Law Society “must show it listens to solicitors” about cost of practising – Legal Futures

‘The Law Society and Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) need to do more to show that they take on board what solicitors have to say about the cost of practising, the Legal Services Board (LSB) has warned.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 12th October 2020


Law Commission’s consultation on marriage reforms – Law Society’s Gazette

‘When most couples start planning a wedding, they excitedly think about the day itself – what they will wear, who they will invite and of course, where they want to get married.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 24th September 2020


Misogyny ‘should become a hate crime in England and Wales’ – The Guardian

‘Misogyny should be made a hate crime in England and Wales, according to the independent body that recommends legal changes, as part of an overhaul of legislation.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 23rd September 2020


Law Commission consults on reforms to confiscation regime – Local Government Lawyer

Posted September 22nd, 2020 in confiscation, consultations, enforcement, Law Commission, news, proceeds of crime by sally

‘The Law Commission has launched a consultation on proposals to reform the confiscation regime which it says “could help recover an extra £8m per year from convicted criminals, by more accurately and efficiently determining a defendant’s criminal proceeds and more effectively enforcing confiscation orders”.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 21st September 2020


Data protection representative actions consultation opened –

‘The UK government is considering whether to allow non-profit organisations to make data protection regulatory complaints and bring court claims on behalf of individuals without their consent.’

Full Story, 14th September 2020


Drivers who kill others could receive life sentences under new laws – BBC News

‘Drivers who kill others after speeding, racing or using a phone could receive life sentences under new legislation.’

Full Story

BBC News, 14th September 2020


New stop and search powers for convicted knife criminals – Home Office

‘Serious Violence Reduction Orders (SVROs) are designed to ensure repeat offenders are more likely to be caught and put in prison.’

Full press release

Home Office, 14th September 2010


Stop and search: Ministers launch consultation on extending powers for known knife offenders – The Independent

‘Ministers have launched a consultation to give police greater powers to stop and search individuals with prior knife convictions.’

Full Story

The Independent, 14th September 2020


Greater protections for victims of online abuse proposed by Law Commission – Law Commission

‘The Law Commission has today published proposals to better protect victims from harmful online behaviour including abusive messages or emails, cyberflashing, and pile-on harassment. Reforms to tackle the malicious sharing of information known to be false have also been proposed.’

Full press release

Law Commission, 11th September 2020


Law Society takes legal action against the Legal Aid Agency – Family Law

Posted September 11th, 2020 in consultations, costs, judicial review, Law Society, legal aid, news by tracey

‘The Law Society has lodged a judicial review against the Legal Aid Agency (LAA) after claiming that they failed to consult properly around a decision to move legal aid cost assessments in-house.’

Full Story

Family Law, 8th September 2020


Government pledges post-Brexit qualifications recognition – Legal Futures

‘The UK government will put in place a temporary system to recognise the professional qualifications of EU lawyers post 1 January 2021 if no agreement is reached before Brexit, it has confirmed.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 28th August 2020


A Conflict at the Heart of the Planning White Paper (And Some Skateboarding References)- Guildhall Chambers

‘Whilst much could be (and most of it has already been) written about the Government’s recent white paper on planning, two things struck me in particular.

First, how generous of Whitehall to offer such fertile ground to article-writing lawyers and other commentators searching for occupation during Covid-enforced idleness. There is only so much nourishment available via Zoom, and anyway, in terms of professional development, thanks to my planning bar colleagues and their prodigious supply of webinars (manifestly exceeding the need, whether assessed on a 5 year supply, standardised, or any other basis of your choice) all of us now know literally everything about the current policy and legislative regime that there is to know. Or at least, most of us do. Others have employed the unexpected gift of time more imaginatively: my two young sons and I, for example, are on the verge of perfecting the Frontside 180, which I reckon isn’t at all bad for three pre-lockdown non-skateboarders.’

Full Story

Guildhall Chambers, 25th August 2020


Law Society warns of “havoc” if courts depart from EU law – Litigation Futures

Posted August 20th, 2020 in brexit, consultations, EC law, news, precedent, Supreme Court by sally

‘The Law Society has warned of “legal havoc” if the High Court and Court of Appeal, as well as the Supreme Court, are allowed to depart from EU case law after the Brexit transition period.’

Full Story

Litigation Futures, 18th August 2020


LSB demands greater transparency on practising fees – Legal Futures

‘Legal regulators will have to explain more clearly how they spend their practising certificate fees (PCF) under revised rules proposed by the Legal Services Board (LSB).’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 14th August 2020


Lord Chancellor accepts unlawfulness of new Legal Aid scheme for immigration and asylum appeals – Garden Court Chambers

‘On 8 June 2020 the Civil Legal Aid (Remuneration) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) Regulations 2020 (the Amendment Regulations) came into force. The Amendment Regulations established a new fee regime for the remuneration of legal aid providers for appellants whose asylum and immigration appeals are being dealt with under a new Online Procedure which had previously been in pilot phase, but was rolled out widely by the First-tier Tribunal (FtT) in mid-March 2020.’

Full Story

Garden Court Chambers, 12th August 2020


Model Code of Conduct consultation – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Most councillors work with tireless dedication to provide, promote and lead best-quality and responsive local services in their areas. But for their pains they can often be subject to rude abuse. Even Samuel Pepys, writing on 17 March 1662, recorded his Lord Mayor as “a talking, bragging Bufflehead” (blockhead) and was “confident there is no man almost in the City cares a turd for him”. On the other hand, the dark ghost of “Donnygate” haunts public perceptions of council members’ conduct. On 13 March 2002, the Guardian reported that: “The worst local government corruption case since the Poulson scandal of the 1970s ended yesterday” when former Doncaster planning chairman, Peter Birks, was imprisoned for four years and two former council leaders and two former mayors were among 21 councillors convicted of fraud.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 3rd August 2020


Consultation to update Victorian-era transfer of ownership rules – Law Commission

Posted July 29th, 2020 in consultations, Law Commission, news, sale of goods by tracey

‘The Law Commission has today [27 July 2020] launched a consultation on draft legislation to reform Victorian-era rules which still apply to consumers today.’

Full Story

Law Commission, 27th July 2020


Government consults on extending the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 – Family Law

‘Government consults on extending the Adoption and Children (Coronavirus) (Amendment) Regulations 2020.’

Full Story

Family Law, 28th July 2020


Tougher sentences for attacks on emergency workers considered – BBC News

Posted July 13th, 2020 in assault, consultations, emergency services, imprisonment, news, sentencing by sally

‘Plans to double the maximum jail term for criminals who assault emergency workers to two years are being considered by the government.’

Full Story

BBC News, 13th July 2020


Immigration solicitors permanently banned from unregulated firms – Legal Futures

‘Solicitors handling immigration work can only do so from organisations overseen by a legal regulator or the Office of the Immigration Services Commissioner (OISC), the Solicitors Regulation Authority has decided.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th July 2020
