Former Director of Public Prosecutions says no question of conflict in News Corporation advice – Daily Telegraph

Posted July 13th, 2011 in conflict of interest, Crown Prosecution Service, interception, media, news by tracey

“Lord Macdonald of River Glaven, the former Director of Public Prosecutions, last night denied there was a conflict of interest when he advised Rupert Murdoch’s media company over the News of the World scandal.”

Full story

Daily Telegraph, 13th July 2011


Joujou and others v Masri – WLR Daily

Posted July 7th, 2011 in appeals, conflict of interest, enforcement, jurisdiction, law reports by sally

Joujou and others v Masri [2011] EWCA Civ 746; [2011] WLR (D) 219

“Judicial comity prevented the court from threatening contempt proceedings against judicial administrators who were refusing on instructions from the foreign court which appointed them to comply with a order of a High Court judge.”

WLR Daily, 28th June 2011


Gard Marine and Energy Ltd v Tunnicliffe and others – WLR daily

Posted October 8th, 2010 in conflict of interest, insurance, jurisdiction, law reports, news by sally

Gard Marine and Energy Ltd v Tunnicliffe and others [2010] EWCA Civ 1052; [2010] WLR (D) 242

 “Where, by reference to the Lugano Convention and art 6(1) of the Judgments Regulation, one was considering whether it was expedient to hear and determine claims within the jurisdiction order to avoid the risk of irreconcilable judgments resulting from separate proceedings, regard was to be had, inter alia, to the question whether the claims arose out of the same situation in law and fact.”

WLR Daily, 7th October 2010


Please note once a case has been reported in one of the ICLR series the corresponding WLR Daily summary is removed.

SRA acts on City calls to launch conflicts review – Legal Week

Posted October 30th, 2008 in conflict of interest, law firms, news by sally

“The Solicitors Regulatory Authority (SRA) is to launch a review into the conflict rules governing all solicitors after calls from leading firms and the City of London Law Society (CLLS) to increase flexibility for City firms.”

Full story

Legal Week, 30th October 2008


Anthony Julius caught in conflict of interest row – The Times

Posted September 4th, 2008 in conflict of interest, news, solicitors by sally

“Mishcon de Reya, the law firm, and its star solicitor Anthony Julius have become embroiled in a High Court dispute involving an allegation of professional impropriety, it emerged today.”

Full story

The Times, 3rd September 2008


Justice Cranston rules himself out of foxhunting case – The Times

Posted July 29th, 2008 in conflict of interest, hunting, judges, news by sally

“A High Court judge ruled himself out of a case involving hunting yesterday after it emerged that he had spoken out against the sport’s ‘barbarity’ and voted for a ban when he was an MP.”

Full story

The Times, 29th July 2008


Law minister is forced to give up power over political cases – The Times

Posted January 29th, 2008 in attorney general, conflict of interest, news by sally

“The Attorney-General has been forced to drop the task of instigating criminal proceedings in political cases such as ‘cash for honours’ after fallout from a series of apparent conflicts of interest.”

Full story

The Times, 29th January 2008


Conflict of interest costs Freshfields lawyer £59,000 – The Times

Posted August 6th, 2007 in conflict of interest, news, solicitors by sally

“Barry O’Brien, a former head of corporate finance at Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, has been fined £9,000 and has agreed to pay a further £50,000 in costs over his conflicted role in Philip Green’s aborted takeover of Marks & Spencer.”

Full story

The Times, 2nd August 2007


Judicial bias ruling could encourage others to try their luck – The Times

Posted June 13th, 2007 in conflict of interest, judges, special report by sally

“A recent case involving the BBC suggests we may be in danger of letting allegations of bias against judges become a tactical ploy.” 

Full story

The Times, 13th June 2007



Judges given option to sack lawyers in high-cost cases – The Lawyer

Posted June 4th, 2007 in conflict of interest, delay, news, trials by sally

“The Lord Chancellor Lord Falconer has outlined plans that will see lawyers who cause delays to court cases replaced, following the collapse of BCCI and Equitable.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 4th June 2007


Proposals to create judicial powers to manage conflict of interest and capacity issues in very high cost cases – Ministry of Justice

Posted May 31st, 2007 in conflict of interest, consultations, delay, trials by sally

“This consultation invited comments on proposals to give trial judges in VHCCs the power to order the withdrawal of representation where there was a conflict of interest or lack of capacity on the part of defence representatives, such that it could impede the efficient progress of the trial. The summary of responses outlines the conclusions reached on the options and how we intend to proceed.”

Proposals to create judicial powers to manage conflict of interest and capacity issues in high cost cases [CP R 17/06]


Falconer outlines plans to end high cost trial delay – Ministry of Justice

Posted May 31st, 2007 in conflict of interest, delay, press releases, trials by sally

“Lawyers who cause costly delays to court cases in England and Wales could be replaced in plans for speedier and more efficient trials, Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice Lord Falconer said today.”

Ministry of Justice press release, 31st May 2007

Full story
