Officers ‘wary’ as spit attacks rise in coronavirus pandemic – BBC News

‘Spitting attacks on police may be behind a national rise in assaults on emergency workers during lockdown, officials have said.’

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BBC News, 23rd May 2020


Campaigners in legal threat over “failure to collect data on deaths of those with learning disabilities and autism during COVID-19” – Local Government Lawyer

‘Disability campaigners have sent a letter before action to five public bodies over what they say has been a failure to mandate the collection and publication of data on the deaths of people with learning disabilities and autism during the coronavirus pandemic.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 21st May 2020


England and Wales face backlog of 40,000 criminal cases due to coronavirus – The Guardian

Posted May 26th, 2020 in coronavirus, courts, criminal justice, delay, news, remote hearings, statistics by sally

‘The criminal justice system in England and Wales is facing a backlog of 40,000 criminal cases, which will not be solved even if all crown courts are brought into service under physical distancing rules, the Criminal Bar Association has warned.’

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The Guardian, 24th May 2020


COVID-19: The ‘New Normal’ Experiences in the Employment Tribunal – Parklane Plowden

‘In 18th March 2020, the Presidents of the Employment Tribunal (Scotland) and (England and Wales) released Presidential Guidance.’

Full Story

Parklane Plowden, 11th May 2020


BSB outlines concern over post-virus ‘virtual’ chambers – Legal Futures

Posted May 22nd, 2020 in barristers, coronavirus, flexible working, news, pupillage by sally

‘Some chambers may choose to continue operating virtually once the Covid-19 crisis passes, with “significant implications” for their support services and collegiality, the Bar Standards Board (BSB) heard yesterday.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 22nd May 2020


Consumer Protection in the time of Covid-19 – Henderson Chambers

‘The Competition and Market Authority (“CMA”) has set up a task force to take action against companies which it considers are breaching consumer laws in the way in which they are dealing with the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic (for example, companies refusing to provide cash refunds for goods and services which have been disrupted). The CMA has robust enforcement powers such that businesses would be wise to be careful as to how they balance their commercial interests with consumer rights in these difficult times.’

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Henderson Chambers, 13th May 2020


Hundreds prosecuted for coronavirus-related attacks on emergency workers – The Guardian

‘More than 300 prosecutions for assaults on police and emergency workers were completed during the first month of lockdown, the director of public prosecutions, Max Hill QC, has revealed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 21st May 2020


E-Bundling Guidance for Remote Hearings – Falcon Chambers

Posted May 21st, 2020 in coronavirus, electronic filing, news, remote hearings by sally

‘As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, on 19 March 2020, the Lord Chief Justice delivered a message in respect of the Civil & Family Courts in which he said: “The default position now in all jurisdictions must be that hearings should be conducted with one, more than one, or all participants attending remotely.” Legal professionals are naturally anxious to know what may be expected of them in practically in preparation for such hearings.’

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Falcon Chambers, May 2020


New Guidance for Coroners on COVID-19 Deaths and Workplace Exposure – Henderson Chambers

Posted May 21st, 2020 in coronavirus, coroners, health & safety, news by sally

‘Concerns have been raised, not least by the bereaved families of key-workers in the frontline, about the possible link between workplace exposure to coronavirus and COVID-19 deaths. The Chief Coroner has now published his Guidance Note No 37 on whether, and how, coronial investigations into such deaths should be opened. This development highlights the likelihood that Coroners’ Courts will be the first fora in which issues over the adequacy and quality of the protection available to workers (whether by PPE or workplace procedures) will be investigated publicly. Given the significance of such issues, it is essential that organisations are prepared for such investigations and inquests.’

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Henderson Chambers, 10th May 2020


Transparency and risk assessments : A Covid-Catch 22 – Transparency Project

Posted May 21st, 2020 in coronavirus, courts, health & safety, HM Courts Service, news by sally

‘It is encouraging that HMCTS (Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service has published their organisational risk assessment, dealing with the broad approach to the assessment of risk around the attendance of public and professionals at court hearings during the Covid-19 outbreak. It is for others to comment on whether the apparent assumption that adherence to a two metre social distancing rule within court buildings will in fact be safe, though we note that some materials suggest that spending long periods of time in a confined room, especially an air conditioned one, is unlikely to be risk free. People can however, make up their own minds about that assessment and whether or not it is wise for them to attend court if not essential.’

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Transparency Project, 20th May 2020


Remote hearings in civil cases cannot just become ‘new normal’ – Litigation Futures

Posted May 21st, 2020 in civil justice, coronavirus, Law Society, news, remote hearings by sally

‘It is “vitally important” that remote hearings are not accepted as the “new normal” in the civil courts after the coronavirus pandemic passes without substantial work on the quality of justice delivered, the Law Society has warned.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 21st May 2020


Volume of work in Magistrates’ Courts needs to be increased, says Lord Chief Justice – Local Government Lawyer

Posted May 21st, 2020 in coronavirus, delay, magistrates, news by sally

‘The Lord Chief Justice has sent a message to magistrates saying the volume of work in the Magistrates’ Courts needs to be increased.’

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Local Government Lawyer, 20th May 2020


MPs and peers call for legal requirement to delete UK contact-tracing data – The Guardian

Posted May 21st, 2020 in bills, coronavirus, data protection, internet, news, select committees by sally

‘The government must legally swear to delete all the data it captures using the NHS Covid-19 contact-tracing app, a committee of MPs and peers has urged.’

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The Guardian, 15th May 2020


Planning and Re-starting the Housing Market – 4-5 Gray’s Inn Square

Posted May 21st, 2020 in construction industry, coronavirus, housing, news, planning by sally

‘Late on 12 May 2020, the Housing Secretary published a plan to re-start the housing market: The measures are intended to support the economy and make progress in an industry where much been paused during the lockdown.’

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4-5 Gray's Inn Square, 13th May 2020


Freedom of contract: Does it still exist? – Littleton Chambers

Posted May 21st, 2020 in chambers articles, contracts, coronavirus, enforcement, news by sally

‘A provocative title, to be sure.

But on 7 May 2020, HM Government published through the Cabinet Office a document entitled “Guidance on responsible contractual behaviour in the performance and enforcement of contracts impacted by the Covid-19 emergency” (the “Note”).’

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Littleton Chambers, 11th May 2020


Civil Justice Council Rapid Consultation: The impact of COVID-19 measures on the civil justice system – Transparency Project

Posted May 20th, 2020 in civil justice, consultations, coronavirus, courts, news, remote hearings by sally

‘Following the rapid consultation on the use of remote hearings in the family justice system, undertaken by the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory at the request of the President of the Family Division, the Civil Justice Council have now embarked on a similar consultation in relation to the civil courts.’

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Transparency Project, 19th May 2020


“Project Restart” or a false start: can professional sports clubs compel their players to return to the pitch and waive health and safety liability? – Littleton Chambers

Posted May 20th, 2020 in chambers articles, coronavirus, employment, health, health & safety, news, sport by sally

‘As elite-level leagues, sporting associations and other stakeholders debate whether competitions can be restarted in an era of physical distancing, it has been reported that some professional football and rugby clubs are proposing to require players to sign disclaimers in relation to the health risks posed by Covid-19 before they resume training.’

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Littleton Chambers, 14th May 2020


Anxiety among aspiring solicitors has “skyrocketed” – Legal Futures

Posted May 20th, 2020 in charities, coronavirus, mental health, news, paralegals, solicitors, statistics by sally

‘Anxiety among aspiring solicitors has “skyrocketed” as a result of the Covid-19 crisis, a survey has found, with 75% of trainees and paralegals expecting it to lead to “significant job losses at my level of seniority”.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 20th May 2020


Female barristers warn of “disproportionate attrition” during Covid-19 – Legal Futures

‘Female barristers have urged the courts and chambers to take action to avoid the coronavirus crisis leading to “further and disproportionate attrition of women from the Bar”.’

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Legal Futures, 20th May 2020


Ayshea Megyery summarises recent cases and research in respect of the impact of COVID-19 in the family courts – Park Square Barristers

‘Whether a case proceeds by remote hearing must be decided on the sometimes competing factors of the individual case. However, pushing forward to achieve remote hearings must not be at the expense of a fair and just process. The decision of the President distils a number of key principles to be borne in mind. Just because a matter can be heard remotely does not mean it must be. In this case the delay in proceedings was outweighed by the fact that the hearing could not be properly or fairly conducted without the physical presence of the mother before the judge in the courtroom. As a result of that decision, the President re-listed the matter until such time that the restrictions relating to Covid-19 are lifted.’

Full Story

Park Square Barristers, 14th May 2020
