Forcing law firms to publish prices could make consumers focus just on cost, Law Society warns – Legal Futures

Posted December 7th, 2017 in consumer protection, fees, law firms, news, publishing by sally

‘Forcing law firms to publish prices could “bias” clients in favour of choosing their solicitor on price rather than quality or consumer protection, the Law Society has warned.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 7th December 2017


Ticket resale sites could face court over consumer law concerns – The Guardian

Posted November 29th, 2017 in competition, consumer protection, internet, news by sally

‘Secondary ticketing firms could be fined or taken to court after a year-long investigation by the UK competition regulator uncovered “widespread concerns” about breaches of consumer law.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 28th November 2017


Goods Mortgages Bill ready to write off unfair law on logbook loans – Law Commission

Posted November 24th, 2017 in bills, consumer protection, loans, mortgages, press releases by tracey

‘The Law Commission has today published a new draft Bill to put the brake on unfair rules on logbook loans and usher in a new era of better protection for consumers.’

Full press release

Law Commission, 24th November 2017


City watchdog to regulate ‘addictive’ binary trading after scammers net £60m – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 15th, 2017 in consumer protection, financial regulation, gambling, news by tracey

‘The Financial Conduct Authority is to police firms offering “binary options” following complaints of large losses by consumers and the prevalence of scams.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 14th November 2017


Compensation for customers of failed investment firms to rise from £50,000 to £85,000 – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 31st, 2017 in compensation, consumer protection, financial regulation, news by sally

‘Investors who lose out when their firms go bust could now receive up to £35,000 more compensation under plans unveiled by the City watchdog.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 31st October 2017


Competition watchdog probes high-pressure tactics of hotel booking sites – The Guardian

Posted October 27th, 2017 in competition, consumer protection, hotels, internet, news by sally

‘Britain’s competition watchdog is to investigate hotel booking sites over concerns that consumers are being misled, pressured, and prevented from finding the best deals.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 27th October 2017


Government called on to let data breach victims force compensation – The Guardian

Posted October 24th, 2017 in bills, compensation, consumer protection, data protection, news, victims by sally

‘Consumer organisation Which? is calling on the government to create new rights for people who have been the victims of a corporate data breach.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 24th October 2017


Hip implant patients sue manufacturer – BBC News

Posted October 17th, 2017 in consumer protection, health, news, prosecutions by tracey

‘Hundreds of people who received allegedly faulty hip replacements are suing the manufacturer at the High Court. The hearing is thought to be one of the largest product liability group actions ever heard in the UK.’

Full Story

BBC News, 16th October 2017


Warning over fake lipstick after trading standards find level of lead could cause severe health problems – Daily Telegraph

Posted October 6th, 2017 in consumer protection, counterfeiting, news, poisoning, trading standards by tracey

‘A warning has been issued over fake lipstick after a court heard that the level of lead in counterfeit products can cause severe health problems. Paul Lamerton sold fake lipsticks on eBay and Facebook with 300 times the legal level of lead, and magistrates in Plymouth, Devon, were told that if used regularly the cosmetic could result in high blood pressure, cardiac, reproductive and neurological problems.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 5th October 2017


BSB proposes targeted approach to CMA disclosure recommendations: focuses on consumers who would benefit most – Bar Standards Board

Posted October 3rd, 2017 in barristers, competition, consultations, consumer protection, fees, news by sally

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today published a new consultation outlining its proposed response to the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) recommendations for more transparency about legal service providers’ fees, services and rights of redress for consumers.’

Full Story

Bar Standards Board, 2nd October 2017


Revealed: BSB set to expand price transparency obligation beyond public access to referral Bar – Legal Futures

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) will say today that new rules on publishing prices should extend to referral barristers as well as those handling public access work.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 2nd October 2017


London Trading Standards issue £370k fines to letting agents in three months – Local Government Lawyer

‘Trading Standards departments in London have issued fines amounting to around £370,000 to lettings agents in the last three months alone, it has emerged.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 27th September 2017


Ryanair law breach leaves UK regulator CAA ‘furious’ – BBC News

Posted September 28th, 2017 in airlines, consumer protection, enforcement, news by sally

‘Ryanair has been threatened with legal action for “persistently misleading” passengers about their rights following thousands of flight cancellations.’

Full Story

BBC News, 28th September 2017


UK pensions scheme calls on FCA to limit pensions freedoms –

Posted September 21st, 2017 in consumer protection, financial regulation, news, pensions by sally

‘The UK’s state-backed pensions scheme, the National Employment Savings Trust (NEST), has asked for limits to be put on pensions freedoms to protect its members from losing retirement savings.’

Full Story, 20th September 2017


FCA moves to clarify scope of regulation of account information services under PSD2 –

‘Service providers that help other businesses to pool information from different payment accounts on behalf of customers will not be subject to regulation under new UK payment services laws if they do not deliver the aggregated data to the customer themselves, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has confirmed.’

Full Story, 19th September 2017


Change in disciplinary standard of proof “will incentivise barristers to deliver good services”, says consumer panel – Legal Futures

Posted September 12th, 2017 in barristers, consumer protection, disciplinary procedures, news, standard of proof by tracey

‘The Legal Services Consumer Panel has given strong backing to the Bar Standards Board’s (BSB) proposal to reduce the standard of proof in disciplinary proceedings from the criminal to the civil standard.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 12th September 2017


Ofgem to tear up the rule book on energy customer contact – Daily Telegraph

Posted September 7th, 2017 in consumer protection, energy, news, regulations by tracey

‘The energy industry’s regulator is planning to tear up the rule book governing how suppliers must communicate with their customers in a radical shift away from the prescriptive dictats of the past.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 6th September 2017


Will UK consumer law destroy the care home market? – The Guardian

Posted August 23rd, 2017 in care homes, care workers, competition, consumer protection, news by sally

‘Adult social care is on the financial ropes. Last year it was the introduction of the “national living wage”, this year it’s the requirement to backdate pay for sleep-in shifts. In both cases, the government is being urged to step in to prop up care providers.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 22nd August 2017


Christopher Boxall discusses and explains ‘Excursions’ – Park Square Barristers

Posted August 22nd, 2017 in airlines, appeals, consumer protection, costs, EC law, news, regulations by sally

‘The case concerned a claim by over 600 Turkish passengers against two airlines for failing to honour flights that they had booked to Cyprus. Legal advice was obtained and a meeting with solicitors was arranged by a committee at a local community centre, where CFAs were signed.’

Full Story

Park Square Barristers, 7th August 2017


Tougher laws to protect 10 million Britons who book holidays online – The Guardian

Posted August 15th, 2017 in consultations, consumer protection, holidays, internet, news by sally

‘Travellers booking package holidays online are to receive greater protection if a holiday company goes bust, under government proposals to strengthen rules.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 14th August 2017
