Consultation Paper “Transforming Legal Aid: Next Steps” Response on Behalf of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple – The Inner Temple

“This response is made by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, one of the four Inns of Court, to which all barristers must belong.”

Full story (PDF)

The Inner Temple, November 2013


Civil justice reform – another crack in the wall? – Halsbury’s Law Exchange

“The government’s response to the consultation paper on whiplash claims has recently been published. Within it, the government scraps the idea of raising the small claims limit for personal injury claims to £5,000; a measure which would capture most road traffic claims in the UK. It was seen by many as a pivotal brick in the Jackson campaign for proportionate costs, as it would fix the costs entitlement for most whiplash claims at fixed commencement costs for small claims. This would net a significant saving in adverse costs payments at a national level. So, why was a measure of seemingly vital importance discarded so summarily by the government?”

Full story

Halsbury’s Law Exchange, 15th November 2013


Regulation fees paid by claims management companies – Ministry of Justice

Posted November 15th, 2013 in claims management, consultations, fees by tracey

“This consultation invites views on the fees for applications for authorisation and annual fees for the regulation year 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 for claims management companies.”

Full press release

Ministry of Justice, 15th November 2013


Consultation on out of court disposals – Attorney General’s Office

Posted November 14th, 2013 in cautions, consultations, penalties, press releases by tracey

“This consultation paper outlines the existing out of court disposals (OOCDs) landscape and provides an opportunity for the public and practitioners to share their thoughts and experiences of OOCDs and their use, and consider how they might be reformed.”

Full press release

Attorney General’s Office, 14th November 2013


Pay a fee to skip the passport queue, under new Home Office plans – Daily Telegraph

Posted November 13th, 2013 in airports, consultations, fees, immigration, news, passports, pilot schemes by tracey

” British holidaymakers and business travellers who pay an extra fee to the Home Office will be allowed to skip the passport queue at the airport, under new plans outlined by the Home Office on Tuesday. A consultation paper said ministers were drawing up plans to extend ‘premium fast-track processing’ which is currently only available to some first and business class passengers at Heathrow. The proposal is one of a number of new ideas being floated to cover more of the immigration service’s costs by raising more revenue from passengers.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 12th November 2013


City solicitors urge MoJ to withdraw “premature” consultation on defamation costs protection – Litigation Futures

Posted November 12th, 2013 in consultations, costs, defamation, news, privacy, solicitors by tracey

“City solicitors have urged the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to withdraw its consultation on costs protection in defamation and privacy claims because it does not deal with the central issue of how eligibility for protection will be assessed.”

Full story

Litigation Futures, 7th November 2013


Targeted consultation on immigration and visa charging principles – Home Office

Posted November 12th, 2013 in consultations, fees, immigration, visas by tracey

“Targeted consultation on immigration and visa charging principles.”

Full consultation

Home Office, 12th November 2013


Hospital closures and the rule of law – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted November 12th, 2013 in appeals, consultations, hospitals, news, rule of law by tracey

“Trust Special Administrator appointed to South London Healthcare NHS Trust v. LB Lewisham & Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign [2013] EWCA Civ 1409, 8 November 2013. It takes a bit of time to close a hospital or make major changes to it. This is because you must go through a complicated set of consultations with all those likely to be affected before action can be taken. Many, if not most, people say this is a good thing, and Parliament has embedded these duties of consultation in the law.”

Full story

UK Human Rights Blog, 8th November 2013


Consultation on new powers for the Forensic Science Regulator – Home Office

Posted November 8th, 2013 in codes of practice, consultations, forensic science by tracey

“A consultation on strengthening the powers of the Forensic Science Regulator has been launched today.”

Full consultation

Home Office, 8th November 2013


Transforming Legal Aid: Next Steps – Consultation Response by Garden Court Chambers – Garden Court Chambers Blog

Posted November 7th, 2013 in barristers, consultations, criminal justice, fees, law firms, legal aid, news, solicitors by tracey

“Garden Court Chambers have formulated the below response to the Ministry of Justice consultation document ‘Transforming Legal Aid: Next Steps.’ The response reiterates Chambers’ strong opposition to the cuts to legal aid.”

Full story

Garden Court Chambers Blog, 1st November 2013


Five disabled people win independent living fund appeal – The Guardian

“Five disabled people have won their court of appeal bid to overturn the government’s decision to abolish the independent living fund (ILF).”

Full story

The Guardian, 6th November 2013


Lord Chief Justice: public should decide if Islamic veil should be allowed in court – Daily Telegraph

“The most senior judge in England and Wales says a public consultation will open on the ‘divisive’ subject soon.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 5th November 2013


Lord Chief Justice suggests using Skype and FaceTime in courts – The Independent

“Video-call technology such as Skype and FaceTime could be used to allow criminal defendants to take part in court hearings from home, the most senior judge in England and Wales has said. In his first press conference, the new Lord Chief Justice, Lord Thomas, said the use of such applications could reduce the cost of hearings held in the run up to a trial.”

Full story

The Independent, 5th November 2013


Last chance to comment on OFT consultation on online games – Technology Law Update

Posted November 5th, 2013 in consultations, consumer protection, internet, news, undue influence by sally

“The OFT recently published a consultation paper on its proposed eight new sector-wide principles in relation to online and app-based games. Whilst the principles will not be legally binding, they make clear the OFT’s views on businesses’ obligations under consumer protection law. The principles were proposed following the results of the OFT’s investigation in April 2013 which highlighted concerns about pressure put on children to make in-game purchases because of pressure to do so within the games. It was found that, in some games, parents were unwittingly incurring large bills due to their children being misled by aggressive practices which exploited their inexperience and vulnerability (for example, by implying that other players or characters within a game were reliant on the consumer paying for something). The OFT considered that these types of practices may amount to undue influence.”

Full story

Technology Law Update, 5th November 2013


Views sought on guideline hourly rates – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted November 4th, 2013 in consultations, law firms, news, remuneration by sally

“The Costs Committee of the Civil Justice Council (CJC) has issued a call for evidence to assist it in making recommendations for Guideline Hourly Rates (GHR) for 2014.”

Full story

Judiciary of England and Wales, 1st November 2013


Bar Council responds to legal aid consultation: MoJ is putting cuts before justice – The Bar Council

Posted November 1st, 2013 in barristers, consultations, criminal justice, legal aid, news by sally

The Bar Council, which represents barristers in England and Wales, has today responded to the Ministry of Justice’s (MoJ) second consultation on legal aid cuts, launching a profound and reasoned criticism on the Department for putting instant savings above the long-term health of the justice system.

Full story

The Bar Council, 1st November 2013


FCA outlines plans to tighten regulation in asset management industry –

Posted November 1st, 2013 in conflict of interest, consultations, financial regulation, news, speeches by sally

“The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is to conduct a review into the asset management industry in an effort to understand whether payment arrangements between asset managers and brokers give rise to conflicts of interest in the market.”

Full story, 31st October 2013


‘Cash for crash’ fraud – sentencing in the criminal courts by Bronia Hartley – Zenith Chambers

Posted October 30th, 2013 in accidents, appeals, conspiracy, consultations, fraud, insurance, news, road traffic, sentencing by sally

“The Court of Appeal in the recent case of McKenzie [2013] EWCA Crim 1544 dismissed the Defendant’s appeal against the sentence of 15 months’ imprisonment imposed by the Crown Court following his conviction after trial for a fraud committed in the context of false insurance claims in the form of ‘cash for crash’ incidents.”

Full story

Zenith Chambers, 25th October 2013


Jeremy Hunt loses appeal as Lewisham hospital cuts ruled illegal – The Guardian

“The health secretary suffered another embarrassing legal defeat on Tuesday when appeal court judges ruled he had acted illegally in cutting A&E and maternity services at Lewisham hospital in south-east London.”

Full story

The Guardian, 29th October 2013


The IALS Think Tank on Law Reform – Institute of Advanced Legal Studies

Posted October 29th, 2013 in consultations, Law Commission, news, universities by sally

“The IALS Think Tank is an initiative aiming to collect the valuable expertise of the many Fellows and staff of the IALS, invite proposals for law reform, selecting the most appropriate one, offering feedback and advice for its refinement, endorsing the final product, and submitting it to the Commission in time for its consideration in the public consultation for its programmes.”

Full story

Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, 22nd October 2013
