Nurses and midwives set to face three-yearly checks – BBC News
“Nurses and midwives in the UK look set to face three-yearly checks from the end of 2015 under proposals being put forward.”
BBC News, 6th September 2013
“Nurses and midwives in the UK look set to face three-yearly checks from the end of 2015 under proposals being put forward.”
BBC News, 6th September 2013
“Proposed new guidance recommends that decisions of the family courts should always be published, unless there are compelling reasons against publication. Sir James Munby, President of the Family Division of the High Court, has issued the proposed judiciary guidance to facilitate the ‘need for greater transparency’ in the family courts.”
RPC Privacy Law, 4th September 2013
“Whilst cases often raise issues of constitutional importance, seldom has the subject matter of a legal claim related to matters of such constitutional moment as that concerning the discovery of the mortal remains of Richard III.”
UK Constitutional Law Group, 29th August 2013
“Plans for future wind farms in Britain could be in jeopardy after a United Nations legal tribunal ruled that the UK Government acted illegally by denying the public decision-making powers over their approval and the ‘necessary information’ over their benefits or adverse effects.”
The Independent, 27th August 2013
“The judge gave the Allliance permission to seek judicial review of the Secretary of State’s decision about re-burial. But I question the result – does the Alliance really have a legal right to be consulted about where Richard III is to be re-buried?”
UK Human Rights Blog, 22nd August 2013
“Generally, any landlord who wishes to enter into a qualifying long term agreement (‘QLTA’), viz. an agreement for a term of more than 12 months (subject to certain exceptions) as a result of which any tenant will pay a service charge of more than £100 (‘the appropriate amount’) for the relevant service charge period, must either consult in accordance with the Service Charges (Consultation Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI 2003/1987) (‘the Regulations’) or obtain a dispensation from the First-Tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) (‘PC’). Failure to consult will result in the relevant service charge being capped at the appropriate amount.”
Hardwicke Chambers, 13th August 2013
“Four in 10 people sent to crown court to be sentenced could have been dealt with by magistrates, saving valuable time and money, the justice minister will say on Wednesday.”
The Guardian, 14th August 2013
“A High Court judge has rejected claims that a council unlawfully decided to introduce a ‘maximum expenditure policy’ on funding for adult care packages where people choose to live in the community.”
Local Government Lawyer, 12th August 2013
“The Secretary of State (SoS) was correct to conclude that the demolition of a Victorian Chapel to pave the way for a housing regeneration scheme was an independent project and therefore did not require an environmental impact assessment (EIA), a High Court judge has ruled.”, 7th August 2013
“The government is asking for people’s views about whether current penalties for dog offences are severe enough.”
Home Office, 6th August 2013
“Owners of dogs that kill people could face life imprisonment if an online consultation run by the government demonstrates public support for more severe penalties.”
The Guardian, 6th August 2013
“Members of the public given an extra six weeks to have their say on stop and search after consultation extended to 24 September.”
Home Office, 30th July 2013
“Tough new laws designed to protect the public from aggressive bailiffs are being implemented by Government.”
Ministry of Justice, 30th July 2013
“The government has been accused of deliberately delaying moves to outlaw caste discrimination despite agreeing to extend legal protection to the tens of thousands of people in the UK who are from traditionally lower status Asian backgrounds.”
The Guardian, 29th July 2013
“Government proposals to restrict legal aid for judicial review will turn the clock back 50 years and perpetrate ‘significant and damaging injustice’, a retired Court of Appeal judge has warned.”
Law Society’s Gazette, 29th July 2013
“Victims of asbestos-related disease are to be offered a process for out-of-court compensation along the lines of the RTA Portal, under proposals to support mesothelioma sufferers announced by the Ministry of Justice today.”
Law Society’s Gazette, 24th July 2013
“On July 2, in a Commons statement, Mrs Theresa May, the Home Secretary, said she was initiating a six-week public consultation about the use of stop and search. On July 16, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary (HMIC) published a highly critical report – Stop and Search Powers: Are the police using them effectively and fairly? ( By the end of the year, Mrs May said, the Government would respond to both the HMIC report and the public consultation.”
Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 20th July 2013
“Following the long process of consideration and consultation, the new tribunal rules take effect from 29th July 2013. David Reade QC examines the new Tribunal and Fees regime in a paper entitled ‘NEW ERA OR PLUS ÇA CHANGE’ that he delivered at the ELA this month.”
Full story (PDF)
Littleton Chambers, 15th July 2013
“This is a consultation produced by the President of the Family Division’s Working Group detailing the proposed amendments to the Non-Contentious Probate Rules 1987.”
Judiciary of England and Wales, 17th July 2013