TRM Copy Centres Ltd v Lanwall Services Ltd – Times Law Reports

Posted June 24th, 2009 in bailment, consumer credit, contracts, law reports by sally

TRM Copy Centres Ltd v Lanwall Services Ltd

House of Lords

“The essence of hire was that the hirer acquired the use and possession of goods from the provider in return for a rent, whether payable in cash or kind.”

The Times, 24th June 2009


TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd and others v Lanwall Services Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted June 18th, 2009 in bailment, consumer credit, contracts, law reports by sally

TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd and others v Lanwall Services Ltd [2009] UKHL35; [2009] WLR (D) 190

“An agreement between the provider of photocopiers and the retailer in whose premises the photocopiers were located was not a consumer hire agreement within the meaning of s 15 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 if there was no obligation on the part of the retailer to make any payment in cash or kind for the hire of the photocopiers.”


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Payment Services Regulations laid before Parliament –

Posted February 10th, 2009 in consumer credit, news by sally

“The regulation of credit and debit cards and other payment services will be tightened in the UK from November. New rules were laid before Parliament yesterday that aim to deliver greater competition in the market for payment services.”

Full story, 10th February 2009


Credit card firms agree fairer terms – The Guardian

Posted December 12th, 2008 in consumer credit, interest, news by sally

“Credit card companies will no longer be able to raise interest rates overnight, and will only be able to implement an increase twice a year, under a new government agreement.”

Full story

The Guardian, 12th December 2008


TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd and ors v Lanwall Services Ltd – WLR Daily

Posted April 18th, 2008 in bailment, consumer credit, contracts, law reports by sally

TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd and ors v Lanwall Services Ltd [2008] EWCA Civ 382; [2008] WLR (D) 113

“The practice of placing machines on premises mainly for the use of persons other than the owner of the premises, who was paid a commission on its use, would not generally be a form of bailment by way of hire; it was necessary to look at the essential nature and commercial purpose of the agreement.”

WLR Daily, 17th April 2008


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Licence to lend: Consumer Credit Appeals Tribunals starts operating – Tribunals Service

Posted April 7th, 2008 in consumer credit, press releases, tribunals by sally

“A newly created tribunal, set up to ensure credit businesses have a more independent route of appeal against decisions by the Office of Fair Trading (OFT), starts work today, administered by the Tribunals Service.”

Press release (PDF)

Tribunals Service, 7th April 2008


Small print is ignored and needs a rethink, says Government study –

Posted November 20th, 2007 in consumer credit, consumer protection, news by sally

“Information requirements are an irritant for business and consumers routinely ignore the small print overload because it is turgid and confusing, according to a Government study. A new report calls for a rethink by policy-makers and businesses.”

Full story, 19th November 2007


Office of Fair Trading v Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Others – Times Law Reports

Posted November 12th, 2007 in consumer credit, consumer protection, extraterritoriality, law reports by sally

Credit card protection is extra-territorial

Office of Fair Trading v Lloyds TSB Bank plc and Others

House of Lords

“The right of consumers to hold United Kingdom credit card companies liable for a breach of contract by the retailer from whom they made a credit card purchase extended to transactions made overseas.”

The Times, 12th November 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.

The Draft Consumer Credit Appeals Tribunal Rules 2008 – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 6th, 2007 in consultations, consumer credit, tribunals by sally

“This consultation seeks views on the draft Consumer Credit Appeals Tribunals Rules 2008, which have been drafted  in line with the Act and current thinking and best practice within the Tribunals Service. The Rules also draw upon the advice set out in the Council on Tribunals’ ‘Guide to Drafting Tribunal Rules’.”

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 5th November 2007


Office of Fair Trading v Lloyds TSB Bank plc and others – WLR Daily

Posted November 2nd, 2007 in consumer credit, consumer protection, law reports by sally

Office of Fair Trading v Lloyds TSB Bank plc and others [2007] UKHL 48

“The right of consumers under s 75(1) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 to hold United Kingdom credit card companies liable for misrepresentation or breach of contract by the retailer from whom they made a credit card purchase extended to transactions made overseas.”

WLR Daily, 1st November 2007


Please note: once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Lords rule that credit card protection applies abroad – The Times

Posted November 1st, 2007 in consumer credit, consumer protection, news by sally

“Consumers who buy faulty goods or services abroad will be entitled to a refund from their credit card company, after a landmark legal judgment yesterday.”

Full story

The Times, 1st November 2007


Rampion and another v Franfinance SA and another – WLR Daily

Posted October 15th, 2007 in consumer credit, EC law, law reports by sally

Rampion and another v Franfinance SA and another (Case C-429/05)

“A consumer’s right under certain conditions, under art 11(2) of Directive 87/102 on consumer credit, to pursue remedies against the provider of finance to him under a credit agreement, applied to a credit facility allowing credit on a number of occasions as well as credit for a single transaction, and the right could not be made conditional on the prior offer of credit naming the goods or services being financed.”

WLR Daily, 4th October 2007


Please note once a case has been fully reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

Lords to rule on overseas credit card protection –

Posted October 5th, 2007 in consumer credit, electronic commerce, news by sally

“A forthcoming decision by the House of Lords could seriously dent confidence in cross-border e-commerce. The Lords have been hearing arguments in the case this week.”

Full story, 5th October 2007


TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd. and others v. Lanwall Services Ltd. – WLR Daily

Posted July 24th, 2007 in consumer credit, law reports by sally

TRM Copy Centres (UK) Ltd. and others v. Lanwall Services Ltd.

“It was a necessary precondition of a consumer hire agreement under s 15 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974 that some consideration for the hire was paid by or on behalf of the hirer. Agreements providing for payment to be made only when equipment was used were not consumer hire agreements within s 15.”

WLR Daily, 23rd July 2007


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the following WLR Daily summary is removed.

A million debtors face court action – Daily Telegraph

Posted May 31st, 2007 in consumer credit, debts, news by sally

“Up to a million households struggling with rising living costs and lured by offers of easy credit will face court action over their debts this year.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 31st May 2007


Hurstanger Ltd v Wilson and Another – Times Law Reports

Posted May 11th, 2007 in agency, consumer credit, law reports by sally

Borrower’s informed consent necessary

Hurstanger Ltd. v. Wilson and Another 

Court of Appeal 

“Before Lord Justice Waller, Lord Justice Tuckey and Lord Justice Jacob Judgment April 4, 2007 Where a lender knew that a broker acted on behalf of a borrower and agreed to pay the broker commission, the borrower had to give informed consent.”

The Times, 11th May 2007


Please note the Times Law Reports are only available free on Times Online for 21 days from the date of publication.