Bookmakers sign up to voluntary watchdog – The Guardian

Posted September 15th, 2014 in advertising, consultations, gambling, licensing, news, ombudsmen by tracey

‘Three of the four big high street bookmakers have signed up to a new voluntary watchdog in the hope of preempting a raft of tough statutory measures that threaten the prevalence of betting shops, high-speed roulette machines and aggressive punter-recruitment adverts promising “free money”.’

Full story

The Guardian, 15th September 2014


Bar Standards Board launches consultation on entity authorisation fees – Bar Standards Board

Posted September 12th, 2014 in barristers, consultations, fees, legal services, press releases by tracey

‘The Bar Standards Board (BSB) has today issued an open consultation paper outlining its ideas on how much it should charge for authorising entities. Entities are organisations that provide advocacy, litigation, and expert legal advice services and which, in this instance, are owned and managed by barristers and other lawyers.’

Full press release

Bar Standards Board, 11th September 2014


Domestic Violence Update – the latest developments practitioners need to know about – Family Law Week

‘Mandip Ghai, solicitor and legal officer, with Rights of Women, updates practitioners on developments in the prevention of domestic violence.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 11th September 2014


Finance & Divorce Update – Family Law

‘Jessica Craigs, senior solicitor and Amy Starnes solicitor, both of Mills & Reeve LLP analyse the financial remedies and divorce news and cases published by Family Law Week in August.’

Full story

Family Law Week, 5th September 2014


Guardianship of the property and affairs of missing persons – Ministry of Justice

Posted August 28th, 2014 in consultations, guardianship, missing persons, news, powers of attorney by sally

‘When a person goes missing, there is currently no legal mechanism for another person to manage his or her affairs during his or her absence. This can lead to the dissipation of the missing person’s assets (for example, through uncancellable Direct Debits) and the deterioration or loss of assets (for example, through lack of maintenance or failure to meet financial obligations, such as mortgage payments).’

Full story

Ministry of Justice, 27th August 2014


New legal powers for families of missing people on the horizon – Daily Telegraph

Posted August 28th, 2014 in consultations, families, guardianship, missing persons, news, powers of attorney by sally

‘Campaign by Claudia Lawrence’s father Peter leads to proposals to give relatives of missing loved ones power over their financial affairs.’

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 27th August 2014


Open consultation – Revised PACE code A – Home Office

Posted August 26th, 2014 in codes of practice, consultations, police, stop and search by tracey

‘This consultation runs until Monday 20 October 2014. The draft code has a covering note and detailed table outlining the changes and their purpose with links to the paragraphs concerned.’

Full press release

Home Office, 26th August 2014


Judges could hear information rights tribunal cases on their own –

‘Judges could determine the outcome of some information rights tribunal cases on their own in future under just-published proposals.’

Full story, 19th August 2014


Consultation: High Court Family Orders – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted August 20th, 2014 in consultations, family courts, press releases by tracey

‘Mr Justice Mostyn and his team have produced the third batch of proposed standard form orders for discussion and comment.The President and Mr Justice Mostyn will very much welcome and value comments from as many people as possible.’

Full press release

Judiciary of England and Wales, 19th August 2014


Consultation: Family Transparency – The next steps – Judiciary of England and Wales

Posted August 20th, 2014 in consultations, family courts, pilot schemes, practice directions by tracey

‘This consultation, on behalf of the President of the Family Division, Sir James Munby, invites comments on the next steps of the Transparency reform.’


Judiciary of England and Wales, 19th August 2014


Domestic abuse crime considered by ministers – BBC News

‘A new crime of domestic abuse could be created under plans being considered by ministers. Home Secretary Theresa May is consulting on creating the offence in England and Wales as part of attempts to improve police performance. Existing law already covers coercive and controlling behaviour – but it does not explicitly apply to relationships.’

Full story


BBC News, 20th August 2014


Information Tribunal Consultation – Panopticon

Posted August 18th, 2014 in consultations, judiciary, news, tribunals by tracey

‘The Senior President of Tribunals, Sullivan LJ, has launched a consultation paper on altering the composition of the First-tier Tribunal (General Regulatory Chamber) in some Information Rights cases. With the support of GRC Chamber President, Judge Warren, it is proposed to remove the requirement that a judge sit with two non-legal members and allow the Chamber President flexibility to direct that certain cases be heard by a judge alone.’

Full story

Panopticon, 18th August 2014


Graham Allen: Kick-starting the debate on a codified constitution for the UK – UK Constitutional Law Association

Posted August 14th, 2014 in constitutional reform, consultations, news, select committees by sally

‘Does the United Kingdom need a codified constitution? It’s a question on which generations of law students will have had to write essays, burning the midnight oil and scribbling or tapping away into the night, rehearsing the pros and the cons. But I want it to be something else: the start of a lively and passionate public debate that could result in real change to our country’s democratic set-up.’

Full story

UK Constitutional Law Association, 14th August 2014


Regina (An Taisce (The National Trust for Ireland)) v Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change – WLR Daily

Regina (An Taisce (The National Trust for Ireland)) v Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change [2014] EWCA Civ 1111; [2014] WLR (D) 367

‘The Secretary of State was not required by Parliament and Council Directive 2001/92/EC to conduct a transboundary consultation with the Republic of Ireland before granting planning permission to construct a nuclear power station near the Irish state if he was convinced that it was not “likely to have significant effects on the environment in another member state”, within article 7 of the Directive.’

WLR Daily, 1st August 2014


The latest on cuts: Lessons for authorities following R (Draper) v Lincolnshire CC – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted August 7th, 2014 in budgets, consultations, judicial review, libraries, local government, news by sally

‘Mr Justice Collins has handed down judgment in the latest case borne out of government cuts. The judgment provides useful learning to local authorities in particular on how to comply with new duties in relation to expressions of interest under the Localism Act 2011, writes Leon Glenister.’

Full story

Hardwicke Chambers, 5th August 2014


UK government to assess whether virtual currencies should be regulated –

‘The UK government is to review the trade in virtual currencies to investigate whether it should regulated.’

Full story, 6th August 2014


Energy price riggers to face jail under new proposals – BBC News

‘Anyone found guilty of rigging wholesale gas and electricity prices faces up to two years in jail, under new proposals by the government.’

Full story

BBC News, 6th August 2014


Consulting on library cuts – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted August 4th, 2014 in budgets, consultations, libraries, local government, news by sally

‘Local authorities proposing sensitive budget cuts inevitably cross minefields laden with lethal legal ordnance. This generally includes volatile consultation and equalities devices. But following the decision of Collins J on 17 July in Draper v Lincolnshire County Council [2014] EWHC 2388 (Admin), consultation may have become more complex.’

Full story

Law Society’s Gazette, 4th August 2014


Plans outlined to amend tax rules to enable new simplified reporting of VAT owed for supply of digital services –

Posted July 31st, 2014 in consultations, EC law, news, regulations, taxation, VAT by michael

‘Proposed amendments to UK tax rules are being consulted on by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) to recognise a new simplified mechanism that is being introduced for reporting VAT owed on the supply of digital services following changes to EU laws.’

Full story, 30th July 2014


Law Commission urges full reform project on data sharing and public bodies – Local Government Lawyer

Posted July 22nd, 2014 in consultations, data protection, Law Commission, news, privacy, reports by sally

‘The Law Commission has this month recommended that a full law reform project should be carried out “in order to create a principled and clear legal structure for data sharing, which will meet the needs of society”.’

Full story

Local Government Lawyer, 21st July 2014
