BA faces prospect of multiple lawsuits – The Times

Posted May 18th, 2007 in competition, news by sally

“British Airways’ admission that there have been ‘breaches of its competition policy’ – a legalistic way of owning up to having cheated on ticket prices – opens the airline up to the potential for multiple lawsuits.”

Full story

The Times, 18th May 2007


Sky is abusing its position to destroy us, says Virgin – The Guardian

Posted April 27th, 2007 in competition, media, news by sally

“Cable TV operator Virgin Media has accused Rupert Murdoch’s BSkyB of trying to weaken and eventually eliminate it with anti-competitive behaviour, according to high court papers filed against the satellite broadcaster.”

Full story

The Guardian, 27th April 2007


OFT proposal to encourage civil disputes ignites fierce debate – Legal Week

Posted April 26th, 2007 in competition, fees, law firms, news by sally

“Controversial proposals to encourage private competition claims by introducing larger success fees have sparked intense debate among the UK’s legal profession.”

Full story

Legal Week, 26th April 2007


Lords reject European competition appeal court – The Times

Posted April 23rd, 2007 in competition, EC law, news by sally

“Calls for the creation of a new EU competition court to hear appeals over European Commission (EC) decisions on the legality of large mergers and acquisitions have been rejected by a House of Lords committee.”

Full story

The Times, 23rd April 2007


Suing a cartel should be easier, says OFT –

Posted April 19th, 2007 in competition, news by sally

“Consumers and businesses harmed by cartels and other anti-competitive practices should be better placed to recover their losses, according to the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) which launched a consultation on changing competition rules this week.”

Full story, 19th April 2007


Lawyers wooed to antitrust litigation – Financial Times

Posted April 19th, 2007 in competition, fees, news by sally

“Lawyers could be allowed to earn bigger success-related fees on private antitrust cases in an effort to encourage them to tackle such litigation, Britain’s competition watchdog has suggested.”

Full story

Financial Times, 18th April 2007


OFT says ‘yes’ to private competition enforcement – The Lawyer

Posted April 18th, 2007 in competition, news by sally

“The OFT will today release a discussion paper, which will set out why representative actions should be made more broadly available, and will also encourage the settlement of cases without going to court.”

Full story

The Lawyer, 18th April 2007


Inquiry still seeks planning expert on supermarkets – The Times

Posted April 17th, 2007 in competition, news, planning by sally

“The Competition Commission is struggling to find an expert to advise on planning issues, which form a key part of its inquiry into the grocery market.”

Full story

The Times, 17th April 2007


Competition laws could keep RBS from getting ABN – The Times

Posted April 16th, 2007 in competition, news by sally

“The Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) consortium trying to gatecrash the £80 billion merger talks between Barclays and ABN Amro could have its approach scuppered on competition grounds.”

Full story

The Times, 16th April 2007


Virgin Media sues BSkyB in High Court – The Times

Posted April 13th, 2007 in competition, media, news by sally

“Virgin Media has filed legal proceedings against BSkyB in the High Court, making good a threat to sue the rival pay-TV group over a dispute over the carriage fees paid to air channels.”

Full story

The Times, 13th April 2007


‘Big step forward in music revolution’ as EMI drops copy protection – The Guardian

Posted April 3rd, 2007 in competition, news by sally

“Music group EMI yesterday scrapped copy protection on all its digital tracks in a move that was immediately hailed by Apple chief executive Steve Jobs as ‘the next big step forward in the digital music revolution’.”

Full story

The Guardian, 3rd April 2007
