Man sentenced for spitting at police during disorder – BBC News
‘A man who assaulted a police officer during disorder in Bristol has been sentenced.’
BBC News, 11th February 2025
‘A man who assaulted a police officer during disorder in Bristol has been sentenced.’
BBC News, 11th February 2025
‘Thousands of bereaved parents and children of victims of the infected blood scandal will be able to claim compensation for the first time under new proposed laws to be laid in parliament this month.’
The Guardian, 2nd February 2025
‘A mother has been paid £2,600 after her local council caused “significant anxiety” by failing to provide her autistic son with the right tutoring.’
BBC News, 3rd February 2025
‘In the world of personal injury law, we often deal with things that are easy – for example, calculating a simple loss of earnings over a short period of time. We sometimes deal with things which are a bit harder – for example, the approach to loss of earnings where due to an accident the Claimant is now under a disability. However, we sometimes have to bite the bullet and deal with things which are nasty. Pension loss, unfortunately, is one of them.’
Exchange Chambers, 3rd December 2025
‘A London mother-of-three has received an £8,500 settlement after a routine tooth extraction resulted in a fractured jaw, haemorrhage and a stay in intensive care.’
The Independent, 22nd January 2025
‘Following the 2024 Personal Injury Discount Rate (DR) review, the current DR of -0.25% will change to +0.5%, effective from 11 January 2025.’
St John's Chambers, 12th December 2024
‘The government is expected to reactivate a piece of legislation aimed at protecting free speech on university campuses. The Higher Education Freedom of Speech Act, which could have seen universities fined for failing to uphold freedom of speech, was passed under the previous, Conservative government in 2023. But its implementation was stopped shortly after Labour’s election win last summer over concerns the law was potentially damaging to student welfare. A government source has said the legislation is now being recommenced to make it workable.’
BBC news, 15th January 2025
‘Fr Stavros Bozos was the priest of the Greek Orthodox parish of the Three Hierarchs in Leeds, seconded from the Church of Greece and under the authority of the Archbishop of Great Britain and Thyateira. His contract of employment included celebrating the Divine Liturgy on Sundays and Great Feast Days and monthly at the Greek School, preaching at the Liturgy, catechism classes for children and adults, helping and supporting the community and church and taking care of the “cleanness and seemly appearance of the Church interior”. He had refused to work from the church after the COVID-19 lockdowns were lifted, insisting on working from home and arguing that he should not be obliged to commute to the church because the community’s computer was located at his home, making the commute a waste of time.’
Law & Religion UK, 10th January 2025
‘A former secretary can take legal action over her claims she was penalised for complaining about being served mouldy cheese.’
BBC News, 12th January 2025
‘In October 2022, child protection expert Prof Alexis Jay finished a seven-year inquiry into the countless ways children had been sexually abused in England and Wales.’
BBC News, 9th January 2025
‘Emma Greening reviews the case of Shakil v Samons Limited [2024] EAT 192, in which HHJ Tayler provides a useful recitation of how to approach quantum in an injury to feelings award.’
3 Paper Buildings, 19th December 2024
‘Alex Leonhardt reviews the case of L v The Commissioners for His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs [2024] UKFTT 001044 (TC), in which the FTT considers the question of taxation of a settlement of financial losses from discrimination, and in particular when it is said that the losses flow from being prevented from taking on work.’
3 Paper Buildings, 19th December 2024
‘Today the Law Commission publishes a consultation paper on compulsory purchase, as part of a review of the current law on compulsory purchase and compensation.’
Law Commission, 20th December 2025
‘A young man with Down’s syndrome and autism was left without suitable education for more than a year, an investigation found.’
BBC News, 6th January 2025
‘When an insurer is sued by a claimant under the Third Parties (Rights Against Insurers) Act 2010, can that insurer bring a contribution claim against another person whom, the insurer claims, is also liable to the claimant for the same loss as was caused by the insurer’s insured? That was the question for the Court in Riedweg v HCC, the first reported decision on this important point.’
Hailsham Chambers, 13th November 2024
‘Prismall v Google UK Ltd [2024] EWCA Civ 1516. This was not a class action but a representative action, pursuant to what is now Civil Procedure Rule (CPR) 19.8, for the tort of misuse of private information against the respondents Google UK Limited (Google) and DeepMind Technologies Limited (DeepMind). The action was on behalf of Mr Prismall and a class of persons said to number approximately 1.6 million.’
UK Human Rights Blog, 13th December 2024
‘The Archbishop of York Stephen Cottrell is facing calls to resign over his handling of a sexual abuse case, days before he takes temporary charge of the Church of England.’
BBC News, 16th December 2024