In-house lawyer facilitated sham £16m property schemes – Legal Futures

‘A solicitor who acted as head of legal and a “puppet director” for a variety of companies involved in sham £16m property schemes has been struck off.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 1st April 2020


Case highlights need for certainty in out of hours administration appointments –

‘The High Court ruled that it is not permissible for a notice of appointment of administrators by the directors of a company to be e-filed out of court hours. The court ruled that the defect was curable and that the appointment took effect at the time the court opened for business the next working day. This judgment adds to the growing number of conflicting cases about the validity and time of the appointment when notices are e-filed out of hours.

Full Story, 6th March 2020


Oh! What a tangled web we weave… – Nearly Legal

Posted March 4th, 2020 in company directors, damages, fines, housing, landlord & tenant, licensing, news by sally

‘In the case of Lifestyle Club Ltd, and its director, Gian Paulo Aliatis, that is what eventually happened in August 2019, with a £42,273 penalty in fines and costs (despite their policy of targeting overseas students as potential tenants on the basis that they wouldn’t understand the legal problems – this targeting is standard for all these ‘accommodation club’ companies). Unsurprisingly, Lifestyle Club Ltd opted for voluntary strike off of the Companies House register during the prosecution, in February 2019.’

Full Story

Nearly Legal, 3rd March 2020


The expansion of a director duty to act in the interests of the company – Hardwicke Chambers

Posted February 26th, 2020 in chambers articles, company directors, news, shareholders by sally

‘A director’s duty to act in good faith in the interests of the company is the cornerstone of a director’s position. This long standing obligation was revamped in the Companies Act 2006 with the introduction of a new requirement that directors should have regard to a package of concerns reflecting what has been described as “enlightened shareholder value”. Following the enactment of section 172 of the Companies Act 2006, when determining what is in the interests of the company, directors are required to look beyond the pursuit of profit and consider various factors and third parties stakeholders who could be affected by the decision.’

Full Story

Hardwicke Chambers, 24th February 2020


Wife’s guarantee to bank unenforceable due to husband’s undue influence (Syndicate Bank v Dansingani) – 4 New Square

‘Banking & Finance analysis: Ben Archer, barrister, at 4 New Square, examines a High Court decision that a guarantee given by the first defendant company director to secure the company’s liabilities to the claimant bank was enforceable but a similar guarantee given by the second defendant company director, who was the first defendant’s wife, was not enforceable as her execution of it had resulted from his undue influence.’

Full Story

4 New Square, 7th February 2020


High Court rules directors cannot buy assets of their liquidated company on the cheap – Local Government Lawyer

Posted January 30th, 2020 in company directors, company law, compensation, insolvency, news, valuation by tracey

‘The High Court has ruled that company directors cannot buy assets from their liquidated companies at below market value.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 30th January 2020


Director must compensate creditors for cut-price purchase from insolvent company – Law Society’s Gazette

Posted January 23rd, 2020 in company directors, company law, compensation, insolvency, news, valuation by tracey

‘Directors of insolvent companies should not be allowed to buy assets of the business on the cheap, the High Court has ruled. In Systems Building Services Group Limited [2020] EWHC 54 (Ch), the court this week ruled that a director is liable to pay the liquidators of his company money he saved by not placing a house owned by the company on the open market when the company went under.’

Full Story

Law Society's Gazette, 22nd January 2020


Liquidator’s firm liable for opponent’s costs after funding litigation –

Posted January 13th, 2020 in company directors, costs, insolvency, limitations, liquidators, news, third parties by tracey

‘The High Court has characterised a liquidator’s firm as a real party to the litigation which it funded as it stood to make financial gain from the action and was therefore found not to be a pure funder facilitating access to justice.’

Full Story, 10th January 2020


Barristers to lose out from Iraq claims firm’s liquidation – Legal Futures

‘Barristers instructed by now-defunct Birmingham law firm Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) are set to lose out significantly from its liquidation, although its collapse may yet spark legal action, it has emerged.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 13th January 2020


Director of lettings and property management agency jailed for two years over £230k fraud – Local Government Lawyer

‘The director of a lettings and property management agency who defrauded more than £230,000 from the landlords and tenants that were his clients has received a two-year prison sentence, following an investigation by Southampton City Council’s Trading Standards Service.’

Full Story

Local Government Lawyer, 19th December 2019


VAT recoverable on shareholder employee tax avoidance scheme says tribunal –

Posted December 11th, 2019 in company directors, employment, news, shareholders, tax avoidance, taxation, tribunals, VAT by tracey

‘Advice on incentivising employees in a tax efficient manner has a direct and immediate link to the purposes of the business and so VAT input tax should be recoverable, even if the employees are directors and shareholders, the UK’s First-tier Tribunal (FTT) has ruled.’

Full Story, 10th December 2019


Whose knowledge counts? Singularis v. Daiwa and Attribution – 4 New Square

Posted November 20th, 2019 in agency, company directors, company law, duty of care, fraud, news, Supreme Court by sally

‘Last week, the Supreme Court handed down its decision in Singularis Holdings Ltd v. Daiwa Capital Markets Europe Ltd [2019] UKSC 50. That case got the attention that it did because of the tension with the result in Stone & Rolls Ltd v. Moore Stephens. Others have dealt with the detail of the decision in Singularis (including an excellent article by my colleague, Mark Cannon QC). I want to look more generally at the issues created by attribution in a corporate context, and how the courts in recent years have approached them.’

Full Story

4 New Square, 6th November 2019


Boss jailed after racially abusing and defrauding security guard staff – The Independent

‘A company boss who racially abused workers when they complained about not being paid has been jailed for defrauding staff out of almost £60,000.’

Full Story

The Independent, 15th November 2019


Tribunal lifts practising controls from ABS accountant – Legal Futures

‘The Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (SDT) has lifted practising restrictions on a finance director who was sanctioned less than three years ago, over the objections of the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA).’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 11th November 2019


A Summary Of Recent Corporate Insolvency Cases – Hardwicke Chambers

‘Phillip Patterson provides a summary of recent corporate insolvency cases covering:

– Fraudulent trading;
– Misfeasance, transactions defrauding creditors and the duties of directors; and
– The out of court appointment of administrators.’

Full Story

Hardwicke Chambers, 9th October 2019


Boss of bogus law firm disqualified as director – Legal Futures

‘The head of a bogus solicitors’ firm has received a 10-year director’s disqualification for running the business with a total lack of integrity.’

Full Story

Legal Futures, 24th October 2019


MPs announce inquiry into Thomas Cook collapse – The Guardian

Posted September 27th, 2019 in auditors, company directors, holidays, inquiries, insolvency, news, select committees by tracey

‘MPs are to hold an inquiry into the role of “corporate greed” in the collapse of Thomas Cook, focusing on directors’ stewardship of the company, how much they were paid and how its accounts were prepared and signed off by auditors.’

Full Story

The Guardian, 26th September 2019


Lord Sales at the Anglo-Australasian Law Society, Sydney – Supreme Court

Posted September 6th, 2019 in climate change, company directors, environmental protection, speeches by tracey

‘Directors’ duties and climate change: Keeping pace with environmental challenges.’

Full speech

Supreme Court, 27th August 2019


Shareholder Disputes in Sport – 4 New Square

‘As the law of unfair prejudice in the conduct of companies’ affairs has developed, sports clubs (particularly football and rugby clubs) have proved to be fertile sources of disputes between shareholders. In this article, we examine unfair prejudice petitions which have concerned the sports sector to look at the effects of those decisions and at what we can learn not just about the sorts of shareholder disputes which arise in sports clubs but also what we can learn from those decisions and apply to shareholder disputes in other contexts.’

Full Story

4 New Square, 24th July 2019


Divorcee granted injunction against ex-husband’s holding company –

‘he High Court in England has granted an injunction against the holding company to which a wealthy Russian businessman transferred ownership of a luxury yacht in order to avoid enforcement of a £500 million divorce settlement, preventing the company from moving the yacht from where it is docked in Dubai.’

Full Story, 24th July 2019
