavirus, employment, health & safety, news, trade unions by sally

‘Lawyers are urging people concerned by Boris Johnson’s back-to-work message to join a union and seek legal advice before exercising their right to refuse to work.’

Full Story

Each Other, 11th May 2020


Bereaved families seek ‘justice’ for UK victims of coronavirus – The Guardian

Posted May 12th, 2020 in bereavement, coronavirus, families, ministers' powers and duties, news by sally

‘Bereaved British families whose relatives died because of Covid-19 have formed a group to campaign for justice, demanding that the government accepts its failures may have contributed to their deaths.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 11th May 2020


Chief Coroner’s Guidance Number 37, Covid – 19 deaths and possible exposure in the workplace. When should a coroner open an investigation? – Park Square Barristers

Posted May 12th, 2020 in coronavirus, coroners, inquests, news, personal injuries by sally

‘An inquest can sometimes present the only opportunity for a family to ask questions about the circumstances leading to the death of a relative. It can also form an important part of the investigation into a potential claim for personal injury causing death. In relation to deaths arising from Covid – 19 those claims are likely to come from families of employees who have died following exposure to Covid – 19 in the workplace. This article reviews the Chief Coroner’s Guidance Number 37 (CCG 37) dated 28 April 2020 and the Notification of Death Regulations 2019 in considering when a coroner’s investigation should be opened in respect of a Covid – 19 death where possible exposure was in the workplace.’

Full Story

Park Square Barristers, 29th April 2020


Disabled claimant to challenge NHS England guidance restricting hospital visitors – Local Government Lawyer

‘A disabled woman has sent a pre-action protocol letter to NHS England over its “Visitor guidance”, which imposes restrictions on those entering hospitals.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 11th May 2020


Court issues guidance on e-bundles for short applications – Litigation Futures

Posted May 12th, 2020 in coronavirus, documents, electronic filing, news, time limits by sally

‘Counsel presenting short applications should be “retained in sufficient time” to enable them to advise on the contents of the electronic bundle, the High Court has recommended.’

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Litigation Futures, 12th May 2020


Old Bailey jury trials to resume this week – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted May 11th, 2020 in coronavirus, courts, criminal justice, Crown Court, juries, news, trials by sally

‘Two jury trials will resume at the Old Bailey this week as first steps toward Crown court cases restarting around the country. However, the criminal bar warned that a resumption of normal service “remains many weeks off”.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 10th May 2020


UK contact-tracing app could fall foul of privacy law, government told – The Guardian

‘The NHS contact-tracing app must not be rolled out across the UK until the government has increased privacy and data protections, an influential parliamentary committee has said, as rights groups warn that the current trial is unlawful under the Data Protection Act.’

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The Guardian, 7th May 2020


Stay? Maybe Stayed? No Stay? – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

‘Without, hopefully, being too flippant, the above are, essentially, the questions that the Court of Appeal will be considering tomorrow in relation to Practice Direction 51Z, in Arkin v Marshall.’

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4-5 Gray's Inn Square, 29th April 2020


Plans for early prisoner release shelved by government – BBC News

Posted May 11th, 2020 in coronavirus, early release, news, prisons, statistics by sally

‘Proposals to release some offenders from prison earlier than planned have been shelved by the government.’

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BBC News, 10th May 2020


Child Protocol in Criminal Cases – Garden Court Chambers

‘The impact of COVID-19 and the guidance from Government to take all precautions to avoid unnecessary contact, has seen understandable and unprecedented changes to the justice system. The Lord Chief Justice has announced that, where possible, criminal hearings should take place remotely and no new jury trials can begin, causing all future trials to be postponed.’

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Garden Court Chambers, 5th May 2020


Surge in stalking victims seeking help during UK lockdown – The Guardian

Posted May 11th, 2020 in coronavirus, harassment, internet, news, police, stalking, statistics by sally

‘Stalking support services and police forces have recorded a surge in perpetrators turning to online tactics to harass their victims during the coronavirus lockdown.’

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The Guardian, 8th May 2020


Coronavirus: Young offenders out of cells for 40 minutes a day – BBC News

‘Children at a young offenders institution have been let out of their cells for only 40 minutes a day due to coronavirus, a report has revealed.’

Full Story

BBC News, 7th May 2020
