Subpostmasters ‘vindicated’ as high court finds IT system had ‘bugs and defects’, paving way for further legal action – Daily Telegraph

Posted December 17th, 2019 in accounts, computer programs, malicious prosecution, news, postal service by tracey

‘Former subpostmasters who brought legal action against the Post Office say they have been “vindicated” after the High Court finds that their IT system had “bugs and defects,” paving the way for further legal action.’

Full Story

Daily Telegraph, 16th December 2019


Mark Duggan shooting report challenged by human rights groups – The Guardian

‘The official report into the police shooting of a man whose death sparked the 2011 riots is facing a new challenge from human rights investigators who say a virtual model of the shooting shows its main conclusion is wrong.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 5th December 2019


Crypto statement a ‘watershed’ for English law – Law Society’s Gazette

‘In its first substantive output since being announced a year ago, the LawTech Delivery Panel last week posted good news for anyone developing, or working with, products based on blockchain encryption technology.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 25th November 2019


Refreshing legal clarity on cryptocurrencies and smart contracts – Technology Law Update

Posted November 20th, 2019 in computer programs, contracts, cryptocurrencies, electronic commerce, news by sally

‘A UK Government-backed task force has reviewed the status of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts under the existing law. In a new Legal Statement, they offer some welcome clarity to these evolving technologies.’

Full Story

Technology Law Update, 19th November 2019


Cryptoassets and smart contracts valid in English law – Law Society’s Gazette

‘Assets and contracts created with blockchain-type encryption technology have validity under existing English law, a high-powered group of legal experts chaired by a senior member of the judiciary reported today.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 18th Novembe 2019


Rise of the algorithms – UK Human Rights

‘The use of algorithms in public sector decision making has broken through as a hot topic in recent weeks. The Guardian recently ran the “Automating Poverty” series on the use of algorithms in the welfare state. And on 29 October 2019 it was reported that the first known legal challenge to the use of algorithms in the UK, this time by the Home Office, had been launched. It was timely, then, that the Public Law Project’s annual conference on judicial review trends and forecasts was themed “Public law and technology”.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 4th November 2019


Chaotic court system threatens justice for vulnerable, say MPs – The Guardian

‘The most vulnerable in society are at risk of being excluded from access to justice due to poor digital skills, lack of legal advice, court closures and “dilapidated” courthouses, MPs have warned in a damning critique of the government’s modernisation programmes.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 31st October 2019


Bar offers free app to report bullying and harassment – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted September 10th, 2019 in artificial intelligence, barristers, bullying, computer programs, harassment, news by tracey

‘The Bar Council has turned to artificial intelligence to help barristers report bullying and harassment quickly and anonymously.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 9th September 2019


Electronic signatures are valid, confirms Law Commission – Law Commission

‘Electronic signatures can be used to execute documents, including where there is a statutory requirement for a signature, the Law Commission has today confirmed. This means that, in most cases, electronic signatures can be used as a viable alternative to handwritten ones.’

Full press release

Law Commission, 4th September 2019


Epic jail: inside the UK’s optimised ‘super-prison’ warehouses – The Guardian

Posted September 2nd, 2019 in computer programs, imprisonment, news, prisons, statistics, violence by sally

‘Inmate deaths are up by 20% in the UK, the most incarcerated nation in western Europe. Can prisons designed using virtual reality modelling undo the harm?’

Full Story

The Guardian, 2nd September 2019


Manchester police have ‘massive backlog’ of uncharged suspects due to IT issue – The Guardian

Posted August 16th, 2019 in computer programs, criminal records, news, police by tracey

‘Police in Greater Manchester have been unable to charge many suspects since the introduction of a new £27m computer system, leading to a massive backlog, lawyers have claimed.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th August 2019


Legal charities urge government to delay whiplash reforms – Legal Futures

‘Four leading legal charities have urged the government to delay next year’s whiplash reforms over fears that litigants in person and the organisations supporting them will be overwhelmed by the new regime.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th August 2019


Flawed Home Office app stops EU citizen getting settled status – The Guardian

Posted July 15th, 2019 in brexit, citizenship, computer programs, government departments, news by tracey

‘EU citizens who have been in the UK for fewer than five years and apply to remain in the UK after Brexit face further uncertainty because of a flaw in the Home Office phone app, it has emerged.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 15th July 2019


Gauke: no more court closures – for now – Legal Futures

‘There will not be another round of court closures for the time being, but this may change as technology takes hold, justice secretary David Gauke said yesterday.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th July 2019


LSB report: Buy-in vital for legal technology regulation – Legal Futures

‘Achieving buy-in for technology regulation from everyone involved in lawtech – from developers to users – is crucial to it working well, a new analysis has suggested.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th July 2019


Robots Over Rationality? The Use of Algorithms to Assess Visa Applications – Drystone Chambers

‘Traffic light coding has been used to determine green ‘low risk’ applications with ‘positive attributes and evidence of compliance’, amber ‘medium risk’ ‘with limited evidence or equally balanced evidence of negative and positive attributes so potential for refusal’ and red ‘high risk applications, appearing to have a greater likelihood of refusal because of the individual’s circumstances’. The coding is based on responses to a set of yes or no questions.’

Full Story

Drystone Chambers, 24th June 2019


Revealed: Children to be exempt from whiplash portal – for now – Legal Futures

‘Children and protected parties are to be exempt from the increase in the small claims limit and the new whiplash portal – at least for now – Legal Futures can reveal.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 8th July 2019


Chancellor of the High Court talks about the future on visit to Germany – Courts and Tribunals Judiciary

‘On a two-day visit to Germany, the Chancellor of the High Court, Sir Geoffrey Vos, met with judges, lawyers and officials in Bavaria and Berlin to discuss Lawtech and the work of the Business and Property Courts. He spoke at the Palace of Justice in Munich on the position of English law and UK jurisdiction after Brexit to an audience of 120 judges, lawyers and business people, all members of the British Chamber of Commerce in Germany and the Munich Juridical Society.’

Full press release

Courts and Tribunals Judiciary, 21st May 2019

Court modernisation “undermining access to justice”, lawyers tell MPs – Legal Futures

‘Criminal and civil lawyers have spelt out to MPs on the justice select committee a catalogue of ways in which court modernisation is undermining access to justice.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 22nd May 2019


The Data Protection Act v Machine Learning Algorithms – UK Human Rights Blog

Posted May 13th, 2019 in artificial intelligence, computer programs, data protection, news by sally

‘Machine learning algorithms increasingly regulate our lives making decisions about us in finance, education, employment and justice. Ultimately, it will become pervasive in most, if not all aspects of decision making in the foreseeable future. But what is a machine learning algorithm? How does it decide? What rights do data subjects have? This article aims to answer all three of these questions.’

Full Story

UK Human Rights Blog, 10th May 2019
